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If the headline has "Gurkha" in it, it's a good read.

Science Abuse

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Bad situation to be in. Has no place being in ghte news though. This needs to be handled with those understanding all that goes into a situation like that. Mission completion and survival seem to have created a conflict to both.
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This is considered a gross insult to the Muslims of Afghanistan, who bury the entire body of their dead even if parts have to be retrieved.


After all that has happened in the recent years, do we really need to give a flying shit if we insult these people? Some people need to grow a pair and take care of business. They have zero respect for us and while I understand their are rules of engagement and taking the high road, yadda, yadda, I also think we need to stop fucking around with worrying about the enemy being all butt-hurt.

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Gurkha's have a reputation. Shouldn't have used them if you didn't want the shit *just done*, rather than *done well* or *done tactfully*.


Back in 1964 there was a confrontation between Malaysia and Indonesia. In his book One Crowded Hour, Tim Bowden tells about an incident that happened in Borneo during this time.


A group of Gurkhas from Nepal were asked if they would be willing to jump from transport planes into combat against the Indonesians should the need arise. The Gurkhas had the right to give the request a "thumbs down" because they'd never been trained as paratroopers.

The Gurkhas usually agreed to anything, but on this particular day they provisionally rejected the plan. But the next day one of their NCOs sought out the British officer who had made the request and said they had discussed it further and would be prepared to jump under certain conditions.


"What are they?" the British officer queried.


The Gurkhas told him they would jump if the land was marshy or reasonably soft with no rocky outcrops, because they were inexperienced in falling. The officer considered this and noted that the drop zone would almost certainly be over the jungle. No rocky outcrops there. So, they would surely be all right. "Anything else?"


"Actually, yes," answered the Gurkhas. They wanted the plane to fly as slowly as possible and no more than a hundred feet high. At that point, the British officer explained that the planes always did fly as slowly as possible when dropping troops, but to jump from 100 feet was just impossible. The parachutes would not open in time from that height.


"'Oh!" the Gurkhas replied, "it's OK then. We'll jump with parachutes anywhere. You didn't mention parachutes before."

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