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BP CEO Taking shit?


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He should have taken his family and boat to the golf coast for the weekend. He could have motored his yacht through the oil to visited the familys of the people his company killed.


Look I understand the media scrutiny and how it can be blown way up. But to me this man is and should be held responsible for his companies actions. So the fact that this ass can hop a flight on a private jet and take his family overseas on a fucking Yacht for the weekend while thousands of people can't even walk, swim, fish or live near/ to their once clean beach is a fucking joke. HE is the damn CEO, like what was said before with great power and position come great responsibility. So while one of the nations and world largest ecological disasters continues I'm glad HE of all at least is able to find some enjoyment.


This post is full of LOL.... hop a jet and take his family overseas?! Do you know what BP stands for? BRITISH petroleum... his family lives in the UK. He went HOME to visit his family and took his son to a yacht race to spend some time with him over FATHER's DAY weekend.

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This post is full of LOL.... hop a jet and take his family overseas?! Do you know what BP stands for? BRITISH petroleum... his family lives in the UK. He went HOME to visit his family and took his son to a yacht race to spend some time with him over FATHER's DAY weekend.


:o I guess I should STFU then :lol: Either way.. FUCK em'

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:o I guess I should STFU then :lol: Either way.. FUCK em'


yeah, it's said that his family lives southwest of Kent, which is like 2 1/2 hours from where they spotted him sailing.


Seeing as how it was father's day weekend and it was near his family home, it's not a big deal.

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I have to say FUCK that dude. Regardless of what the situation was barring a death, he should be focused and working on the job at hand non-stop until this issue is over. This is our worst environmental disaster ever and we have not even started to see the effect of this. They wanted to be greedy and speed shit up to an unsafe pace, for an extra dollar and this is what they caused. This may not be his fault directly but it is definitly the companys fault and he runs the company so it falls on him. He gets paid big money for a big job and this falls under that umbrella. I dont feel sorry for him a bit. This all happened for nothing more than simple greed and this is not even their country. They don't give a shit about what they have done to us. Maybe this is payback to them for all those fricken record profits.
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I have to say FUCK that dude. Regardless of what the situation was barring a death, he should be focused and working on the job at hand non-stop until this issue is over. This is our worst environmental disaster ever and we have not even started to see the effect of this. They wanted to be greedy and speed shit up to an unsafe pace, for an extra dollar and this is what they caused. This may not be his fault directly but it is definitly the companys fault and he runs the company so it falls on him. He gets paid big money for a big job and this falls under that umbrella. I dont feel sorry for him a bit. This all happened for nothing more than simple greed and this is not even their country. They don't give a shit about what they have done to us. Maybe this is payback to them for all those fricken record profits.


You also realize that he did this after BP reduced his personal role in the cleanup right?

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Yeah but it does not help if you stop going to BP to fill up. Think of the owner of that gas station. It was not his fault BP screwed up. Unless its a corporate owned station then I fully agree.

That would be like me not paying you to take pictures for me because Cannon/Nikon (whichever you shoot) did something wrong.


The BP stations still buy BP gas which benefits BP, thus I feel bad for them as owners, but hopefully they don't own just one brand station.


Okay, well then on that note. Lets just say for perspective sake that I managed to screw up my employees pay...... How would you feel about me? Would you be as understanding at that point knowing that you had to let bills slip a week late and pay late fees or not be able to get gas or food.


No where near the same situation. We had a payroll fubar at our company and the CEO paid everyone based on all sales reps hitting 100%. Why? because it was going to be well into January when the situation was resolved and it was the right thing to do. It was an easy fix with the stroke of a pen. The situation in the gulf is no where near as easy as the BP CEO Just writing a check. Although they will be doing plenty of that.


It is just in bad taste. I am sure theres things he can do to relax that are not going to be caught on camera. To be seen doing rich people things like yacht racing would inferiate me to no end if I am losing everything I hold dear.


Bad taste, but again, I don't get to judge "what he does" with His time. Yacht racing would infuriate you, but then should I feel bad for spending $8k on a camera lens when my neighbor is losing his home?


You also realize that he did this after BP reduced his personal role in the cleanup right?



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Your neighbor doesnt make your camera lens $8k. The way I see it, they have no right to destroy what potentially belongs to all of us. When asked why high powered people receive so much compensation they state its because they put up with alot and take great risk. I would think that not appearing to have a good time for a few months might fall under those circumstances. I think its bad when he doesnt at least appear to be compassionate to whats going on. He was payed greatly for taking a risk should a shit storm ever hit and here it is, time to pay the piper and play the game.
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Your neighbor doesnt make your camera lens $8k. The way I see it, they have no right to destroy what potentially belongs to all of us. When asked why high powered people receive so much compensation they state its because they put up with alot and take great risk. I would think that not appearing to have a good time for a few months might fall under those circumstances. I think its bad when he doesnt at least appear to be compassionate to whats going on. He was payed greatly for taking a risk should a shit storm ever hit and here it is, time to pay the piper and play the game.


would you have skipped father's day after not seeing your children, who are on a different continent for a month?

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Yes, the CEO deserves the heat he's taking - just my humble opinion. It was a questionable move at best. Of course, it's easy for us to criticize in hindsight. Still, though, he should have been better.


And LJ, quit with the lame "but it was Father's Day" bit. There's no rule that says fathers are obligated to go yachting on Father's Day. There are a hundred things he could have done to quietly spend a meaningful day with his children that didn't involve calling a bunch of unwanted attention to himself.

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Your neighbor doesnt make your camera lens $8k. The way I see it, they have no right to destroy what potentially belongs to all of us.


Not sure what you mean by my neighbor and costs...and of course they don't have a right to destroy anything. They never "intended" to do that nor do I feel he's portraying that they could care less.


When asked why high powered people receive so much compensation they state its because they put up with alot and take great risk. I would think that not appearing to have a good time for a few months might fall under those circumstances. I think its bad when he doesnt at least appear to be compassionate to whats going on.


I don't think he's not showing compassion. I think he's responding with people jumping down "his" throat about shit that he wasn't directly involved with. Hell, I'm pissed about the whole thing, but I'm just as pissed that people are trying to blame one man...and ironically, likely the man least likely to be connected to the day to day of an oil rig.


He was payed greatly for taking a risk should a shit storm ever hit and here it is, time to pay the piper and play the game.


He's not paid for taking risks...he's paid to manage a business with an insane number of people, many of which are worker bees. A group of which, somewhere along the way, made some bad decisions.

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Yes, the CEO deserves the heat he's taking - just my humble opinion. It was a questionable move at best. Of course, it's easy for us to criticize in hindsight. Still, though, he should have been better.


And LJ, quit with the lame "but it was Father's Day" bit. There's no rule that says fathers are obligated to go yachting on Father's Day. There are a hundred things he could have done to quietly spend a meaningful day with his children that didn't involve calling a bunch of unwanted attention to himself.


The lame bit? sorry, but he is allowed to do whatever he wants near his home with his child on father's day after being away from his family for months. Maybe his son's favorite thing is yachting and was looking forward to he and his dad being in the race? BP already took some of his personal responsibility for the cleanup away days before he went home. Obama has golfed more than Bush did in his whole term while running a war. While Americans are overseas dying, he is out golfing, having fancy dinners, etc. Maybe he should stay home and do things a little less public and in the face of soldier's families.

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Obama has golfed more than Bush did in his whole term while running a war. While Americans are overseas dying, he is out golfing, having fancy dinners, etc. Maybe he should stay home and do things a little less public and in the face of soldier's families.


Please....maybe he'll stop planning to take my hard earned money to cover health care for everyone. If I wanted that, I'd move to Canada.

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The lame bit? sorry, but he is allowed to do whatever he wants near his home with his child on father's day after being away from his family for months. Maybe his son's favorite thing is yachting and was looking forward to he and his dad being in the race? BP already took some of his personal responsibility for the cleanup away days before he went home. Obama has golfed more than Bush did in his whole term while running a war. While Americans are overseas dying, he is out golfing, having fancy dinners, etc. Maybe he should stay home and do things a little less public and in the face of soldier's families.


1. Yes, the CEO can do whatever he wants. However, what he opts to do might be met with backlash. That's what this entire thread is about.


2. So maybe we should blame the son for all of this, since he really likes yachting and, well, the CEO dad is absolutely powerless to tell his son something like, "Um, no, we aren't going yachting this year son. After all, it's Father's Day, not Son's Day, so it looks like I'll be the grown-up here and call the shots." Yeah, that makes sense, let's go with that.


3. No wait, I like your "but Obama is a real jerk" angle a bit better. Yes, really, this is all Obama's fault. Maybe while we're at it we can pinpoint Obama as the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

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1. Yes, the CEO can do whatever he wants. However, what he opts to do might be met with backlash. That's what this entire thread is about.
And I am saying he is deserve the backlash ESPECIALLY after BP has said he isn't in charge of the cleanup anymore.


2. So maybe we should blame the son for all of this, since he really likes yachting and, well, the CEO dad is absolutely powerless to tell his son something like, "Um, no, we aren't going yachting this year son. After all, it's Father's Day, not Son's Day, so it looks like I'll be the grown-up here and call the shots." Yeah, that makes sense, let's go with that.
Interesting angle, glad you said it and not me. I am saying that the man is probably a good father and wanted to spend time with his son doing something they enjoy


3. No wait, I like your "but Obama is a real jerk" angle a bit better. Yes, really, this is all Obama's fault. Maybe while we're at it we can pinpoint Obama as the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

You're smarter than to say stupid shit like that. I never inferred or said anything of the sort. I expect better from you. Glad you like making up arguments that were never made.

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Yes, really, this is all Obama's fault. Maybe while we're at it we can pinpoint Obama as the second gunman on the grassy knoll.


Isn't it just as ironicallly "in bad taste" to see on the news tonight that Obama is taking a vacation? Shouldn't he be just as hard at work on the matter. I mean afterall, he is The PODUS vs CEO of BP, this is on our waters and affecting our land.


Just saying.....


Good discussion today!

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Isn't it just as ironicallly "in bad taste" to see on the news tonight that Obama is taking a vacation? Shouldn't he be just as hard at work on the matter. I mean afterall, he is The PODUS vs CEO of BP, this is on our waters and affecting our land.


Just saying.....


Good discussion today!


I mean that's all I was saying. Never said anything was Obama's fault, but you can't be ok with the President taking these high visibility vacations, then rip Hayward's ass for taking a weekend off. It's called hypocrisy.

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I mean that's all I was saying. Never said anything was Obama's fault, but you can't be ok with the President taking these high visibility vacations, then rip Hayward's ass for taking a weekend off. It's called hypocrisy.


I follow you completely. The last part is exactly what got me going to start a thread.

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And I am saying he is deserve the backlash ESPECIALLY after BP has said he isn't in charge of the cleanup anymore.


Interesting angle, glad you said it and not me. I am saying that the man is probably a good father and wanted to spend time with his son doing something they enjoy



You're smarter than to say stupid shit like that. I never inferred or said anything of the sort. I expect better from you. Glad you like making up arguments that were never made.


The first thing you said doesn't make any sense and I think it's because of a typo. I think you meant to say he doesn't deserve the backlash because BP has said he isn't in charge of cleanup anymore. I respectfully disagree with that opinion, but not really as much as what you might think I do. I just think it was a judgment error on his part to go yachting right now. He should have picked something else to do.


The second thing you said doesn't make sense to me either, but I can't blame that on a typo. I think it's because you just completely missed the sarcasm in my post. Here's the point: dads aren't obligated to do extravagant things with their kids on Father's Day.


As for your third point, I'm glad you can appreciate my level of ultra-awesome brain powah. Still, though, I think you did actually bring up Obama, not me. Did you not re-read your post? I even quoted it - you started talking about how Obama golfs more than Bush and a bunch of other stuff, and the inference was fairly clear to me. Am I taking crazy pills here?


Isn't it just as ironicallly "in bad taste" to see on the news tonight that Obama is taking a vacation? Shouldn't he be just as hard at work on the matter. I mean afterall, he is The PODUS vs CEO of BP, this is on our waters and affecting our land.


Just saying.....


Good discussion today!


You didn't make a thread about The PODUS, you made a thread about the CEO of BP. Make another thread and I might comment in it about how much of a douche Obama has seemed in someway or another. Obama's lack of judgment is no excuse for the CEO's.

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would you have skipped father's day after not seeing your children, who are on a different continent for a month?


Yes, if it is my fault that that people died and millions of lives ruined, billions in damages all because of cost cutting measures that I have allowed to happen. My kids would understand, plus it's fathers day, why do I have to make the effort of seeing them? Should it be the other way around? I don't see how the ass fuck can go home and spend times with his family when there are families with no fucking food, no money, their way of life ruined. I'm pretty sure the 11 people that died on the oil rig have kids too. What about them? I don't think I can ever justify the CEO going home to spend time with his family. That's just me. If they cut down his role in the clean up effort. Go pick up a bucket of soap water and help the clean up effort. He makes most the money with BP is profitable. He should be taking most of the responsibility when BP fucks up. But has he? No!


He's not paid for taking risks...he's paid to manage a business with an insane number of people, many of which are worker bees. A group of which, somewhere along the way, made some bad decisions.


It isn't a group of worker bees that made the bad decesision. I am pretty sure is a few executives that the CEO hired that made the bad decision.

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I don't see how the ass fuck can go home and spend times with his family when there are families with no fucking food, no money, their way of life ruined. I'm pretty sure the 11 people that died on the oil rig have kids too. What about them? I don't think I can ever justify the CEO going home to spend time with his family. That's just me. If they cut down his role in the clean up effort. Go pick up a bucket of soap water and help the clean up effort. He makes most the money with BP is profitable. He should be taking most of the responsibility when BP fucks up. But has he? No!


so did Bush do shit during Katrina? How many ficking ranch vacations did he take during that? Did he lift one finger to care for his own people? Did he get 1/2 the jabbing a company CEO is getting? He was the PODUS and that area is still left ficked up with him not caring one bit.


How about Obama? Where is he off to? Vacation.


It isn't a group of worker bees that made the bad decesision. I am pretty sure is a few executives that the CEO hired that made the bad decision.


The guys on the rig are not without blame. If my boss told me to do something that could result in anything even close to this big of a problem I sure as fuck wouldn't roll the dice or have fear of losing my job. Not when facts are there to back up my call. However if the executives made the call then have hem come clean this shit up. The CEO doesn't have first hand responsibility. He has overall accountability and his time will come. But to say he has to be there 24/7 is dumb. He has to run the company and do "his job". I suppose though he could just say fuck it and walk away.

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Only saying this because katrina was brought up... Dont you find it amazing how so many people and celebs made the biggest deal in the world when katrina happend and they were willing to do whatever they suppossedly could to help out. was that because it was mother nature to blame and we all know she was not going to fix the situation so we had to. Where are all the celebs now??? I have only herd of a candful trying to help but now even though this is going to be the biggest disaster we ahve faced there is a actual real person to post blame on so does everyone feel it is not there responsibility to help out???


I am sure if all the celebs donated some of their billions to the clean up and fix of the pipe it would be done in weeks time not months.



But then again I am also sure If bp took out there checkbooks and bit the bullet on this one they could get things done much quicker and in turn not leave a bad taste in everyone (the consumers) mounth and still come out on top and continue to make profits.

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Why would there be expectaion for Celebs or those with a lot of money to donate? I saw this posted on Facebook about "where are all the concerts and fund raisers to help people". The funds are BP. They are the ones who need to pay out on this. Not the collective U.S. population. The people in that area will get aid. They already are doing the paperwork. And don't bother saying that will take forever. It is what it is. We, as humans and a nation, will help and take care of our own. But to have fund raiser and spend more U.S. time and money to recycle our own funds into this, is rediculious to me.
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Yes, if it is my fault that that people died and millions of lives ruined, billions in damages all because of cost cutting measures that I have allowed to happen. My kids would understand, plus it's fathers day, why do I have to make the effort of seeing them? Should it be the other way around? I don't see how the ass fuck can go home and spend times with his family when there are families with no fucking food, no money, their way of life ruined. I'm pretty sure the 11 people that died on the oil rig have kids too. What about them? I don't think I can ever justify the CEO going home to spend time with his family. That's just me. If they cut down his role in the clean up effort. Go pick up a bucket of soap water and help the clean up effort. He makes most the money with BP is profitable. He should be taking most of the responsibility when BP fucks up. But has he? No!
Because the Board of BP took it out of his hands. I guess no one cares about that fact.
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