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Are commercials getting louder


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I must watch tv while falling asleep and lately it seems like commercials are blarringly loud. Especially on trutv channel I swear there are 3 levels of audio 1. for people talking 2. narrator 3. the commersials that are basically people screaming and crazy loud sounds. Anyone else notice it?
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I set the volume on the show I am watching and attempt to sleep. Then a commercial comes on and its twice as loud. My wife hates the tv on but I cant sleep if its not on. I cant sleep until 4-5 am so I am constantly turning the volume up and down with each commercial. I only watch documentary's and mostly trutv which is the worst of them all for this problem.
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i fall asleep to coast to coast am on 610am...it's all about conspiracy theories, ghosts, ufos, etc...it's on from 1am on (but from midnight to 1 they play the last hour of the previous night's episode)...it's nice because i set the sleep timer on my alarm clock and i fall asleep usually before the radio shuts off and i'm not waking up to loud commercials :)
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The problem is that advertising companies are making their commercials louder, thinking that it makes the message stick. Ultimately, however, it's laziness on the station's part.


The TV station normalizes a show's volume based on the PEAK volume level. That's why movies are always so quiet; they have higher peak volume levels making their average lower. Ad companies know this and keep their peak levels as close to their average as much as possible. So what ends up happening is that the ad comes out as loud as the loudest explosion of the movie.


TV stations just need to normalize shows to their peak and ads to their average. But that takes a bit more time and effort. They'd rather just dump the ads into the ad computer and just let it spit out the ads during the commercial breaks automatically... :p

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The problem is that advertising companies are making their commercials louder, thinking that it makes the message stick. Ultimately, however, it's laziness on the station's part.


The TV station normalizes a show's volume based on the PEAK volume level. That's why movies are always so quiet; they have higher peak volume levels making their average lower. Ad companies know this and keep their peak levels as close to their average as much as possible. So what ends up happening is that the ad comes out as loud as the loudest explosion of the movie.


TV stations just need to normalize shows to their peak and ads to their average. But that takes a bit more time and effort. They'd rather just dump the ads into the ad computer and just let it spit out the ads during the commercial breaks automatically... :p


This. We've discussed this at the house in the past. I do know not to long ago, some damn governor or senator or some shit out west, ie, utah, nevada, colorado or some shit, was trying to pass some bill that would control commercial volume levels. They piss me the fuck off as I watch tv very late at night and I generally like the tv volume low, especially at night. Anyway, I remember laughing that this guy seemed to be as pissed as me about it. I don't know if anything ever actually passed or not, though.


I do know that annoying fuckin local commercial for the horticulture place ("Don't get caught with your plants down.") used to piss me off to no ends. It's gotten a bit better now, at least.

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The problem is that advertising companies are making their commercials louder, thinking that it makes the message stick. Ultimately, however, it's laziness on the station's part.


The TV station normalizes a show's volume based on the PEAK volume level. That's why movies are always so quiet; they have higher peak volume levels making their average lower. Ad companies know this and keep their peak levels as close to their average as much as possible. So what ends up happening is that the ad comes out as loud as the loudest explosion of the movie.


TV stations just need to normalize shows to their peak and ads to their average. But that takes a bit more time and effort. They'd rather just dump the ads into the ad computer and just let it spit out the ads during the commercial breaks automatically... :p



I know i have a TV (older) upstairs that has sound control, and will do the normalizing for you, but i dont konw if TV still have this option anymore..

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This. We've discussed this at the house in the past. I do know not to long ago, some damn governor or senator or some shit out west, ie, utah, nevada, colorado or some shit, was trying to pass some bill that would control commercial volume levels. They piss me the fuck off as I watch tv very late at night and I generally like the tv volume low, especially at night. Anyway, I remember laughing that this guy seemed to be as pissed as me about it. I don't know if anything ever actually passed or not, though.


I do know that annoying fuckin local commercial for the horticulture place ("Don't get caught with your plants down.") used to piss me off to no ends. It's gotten a bit better now, at least.


Funny you mention that commercial, my friend goes to CSCC and takes a lot of classes with the kid in the commercial. He's actually pretty cool, and apparently more people use their equipment for growing actual vegetables then the commercial would lead you to believe.

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