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Black hole is officially racist!?

Forrest Gump 9

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Scott is racist from the waste up.



As am I.


Glad I was late to this thread, I see my people have things well in hand.


(For bonus points, who are "My people"?)


Are you joking? Its not late enough in my day for me to be able to tell the difference yet...


LOL, apprently, someone was late to the "Clue Train"....


I wouldn't believe it myself, but I have been listening to him for years now.


lol. All I can do is laugh here.

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Did you just say all they do is bitch :wtf: I cant stand ingnorance of any color and based on your post I'm putting you in the I cant stand bucket.... I would highly suggest you do a better job of thinking before you post. The correct response is closer to "all the activist do is bitch". Or maybe even I cant stand people that bitch...


Typical... :cool:

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I wouldn't believe it myself, but I have been listening to him for years now. Watch the video, and tell me he doesn't have common sense.


"The only thing the Black Man, has against the White Man is HATE"


That guy is actually racist. I will rarely use that word, but in this case its true. He feels as though he is better than black people and disrespects the population as a whole. If he were to have a debate with any intelligent person(black, white, asian, etc) they would run circles around him. The worst part is it would be a waste of time because his head is so far up his ass that he would think he won after losing. He is probably more racist than a redneck kkk confederate flag t-shirt wearing n-word using trailer park nazi.

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"pride, not prejudice" :cool:


It may not be inherently racist, but by flying it, you are advertising an agreement in priciple with a standard of ethics that includes slavery and a beleif that one people group inherently has more value than another by virtue of their birth. If you were standing around with Beast, Scott and myself and had the guts to tell us that you thought slavery was a good idea, then I may be able to respect your flying of that flag. As it is, it's almost a brand identifier now. For instance, Kid Rock embraces the confederate flag as a personal symbol, while making his living through a meduim created by the urban African-American culture. For the record, if you subtract the money, intelligence, and the high moral standards from Kid Rock, you get a fair estimation of the type of person who still flies the confederate flag publicly.


Also, the confederates lost. When you are invaded and lose, you don't get to fly your flag anymore. That's just how that works. Ask Poland and France.

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The Confederate flag is not racist.


I have to agree, as a symbol itself, it isn't racist. Granted a few state flags from the south still had a hint of the confederate flag and I believe atleast one still does. It has it's history deep in the roots of how our country came to be, no doubt. But non the less, it is also still utilized in another way too.


I guess it's like anything in the world nowadays. Everyone is getting all butt hurt over simple words being used. I know racism as a whole isn't abolished from society, but it's not what it was even 40 to 50 years ago. Being "politically correct" seems to be the only way to be in society, or I should say is accepted. I'm pretty guilty of bashing those from middle eastern countries, and that's why some say I'll turn out to be Clint Eastwood's character from Gran Torino as an old man. :lol:

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