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"this is why we can't have nice things"

Science Abuse

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Yikes. Sounds like it's past the "potential problem" category....


Yeah, and fixing it is going to take a long time... or it's going to hurt bad. The lake has a lot of surface area and not much deapth, so it just kind of "reduces" like a stew; water evaporates and the nasties stay. The quickest fix would be to drain the thing, plow the crap up and burn it, then let it refill. It's not a natural lake so you can't really rely on any "natural proccesses" to cycle through. The damn thing is only about 10ft at its deepest, there's probably more water in Alum Creek.

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I wonder if the Turquoise tint they are getting is actually Cyano Bacteria. Which is a very nasty algae. It can feed off light but does not need it to survive. Cyano feeds off of phosphates and nitrogen. Which unfortunately large amounts of phosphates are in most fertilizers. Hope they figure it out. That used to be a great fishing lake.
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