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Money. or Questions.

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

This is definately not little house on the prairie. I want to raise some interesting questions to the members. If shtf , do we as a group have knit infrastructure to combat? What is that combat? Killings and force or negotiations? Wheres your food and water?


Are we doing enough standing idle? Is our power grid being protected 24/7 by the national gaurd? Would that cause too much unrest like the rerunning of 911 footage on major media networks? Who really is the enemy? Are you the enemy? Are you the enemy of yourself?


Is it really get in where you fit in? What disturbances cause people in enforcement to enforce laws? On the top at the SEC what gets overlooked?



Is psychological racism worse than physical racism?


What happened to the space program? Was the moon landing real or fake?


Who is really in power and why does it matter anyone care?


In the end what does it all boil down too?


If you were good and others were bad , very bad , yet you still took the blame and hatred , would the world still turn?


Do you look at pictures of bodies from war after eating or during?


Is gold really more stable than paper currency.


Is electricity the furure of all of the greatist and most important things know and could be know to life as a human being?


Is the middle class the new poor?


Are the poor the new rich?


Will a rich man go poor?


Are latino women really the most attractive?


What percentage is my spelling correct?

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Guest 614Streets
Go get on MW2 so I can kill you. Your headset will be here next week :D



Shit I need to practice. Me playing you guys on mw2 is like you guys playing me on snes mkii. :( I had XBAND for SNES (internet dial up gaming in the 90's!)

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I'm bored so I'll take a bite:


If shtf , do we as a group have knit infrastructure to combat? What is that combat? Killings and force or negotiations? Wheres your food and water?

I don't really understand this question. I would imagine it would depend on the severity of the SHTF event. The more severe, the greater the propensity towards violence.


Are we doing enough standing idle? Apparently as there have been few if any successful attacks. However becoming complacent and relaxing our guard is dangerous. Is our power grid being protected 24/7 by the national gaurd? I don't think so. Would that cause too much unrest like the rerunning of 911 footage on major media networks? Possibly, for simple-minded people. Who really is the enemy? Are you the enemy? Are you the enemy of yourself? Those that pose a real threat to cause us harm physically, economically, culturally (restricting freedom, etc.). The last line is interesting, I would say there is some degree to that in our society today. Think of the over-reaction that happened in Boston with the Aqua Teen Hunger Force signs. Paranoia like that can be very hurtful to the liberty our nation was founded on and enjoys.


Is it really get in where you fit in? What disturbances cause people in enforcement to enforce laws? On the top at the SEC what gets overlooked?

Disturbances that cause harm to the wealthy, directly or indirectly. The same is true for what the SEC will overlook; if it doesn't harm the wealthy elite, or not have that much of a wide impact, the SEC isn't going to be that inclined to take action.


Is psychological racism worse than physical racism?

No, not any worse.


What happened to the space program? Was the moon landing real or fake?

The USSR couldn't keep up with our program. When the USSR broke up, our program lacked the reason to continue at the same rate of advancement. The moon landing was real.


Who is really in power and why does it matter anyone care?

The wealthy and the bankers. It matters because your freedom could be restricted, and your life's potential.


In the end what does it all boil down too?

This is a highly individual question and depends on your values and religious views. For me, I would say ensuring happiness for me and my family.


If you were good and others were bad , very bad , yet you still took the blame and hatred , would the world still turn?



Do you look at pictures of bodies from war after eating or during?

Yes. Thanks to the internet I am very desensitized.


Is gold really more stable than paper currency.

Not really, when compared to the currency of stable governments. Gold generally has value as a display of wealth, which is a luxury. If things really went down hill, to where people were only pursuing necessities; gold would have very little value to anyone. Commodities would be much more likely used as currency.


Is electricity the furure of all of the greatist and most important things know and could be know to life as a human being?



Is the middle class the new poor?

The distinction is being blurred. I think a large part of the problem is just due to people trying to live beyond their means, trying to display they are better than their neighbors, etc. The result is that they become "poor".


Are the poor the new rich?

Interesting question. If you consider effort spent and how comfortable of a life people live, this question has some merit. The quality of life, compared to how much effort (work) is expended, that some poor people live today would be considered a rich lifestyle if it were transplanted back 50+ years ago. Thanks is owed to welfare programs.


Will a rich man go poor?

Depends on the scenario. Many (most) poor people that win the lottery end up becoming poor again due to mismanaging their wealth. Drive and financial sense have the greatest impacts on whether someone is poor or rich.


Are latino women really the most attractive?

Not to me. I generally am not as attracted to latino women compared to other races.


What percentage is my spelling correct?


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the answer to all your questions is power and greed, nothing more nothing less. 99% of the worlds problems are surrounded by those two words


I'll agree with that as I watch everything go down the shitter.

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