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Science Abuse

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It should piss you off being an American citizen, that we still have our own citizens without, but illegals can come in and do as they please.


Well first of all, it doesn't piss me off because that isn't true. They don't just show up and "do as they please". The only thing that pisses me off about illegals is the fact that some of them *some how* get public aid, welfare, and other chunks of our tax money. I'm pissed at the agencies that dole that out, what they hell kind of check are they doing?


We don't have people from all over coming in, we have people who can afford it coming in. The USA used to be the land of opportunity, but that's not the case anymore. In order to get in here, you need to have things going for you already. You need to be educated, have a job, and have a fair bit of disposable income (5 figures) set aside for filing fees and other BS. Nevermind the expense of having to visit your embassy for almost every step of the proccess, which is a cross-country trip for many. If it was that way when your ancestors came here, they'd probably have never been alowed off the boat.


Kick'm allout, and give them a legal avenue to come in that doesn't involve 3 years worth of their annual income. Hey that sounds like a workers visa.

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Well first of all, it doesn't piss me off because that isn't true. They don't just show up and "do as they please". The only thing that pisses me off about illegals is the fact that some of them *some how* get public aid, welfare, and other chunks of our tax money. I'm pissed at the agencies that dole that out, what they hell kind of check are they doing?



The way you were wording things sounded quite the opposite. And technically they are kind of coming and going as they please. No taxes, half don't have licenses, and not to mention, nobody seems to be blowing the whistle on these people. I agree 100% it's BS that these people end up with public aid paied for by US tax money.

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The price is passed on tot he consumer.
I'm for higher food prices. But its probably too much to wish that fat ass americans' meal portions will shrink back down to what they used to and should be.


Then make citizenship easier... They're more American than the welfare addicts that won't do the work...

Hey, lets deport people who stay on welfare too long, and give they're citizenships to working illegals.


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The way you were wording things sounded quite the opposite.


Sometimes you run into some one who isn't just bitching because he's on a "side". ;) Independants do exists, and we tend to argue for aspects from both sides because we realize that both side have points AND flaws. There should be no D and no R, only the U, S, and A.

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You have to understand, when I came here back in the mid 90's our family had to wait roughly 9 years for all the "paperwork " to be done. 9 years?!?


Our government has set limitations on how many people from each country to come each year.


I also hear stories from various of news media and foreigners that scientist and doctors are trying to get here from other countries but can't because they cannot get a work permit. (Are you serious?)


I think government should relax a bit on immigration laws, because it is damn near impossible to get here legally, unless you are

1. Rich 2. Got connections in high places 3. Refugee.


Think about it like this, if you want to live in Europe per say, would you want to pay $600 for citizenship and wait numerous of years

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??? Why do we need to make it easier for people to become a citizen?


Because this is the United State Of America, a country founded by immigrants, for immigrants. The Statue says so:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I'm amazed at how many "die hard patriotic Americans" have absolutely no concept of what the country was founded on or why/how their pale skinned ancestors got here. What an embrassment.

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We already can't afford the entitlement programs. What happens when the "newly legalized" 61 year old Mexican walks into the SS office next year and wants his check? Yeah, that's not gonna work :(
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Sometimes you run into some one who isn't just bitching because he's on a "side". ;) Independants do exists, and we tend to argue for aspects from both sides because we realize that both side have points AND flaws. There should be no D and no R, only the U, S, and A.


Don't get me wrong, you sounded like you were giving a pity party to criminals. Yes I understand what they go through. Is it tough? Hell yes it is. I've seen far worse than what these people have gone through, so I can't say I feel the slightest of sorrow for them. We were all stray dogs at one point from one place or another. Yes, the United States of America was founded by colonists and others that inhabited it. But, as any civilized country should have, we have laws in reguards to citizenship. If you don't do it legally like thousands do every year, get out. Or if you try to get here illegally, those doing so should be met with stiff resistance.


I don't think illegal immigration is a party thing, it's a NATIONWIDE issue. It takes states like Arizona for instance, to have a pair of balls and step up. They got tired of their problem, so they acted upon it. Do we also need to do something about the welfare population? Hell yes we do, but atleast they're citizens of our country. It's time we think about ourselves for once.

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Differentiate the welfare dollar and the American Dollar. Make it pink for all I care and make it good only at pre-approved places and/or items like certain food products, stores, gas stations, and etc... If you try to go buy a plasma screen tv, iphone, or case of beer with those pink backs, they whould already know that that money isn't good there. If the problem is there is no shame in being on welfare, make it blantenly known. My $20 dollar bill is the same color as his the only difference is I woke my ass up and worked an hour for it. Make it so that its embarassment to pull out your wallet with a fist full of pink dollar bills.


Just my stupid idea

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Differentiate the welfare dollar and the American Dollar. Make it pink for all I care and make it good only at pre-approved places and/or items like certain food products, stores, gas stations, and etc... If you try to go buy a plasma screen tv, iphone, or case of beer with those pink backs, they whould already know that that money isn't good there. If the problem is there is no shame in being on welfare, make it blantenly known. My $20 dollar bill is the same color as his the only difference is I woke my ass up and worked an hour for it. Make it so that its embarassment to pull out your wallet with a fist full of pink dollar bills.


Just my stupid idea


I like this

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Pitty party for criminals? Not exactly, because I don't see them as hard-core criminals. They're breaking the law, and I understand why. The USA is the best country on Earth, Mexico is a boarderline Failed State, and nothng but a fence and a desert separates the two. Tell me you wouldn't do what you could to get here.

I also have a hard time picturing you feeling pitty or sorrow for anyone, Scott. :p


Differentiate the welfare dollar and the American Dollar. Make it pink for all I care and make it good only at pre-approved places and/or items like certain food products, stores, gas stations, and etc... If you try to go buy a plasma screen tv, iphone, or case of beer with those pink backs, they whould already know that that money isn't good there. If the problem is there is no shame in being on welfare, make it blantenly known. My $20 dollar bill is the same color as his the only difference is I woke my ass up and worked an hour for it. Make it so that its embarassment to pull out your wallet with a fist full of pink dollar bills.


Just my stupid idea


They're called Food Stamps, and there's already a black market in place that turns your food stamps into crack-buying dollars. It's a good idea, it's just not new.

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You have to understand, when I came here back in the mid 90's our family had to wait roughly 9 years for all the "paperwork " to be done. 9 years?!?


Our government has set limitations on how many people from each country to come each year.


I also hear stories from various of news media and foreigners that scientist and doctors are trying to get here from other countries but can't because they cannot get a work permit. (Are you serious?)


I think government should relax a bit on immigration laws, because it is damn near impossible to get here legally, unless you are

1. Rich 2. Got connections in high places 3. Refugee.


Think about it like this, if you want to live in Europe per say, would you want to pay $600 for citizenship and wait numerous of years

Odd...my wife is not a citizen, and has had no issues working here legally for the past 11 years.

- Her family is not rich

- She has no connections

- Not a refugee in any way whatsoever


Which also keeps making me wonder why everyone talks about making it easier to become a citizen. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES TO WORK HERE LEGALLY!!! I am amazed that people don't realize this.

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Pitty party for criminals? Not exactly, because I don't see them as hard-core criminals. They're breaking the law, and I understand why. The USA is the best country on Earth, Mexico is a boarderline Failed State, and nothng but a fence and a desert separates the two. Tell me you wouldn't do what you could to get here.

I also have a hard time picturing you feeling pitty or sorrow for anyone, Scott. :p


Of course the USA is the best country on Earth, but never the less they are criminals by avoiding all kinds of laws. It's like breaking and entering, since in a way they aren't wanted. I can't say we need to make it any easier to get into this country, but if they become useful members of society and pay taxes, welcome. I understand it's a struggle to get here, but by no means are they refugees nor being pursecuted. Personally, Mexico has all the power in the world to fix themselves, but seem to not do so.

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Personally, Mexico has all the power in the world to fix themselves, but seem to not do so.


The cartels are better funded than their military. They *used to* have the power to fix things, but a couple decades of coruption let the cartels gain too much strength, and these days they pretty much run the mexican side of the border.

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How do I do that? There is no label on an apple that says "legally grown and picked."


First good step is not shopping at WalMart.


I suggest local markets and/or farmers markets. First you are usually going to be supporting local, smaller farmers. This does two things. Stops supporting mega producers who are ruining our food supply in a lot of ways to produce the food as cheaply and as profitable as possible, including exploiting migrant (i.e. illegal) workers. It also supports our local, Ohio economy. Which is a good thing in general but especially important in theses tough economic times. A lot of times local markets or farmers markets are much more open about where they get their food from and how, and make conscious decisions about those points. I bet a lot of these places would be more than happy to talk to you as much detail as they know about where and how their produce is produced. That's worlds more than you will get from any chain store.






Every community seems to have a farmers market, at least during the summer. I'm sure you can find it on google for wherever you live. The North Market is always a good start but can be a little overpriced for produce. I usually go there for the food that's already made and to pick up a few speciality items. IIRC you are a wine guy. There's a shop in the North Market called Grapes Of Mirth that's an amazing little beer and wine shop. Those other three markets also has a very good selection of beer and wine.


Just a start even though I think you live out East. I don't know about any markets out there as I live on the North West side of town so I know about the markets up here. I would hope there is something like these places out there you can shop at.


If you have Nexflix instant go watch Food Inc.

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First good step is not shopping at WalMart.


I suggest local markets and/or farmers markets.


I really hate to support the "organic movement", but the organic grown crap doesn't keep well, so it tends to come from more local farms.


Of course, location is not garauntee that it's not been fondled by an Illegal, they go where the work is.... usually packed in shipping containers.


While the United States embraces Palinish anti-intellectualism, dumbs down textbooks so Texans can read them, and debates creationism as historical fact, China is spending billions on becoming the leading scientific powerhouse in the world.

Edited by Science Abuse
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Oh foock, not this crap again!!


I think the US of A is attacking this problem from the wrong end!!


Fifteen years ago we do not have problems with the illegals come to the US and work.

Fifteen years ago we can not get sixteen years old to work at McD (just one of the many example) because the pay is not good enough.

Fifteen years ago we don not have problems with companies outsourcing their jobs to oversea.


Yes, our problem is JOBS not illegals (well, to some extend but not as big of a deal as the media and gov make it out to be). We need to bring the jobs back here to the US. We need to make quality goods so the people of the world want to buy them. We need to see more MADE IN THE USA on the tags of the good we buy.


WTF is building a wall gonna help? WTF is having thousands police the wall gonna do? WTF is arresting thousands illegals gonna do? I'll tell you what they gonna do, they will depleted our tax revenue and driven the US futher in debt.


We the US of A need WORK and JOBS that PRODUCE GOODS. Once we can do that there will be a lot less problems.

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Fifteen years ago we do not have problems with the illegals come to the US and work.


Yes we did, people just didn't care. Border hopping for work is a 70 year old issue.


Fifteen years ago we don not have problems with companies outsourcing their jobs to oversea.

Yes we did, but it wasn't a "problem" then. There were many perks and even "incentives" put in place back in the 80s that made for a huge boom in outsourcing. The focus was put soley on shareholder interests. Laying off Americans and sending their jobs overseas drove up profits, and that's what mattered to the Reaganites.


WTF is building a wall gonna help?

It will create wal-buiding jobs.

WTF is having thousands police the wall gonna do?

It will creat thousands of Wall-police jobs.


You are right, btw. People only care about this because the economy is in the shitter.

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It will create wal-buiding jobs.

It will creat thousands of Wall-police jobs.


You are right, btw. People only care about this because the economy is in the shitter.


Yeah, but who footing the bills for those jobs? The tax payers!!


The US is heading in a wrong direction.

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Yes we did, people just didn't care. Border hopping for work is a 70 year old issue.



Yes we did, but it wasn't a "problem" then. There were many perks and even "incentives" put in place back in the 80s that made for a huge boom in outsourcing. The focus was put soley on shareholder interests. Laying off Americans and sending their jobs overseas drove up profits, and that's what mattered to the Reaganites.


It will create wal-buiding jobs.

It will creat thousands of Wall-police jobs.


You are right, btw. People only care about this because the economy is in the shitter.


Careful, you are getting dangerously close to sounding like a "trickle downer" :)

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