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Here, have a little "oh shit" for your Friday

Science Abuse

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There have been some rumors/theory to this effect for a while, though this article points out that the actions being taken by BP are consistent with it, and they're just not straight up saying it.




At those pressures, it makes you wonder if they actually had any chance of running Deepwater Horizon successfully, even if the thing was setup perfectly. That's a hell of a lot of pressure.

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Sure we can handle that:


I need my yard mowed, my hedges trimmed. Could use the house cleaned, and my cars as well. Would like some landscaping done on my gardens and the siding needs washed and trim painted.



As for drilling down into hell, woo bring it - anointing my bullets now in holy water. course I pinched the water from my church, does that mean its spoiled?

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Sure we can handle that:


I need my yard mowed, my hedges trimmed. Could use the house cleaned, and my cars as well. Would like some landscaping done on my gardens and the siding needs washed and trim painted.



As for drilling down into hell, woo bring it - anointing my bullets now in holy water. course I pinched the water from my church, does that mean its spoiled?


I get what your saying but after all of that "work" (if thats what you want to call it) is done these people will have no where to go and nothing to do. This is of course a worst case scenario that all of those people will immigrate north when they realize their way of life that they use to know it is gone and never coming back.

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Nuke it from orbit. Simple, effective, and proven to work by the Russians.


Did you read it? The whole problem that the articls is panicing about is the fact that the seabed is fractured and unstable. Way different geology there than in Russia.

Edited by Science Abuse
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I think this guy is similar to the kid who created *loose change* video about 911...


I'm not believing the conspiracy. Not this time

absolutely. this sounds like an assumed worst case scenario presented as fact. we can all agree that BP is a for profit company, right? so why in the fuck would they drill in such a supposedly amazingly ungodly ridiculously dangerous area that could cost them billions upon billions of dollars?! i haven't heard anything about this well holding enough crude to support the world for 1,000 of years or anything, it's just another well.

really, these guys may have cut a lot of corners to save a buck, but BP's engineers aren't some college drop out morons or something.


maybe i'm wrong, but it would simply defy absolutely any sort of logic, especially from such a major company who has so much to lose.

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i haven't heard anything about this well holding enough crude to support the world for 1,000 of years or anything, it's just another well.

Then you haven't been listening. ;) This oil patch is the largest known untapped supply in the world. Why would BP spend so much money pushing the limits of technology to build the deepest ocean drilling operation in history... if it were just anther well? IIRC it's between 500,000,000 and 1 Billion barrels in it.

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absolutely. this sounds like an assumed worst case scenario presented as fact. we can all agree that BP is a for profit company, right? so why in the fuck would they drill in such a supposedly amazingly ungodly ridiculously dangerous area that could cost them billions upon billions of dollars?! i haven't heard anything about this well holding enough crude to support the world for 1,000 of years or anything, it's just another well.

really, these guys may have cut a lot of corners to save a buck, but BP's engineers aren't some college drop out morons or something.


maybe i'm wrong, but it would simply defy absolutely any sort of logic, especially from such a major company who has so much to lose.


Because, just like the auto industry, it's not the engineers or designers who run the company. It's some rich fuckers making the ultimate decisions obviously based on greed, not wisdom.

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