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How well will this tow?


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Looking to take a trip down to the lake and I am thinking of getting the big boat out. Its heavy, I dont know how heavy but heavy enough. I have only ever pulled this with a v8. It sits about 2 miles from a marina and I can go as slow as I want because its not travelled very much. I have 2 vehicles one with a vortek v6 which I wouldnt have an issue pulling it with for that short of a distance. And I have a 00 odyssey with whatever 6cyl. they come with. I would much rather drive the odyssey due to the room seeing as though my one son is now bigger than I am and 3 kids lined up in the back of a suv is just asking for trouble. The rating is way low on the odyssey if I am reading this right. Think the odyssey will do it for that short of a trip with a slow speed? The ramp is not that much of an incline so its not a crazy pull out.
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You would be a fool to try to pull a boat out of the water with a minivan. unless its a jon boat. as others have mentioned, get the procedure on film if you decide to go the minivan route.


what kind of boat is it? single axle? tandem? tripple? i wouldnt even try it if its a tandem or tripple. way too heavy and i doubt that 6 cyl has enough power to pull it out of the water, and if it does, your rear end will be squatting so bad, that you wont have any traction in the front.

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Use the SUV and just make those bad ass kids behave!!! If they get out of hand, give them the back of yours. :mad: If, for some reason, you have a problem disciplining your kids, tell them becuz of their shitty behaviour, you're using the van but they are being tied to the seats and if the van goes under, they go with it.
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Yes, just say no to the van.

That hitch was designed for a bike rack, not a large boat. You'll end up with no weight on your drive wheels as you spin and sink into the water. I'm assuming the Vortec vehicle is a trailblazer, 2WD?...That would be your better bet, just be careful how far back you get your wheels.

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Yes, just so no to the van.

That hitch was designed for a bike rack, not a large boat. You'll end up with no weight on your drive wheels as you spin and sink into the water. I'm assuming the Vortec vehicle is a trailblazer, 2WD?...That would be your better bet, just be careful how far back you get your wheels.


Pretty sure Bravada (same thing I know) with AWD.

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This is my dads boat, 23ft crownline, double axle. Yeah its the 02 bravada which surprising has a good tow rating. I would never pull anything that heavy far with it either. Looks like its definately not going to be the van. Thanks for the convincing guys.


Hell yeah, I wouldn't worry with the Bravada for such short distance. It will be fine and will be good enough for the ramp. I would def say no on the van now knowing the size of the boat.

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Dude I would have to drive 2hrs to a rental place once I got there. Its a very small town. Plus when I am there I try not to spend any real dough. This is one of the few times I wish I still had the big conversion van we sold last year.


Paul will do it for you, for say $5.

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Hell yeah, I wouldn't worry with the Bravada for such short distance. It will be fine and will be good enough for the ramp. I would def say no on the van now knowing the size of the boat.

Talk about a pampered boat its a 94 with 200hrs on it, and it looks like it did when it was first delivered.

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Then Bravada ALL THE WAY BRUH!


Lend him your X5...

Or your giant Dodge....


LOL - X5 is prob same as his Bravada. It is the I6 not the V8. Having the Ram I couldnt justify buying the V8.


The Ram though would have no problems dragging it around. Gas would destroy him though. 8-10 MPG towng FTL :mad:

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Same here. I was so ready for a pole barn and then the wife wanted to move to the city. I actually helped build my in laws pole barn 2 years ago and thought he might let me keep the one here in it but nope. I would be so willing to keep it nicer and do work on it if it was inside. To some that will sound weird and maybe its just my old age.
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