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rude cop in polaris


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as always trying to scare me. Coming 75 north, took the second polaris exit to come behind the mall. He was sitting just after the bridge on the shoulder. He pulled behind me in the far left lane turning left. He lit up right when we turned left over the bridge. I signalled to get over but traffic didn't let me right away. So I waited until that turn lane opened up for the first right and I pulled in the turn lane and stopped. He told me I'm lucky he didn't put me in jail for 6 months and shit for taking too long to pull over. Wow what a dick, bad mood or somin. I got cited for 17% tint which I glady accepted, it is dark, but his mood was unprofessional.
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Got a ticket from a gahanna cop a month ago, I was wrong and paid my fine, but the same situation, cop was an asshole and I gave him no reason to be rude towards me. He thought he was tough shit and talked down to me like I was dirt, fuck 99% of Leos are worst than the citizens.
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Just venting, I've met plenty of cops but idk, guess I'm not used to how they act here. No need to threaten me and shit for saying I didn't pull over fast enough. Sounds like bs to me, traffic didn't allow for a immediate stop, it can wait 5 secs.
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Just venting, I've met plenty of cops but idk, guess I'm not used to how they act here. No need to threaten me and shit for saying I didn't pull over fast enough. Sounds like bs to me, traffic didn't allow for a immediate stop, it can wait 5 secs.



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Bad mood? Trying to scare you? Don't remember reading anywhere that a cop had to be polite to you.


Don't do shit to get pulled over in the first place?


Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you can't use a little common decency and not be an egotistical dick. Could've just as easily came up, written him the ticket and said have a nice day.

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Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you can't use a little common decency and not be an egotistical dick. Could've just as easily came up' date=' written him the ticket and said have a nice day.[/quote']


Yep, you're right.


There's also no reason to assume he's going to treat you like a sweetheart.

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I had a similar situation. My reply was I waited the extra few seconds to insure we were in a safer location where there was actually a berm vs pulling over either into a soggy grass spot or on the middle of a lane. He made some shitty comment about it still but I replied that I was slowed to like 40mpu with my hazards on for a reason.


Next time I'll stop in the middle of a dangerous area and make sure it's on the right side of the road vs left.


My opinion any longer is for them to just STFU and write the ticket like a good public bitch.

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I had a similar situation. My reply was I waited the extra few seconds to insure we were in a safer location where there was actually a berm vs pulling over either into a soggy grass spot or on the middle of a lane. He made some shitty comment about it still but I replied that I was slowed to like 40mpu with my hazards on for a reason.


Next time I'll stop in the middle of a dangerous area and make sure it's on the right side of the road vs left.


My opinion any longer is for them to just STFU and write the ticket like a good public bitch.


Oh, so you got pulled over for doing something illegal to ?

You weren't just randomly selected because he was a dick ?

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I had a similar situation. My reply was I waited the extra few seconds to insure we were in a safer location where there was actually a berm vs pulling over either into a soggy grass spot or on the middle of a lane. He made some shitty comment about it still but I replied that I was slowed to like 40mpu with my hazards on for a reason.


Next time I'll stop in the middle of a dangerous area and make sure it's on the right side of the road vs left.


My opinion any longer is for them to just STFU and write the ticket like a good public bitch.


i have to agree with you there.


It is kind of sad though how some cops do act towards people. For instance, i got pulled over one morning doing 67 in a 35. the cop was really cool about it, hell he was even asking about my car.


On the other hand, i was pulled over downtown by a statey because i was turning onto broad street from some shitty little side road which had a little bump up to get on broad. when i went to turn, my wheels chirpped a tiny bit from hitting the bump. He acted like a complete tool over an accident.

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Bad mood? Trying to scare you? Don't remember reading anywhere that a cop had to be polite to you.


Don't do shit to get pulled over in the first place?


I would generally agree with you but I have been pulled over a number of times (5 actually in my life) and only one ticket and only one time the officer was actually what I would call pleasent, the time I got a damn ticket too! You don't have to go about your day whatever your job is being an asshole. So I have to agree.


Especially if you are like me, fuck you caught me speed ok, I'm sorry heres my shit can u give me a warning? No ok, move on. But sometimes they are still assholes. Pffft. I hear you OP.

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I would generally agree with you but I have been pulled over a number of times (5 actually in my life) and only one ticket and only one time the officer was actually what I would call pleasent, the time I got a damn ticket too! You don't have to go about your day whatever your job is being an asshole. So I have to agree.


Especially if you are like me, fuck you caught me speed ok, I'm sorry heres my shit can u give me a warning? No ok, move on. But sometimes they are still assholes. Pffft. I hear you OP.



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Yep, you're right.


There's also no reason to assume he's going to treat you like a sweetheart.


PR is HUGE part of their job. I do expect them to treat me like I am paying their salary until I give them a reason not to. With that being said every encounter I have had (knock on wood) has been good minus one dickhead at QS&L...

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