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I wish I was kidding.




On April 17, 2009, the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed to pay $3.75 million, plus an additional $900,000 in medical expenses to an illegal alien who was severely beaten by other inmates in the Orange County Central Jail. The Mexican national filed a lawsuit shortly after the incident.


Fernando Ramirez, 24, was in jail after being charged with molesting a 6-year-old girl at a local park. He eventually pled guilty to the lesser charge of battery against a child.


According to his attorney, Ramirez suffered brain damage and now needs help walking. Attorney Mark Eisenberg also claims that his client has been left with an intellect of a 4-year-old child.


Despite the dire financial crisis facing Orange County, Ramirez received the largest settlement ever awarded by the county for an in-custody incident. The Board of Supervisors made their decision in a closed-door session and have refused any comment on the matter.


If anyone would like to contact the Orange County Board of Supervisors to discuss the Ramirez settlement, I have included the following contact list for your convenience:


-Board Chair Patricia C. Bates, Supervisor Fifth District (ph #: 714-834-3550)


-Vice Chair Janet Nguyen, Supervisor First District (ph #: 714-834-3110)


-John M.W. Moorlach, Supervisor Second District (ph #: 714-834-3220)


-Bill Campbell, Supervisor Third District (ph #: 714-834-3330)


-Chris Norby, Supervisor Fourth District (ph #: 714-834-3440)


Reporter?s note: Except for one story carried by the Orange County Register, there has been no press coverage of this matter. One would think that an illegal alien child molester becoming a millionaire through taxpayer funding would be big news.


Of course, a story such as this one would make people angry, and maybe even angry enough to hold their elected representatives accountable for the enormous crime wave being perpetrated by this country?s illegal alien population.


I don?t know which is more outrageous, the now-daily accounts of illegal aliens raping our women and children; our elected officials allowing our land to be transformed into a Third World nation; or a complicit mainstream press, eager to assist in the cover-up of our destruction.



every single fucking day this country sinks farther and farther down the shitter.

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how the hell did they cause that much damage to him but they did not kill him??? I would not think people in jail would give a shit if they kept him alive or just staright kill him so I dont really believe the whole 4 year old mind frame he is supposed to be left with
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Guest tbutera2112

not sure im convinced this is real....cant find ANYTHING (reputable) else about it, just that article


this shit would be national news if it were true

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So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence?


eta: the case appears real:




no confirmation of the dollar amount, but it wouldn't surprise me. guy spent 5 months in the hospital.

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Guest tbutera2112
So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence?


eta: the case appears real:




no confirmation of the dollar amount, but it wouldn't surprise me. guy spent 5 months in the hospital.




reputable source please?

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So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence?


SO you want to live in a country where someone can come here and rape your child and get away with a simple battery charge???


how about the people who get killed in jail??? Does everyone of their families sue for millions???



I am not saying what happened is right by any means but I do think it is just wrong to pay someone who is not even legal in this country millions because he was beat... ESP when this person should be a convicted felon and sent the hell back to where he came from...

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SO you want to live in a country where someone can come here and rape your child and get away with a simple battery charge???


Who said anything about rape? Did he rape someone? I didn't catch that part. He molested a kid in a park, he was arrested, tried, and convicted according to the laws in california. Nowhere in his punishment was he prescribed permanent brain damage.


how about the people who get killed in jail??? Does everyone of their families sue for millions???


Most of them do sue, and if the prison was shown to be negligent, they'll usually win.


I am not saying what happened is right by any means but I do think it is just wrong to pay someone who is not even legal in this country millions because he was beat... ESP when this person should be a convicted felon and sent the hell back to where he came from...


His nationality is irrelevant. His legal status almost just as irrelevant. If you get thrown into a jail in singapore for gum-chewing and beaten to within an inch of your life because the guards throw you in with the rancor or something, would you feel OK if people started bringing up what you were doing in that country and whether your paperwork was in order? Seems silly to me.

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Guest tbutera2112
So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence?







fuck yes, the dude confessed to raping a 6 year old girl if the story is the story is true, he got just what he fuckin deserved (aside from money, he shouldnt get a cent)




how come the only sites that carry this story, are web blogs and bogus no name news websites? not one major news outlet anywhere, has this story. i call BS. sure, maybe the dude got arrested and got his ass beat, but i call BS on his settlement and the whole story

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Guest tbutera2112
I also missed the part where he confessed. I'm guessing it'd be hard for an illegal immigrant to get anything close to a fair shake in california. You guys seem awfully eager to wish permanent brain damage on a guy you know nothing about.


i wish he got more than that, maybe raped with a sword and then brain damage, accompanied by the loss of his legs and permanent unstoppable pains throughout his whole body his entire life...fuck that guy

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I also missed the part where he confessed. I'm guessing it'd be hard for an illegal immigrant to get anything close to a fair shake in california. You guys seem awfully eager to wish permanent brain damage on a guy you know nothing about.


If the guy molested a 6 year old kid he should of been hung right there in the court room


:gtfo: for having symathy for a child molester

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I also missed the part where he confessed. I'm guessing it'd be hard for an illegal immigrant to get anything close to a fair shake in california. You guys seem awfully eager to wish permanent brain damage on a guy you know nothing about.


he molested a child. I'd say he got off easy.

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Really? Wow. So one single accusation for molestation leading to a plea for battery and you all vote for the death penalty? Wow. For a battery charge. Just, wow.


he plead out. If he wasn't guilty why make a deal. fucker got what he deserved. Only fucked up thing with the article is he is now getting 3 mill. If the article is real.

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he plead out. If he wasn't guilty why make a deal. fucker got what he deserved. Only fucked up thing with the article is he is now getting 3 mill. If the article is real.


I mean... for all you know, he was just some mexican guy who happened to be standing in the wrong place when the cops were looking for some other mexican guy. His public defender could have told him that he was unsympathetic due to his age, gender, appearance, and legal status, and the DA might have offered a battery charge because he realized he didn't have much of a case beyond the eyewitness testimony of a 6 year old. So he took the deal.


Or maybe he's a serial rapist and the cops were lucky to catch him before he could do more damage. I don't know. I just know that being happy about anyone getting beaten nearly to death seems pretty messed up to me. He was punished, the beating should never have happened, and now the prison is getting a reasonable slap on the wrist for their negligence.

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Hey, Greg, I jumped the border illegally and live off your tax dollars. I don't give a fuck about your country but feel I deserve free handouts from it. Hey look, a cute little girl? I sure am horny. Okay, I just fondled your 6-year old daughter's vagina. I fingered her asshole while sucking on her face, then railed her until she bled. How does it feel Greg? Fuck you and your country.


Oops here I am sitting in prison, oh well at least I get three tasty meals a day and the bed is more comfortable than that park bench, again off your hard-earned taxes that you pay. Thanks Greg, I love the free handout that you wake up early every morning and work for.


Okay some guys just beat the living shit out of me and I have brain damage. I'm mentally retarded and will need help doing basic functions for the rest of my life. You are going to pay the people to wipe my ass and shower me - the money is coming directly out of your pocket.


How do you feel?

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I mean... for all you know, he was just some mexican guy who happened to be standing in the wrong place when the cops were looking for some other mexican guy. His public defender could have told him that he was unsympathetic due to his age, gender, appearance, and legal status, and the DA might have offered a battery charge because he realized he didn't have much of a case beyond the eyewitness testimony of a 6 year old. So he took the deal.


Or maybe he's a serial rapist and the cops were lucky to catch him before he could do more damage. I don't know. I just know that being happy about anyone getting beaten nearly to death seems pretty messed up to me. He was punished, the beating should never have happened, and now the prison is getting a reasonable slap on the wrist for their negligence.



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I mean... for all you know, he was just some mexican guy who happened to be standing in the wrong place when the cops were looking for some other mexican guy. His public defender could have told him that he was unsympathetic due to his age, gender, appearance, and legal status, and the DA might have offered a battery charge because he realized he didn't have much of a case beyond the eyewitness testimony of a 6 year old. So he took the deal.


Or maybe he's a serial rapist and the cops were lucky to catch him before he could do more damage. I don't know. I just know that being happy about anyone getting beaten nearly to death seems pretty messed up to me. He was punished, the beating should never have happened, and now the prison is getting a reasonable slap on the wrist for their negligence.


Nope. If someone did the alleged things this dude did, they deserve a horrible death and nothing else.

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I could care less about anyones nationality, race, religion, or political views. If you are convicted of molesting a child or any other related act on a child. You should be locked up and forgotten or hung. Simple.


This story does sound fake.

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Hey, Greg, I jumped the border illegally and live off your tax dollars. I don't give a fuck about your country but feel I deserve free handouts from it. Hey look, a cute little girl? I sure am horny. Okay, I just fondled your 6-year old daughter's vagina. I fingered her asshole while sucking on her face, then railed her until she bled. How does it feel Greg? Fuck you and your country.


Oops here I am sitting in prison, oh well at least I get three tasty meals a day and the bed is more comfortable than that park bench, again off your hard-earned taxes that you pay. Thanks Greg, I love the free handout that you wake up early every morning and work for.


Okay some guys just beat the living shit out of me and I have brain damage. I'm mentally retarded and will need help doing basic functions for the rest of my life. You are going to pay the people to wipe my ass and shower me - the money is coming directly out of your pocket.


How do you feel?


Oh, when you put it that way, I'm so angry!!! Grrr!!! Die die die! Death to mexicans! Kill 'em all and let god sort it out!!! Murder rage murder!!!YARAGADFSDF


Thanks for helping me to shed my modern sense of compassion and find my inner rage. Jesus would be proud. Err, oh wait.

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Guest tbutera2112
Oh, when you put it that way, I'm so angry!!! Grrr!!! Die die die! Death to mexicans! Kill 'em all and let god sort it out!!! Murder rage murder!!!YARAGADFSDF


Thanks for helping me to shed my modern sense of compassion and find my inner rage. Jesus would be proud. Err, oh wait.


so youre saying that all mexicans are child molesters?


:gtfo:.... nobody is talking about hating mexicans in this thread, nobody gives a shit what race he is, he molested a fucking 6 year old, he is scum



im curious though what will happen if the guy in the photos ever sees this fake article about him, that shit would be priceless...hell, then he may just get 4 million by suing all these fake news websites for tarnishing his awesome rep

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I don't get why you think this is fake. The blogger or whatever wrote two articles about the same guy. Read the shit you posted again. He's just got some boner for illegal immigrants.


And yes, all mexicans are child molesters. They raped my 6 year old and did stuff with her asshole. Fuck 'em all. Die die die die die die die 3 tasty meals a day.

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