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need help with ac unit having issues


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i am looking for someone to asses the problems i am having with my ac unit in a rental.looking someone who knows what they are talking about and will check it out on the side and fix whatever is wrong with it for cash.maybe on a weekend but a profesional you know what i mean. unit is only two years old and still seems to be shitty like renters bitch because it never shuts of and electric bill is ridiculas
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i would check the freon...ours was low and it would run all the time and the lines to the house would freeze...then the blower just quit...called the rental company and they sent an ac guy out and it was only half way filled with freon...so he filled it up and fixed the blower and now it works better than ever and it shuts off now :) we can also now set it to like 73 or 65 and it will actually stay at those temps instead of just constantly running and never being less than 75
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