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Tibet Sky Burial


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That's disgusting, why the fuck would you post that on here?


This is 100% real, and it's normally strictly forbidden to film or photograph it.


The idea is to get every bit of you aloft with the birds. Is being eaten by worms better?


It goes like this:

1: You Die

2: Funeral service, respects paid, etc.

3: You're carted off to a high spot away from the villiage, often theres a sacred rock for this.

4: Some one you picked, a brother, BFF, Monk, is charged with feeding you to the birds.

He flays you to make it easier, constantly scoops bits of you up to make sure you're eaten, and in the end, he grinds your bones up with grain to make sure you all get eaten.


In the end, nothing is left.

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I'm with the others here, that is neither gross nor really that strange. Sure is a hell of a lot bettery then spending money to put me in a wooden box and dumping me in the ground.


At least I served a productive purpose! BIRD FEED!

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And, well, it beats going under 6' of dirt, IMO.

At least them birds get something out of it..... better the the fucking worms!!!

At least I served a productive purpose! BIRD FEED!

I just realized there's another advantage, besides not being under 6' of dirt, killing the worms with embalming fluid, and feeding birds.


There is absolutely 0% chance that I will ever return as a zombie!

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I've always save the money and the land and just set me out on a natural raft in the middle of the ocean with a sign that says, "If you can read this, push me back out." Let nature return me where it pleases.
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I want to be burned in a boat like the old Vikings...with a virgin. That would be cool.


So burned by yourself then?


So....was this someone they liked or didn't like? The smiles (in some pics) kinda make you wonder.


You ask for it, and nobody goes to the trouble of grinding you up if they don't like you. ;)


I'd go for it, though I'd want my bones to remain. I'd make a great album cover.

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Guest tbutera2112
So....was this someone they liked or didn't like? The smiles (in some pics) kinda make you wonder.


the people are Buddhist and believe that once a person dies their spirit leaves the body to be reincarnated....the body is nothing buy an empty vessel to them at that point, so theres no point to be sad over it, its the same to them as it is for us to chop up a dead deer to get it ready to cook

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the people are Buddhist and believe that once a person dies their spirit leaves the body to be reincarnated....the body is nothing buy an empty vessel to them at that point, so theres no point to be sad over it, its the same to them as it is for us to chop up a dead deer to get it ready to cook


True. However, why was the dude hog-tied and wrapped in plastic?

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