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rude cop in polaris


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i have always had decent experiences with police officers. I was refer to them as sir yes sir everything when they come to the window though. i don't need to be hassled.


There was only one time I got bitched at by a sheriff, but I was 17 humpin a chick in a park when it was dark, and that is when I realized parks closed at dark... LOL

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  04silvrz said:
i have always had decent experiences with police officers. I was refer to them as sir yes sir everything when they come to the window though. i don't need to be hassled.


There was only one time I got bitched at by a sheriff, but I was 17 humpin a chick in a park when it was dark, and that is when I realized parks closed at dark... LOL




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  pdqgp said:
I had a similar situation. My reply was I waited the extra few seconds to insure we were in a safer location where there was actually a berm vs pulling over either into a soggy grass spot or on the middle of a lane. He made some shitty comment about it still but I replied that I was slowed to like 40mpu with my hazards on for a reason.


Next time I'll stop in the middle of a dangerous area and make sure it's on the right side of the road vs left.


My opinion any longer is for them to just STFU and write the ticket like a good public bitch.


Tim, Generally all cops choose where to pull you over before hitting the lights. if they put their lights on its best to just comply and pull over asap.

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after thinking about it, i use to drive past this area everyday last year. got off at the Lewis center exit, i have like 5% tint and never was hassled. I DO have a front plate though, learned my lesson about that a LONG time ago. I had like 10 tickets for that in a year, so I said screw it and just run a front plate.
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  tbutera2112 said:
ive had a couple bad experiences with cops..it seems like the smaller the incident, the worse mood theyre in.... my biggest violation ever, i got pulled over and the cop was real cool with me and gave me a warning....the smallest ive had, the dude was a complete douche and wrote me like 3-4 violations - none of which really added up to anything


i dont hate on all police just because of having a bad experience with a couple of them...i respect them for getting up eveyday and doing what they do...we all have bad moods some times, shit happens



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  Dan said:
was his name S.A. Miller #421?


That is the guy. I have a few friends that work for Columbus and they've suggested filling a complaint as well. I think I might call and do that.

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  AudiOn19s said:
I knew it was that guy just from reading this thread. He's gave me a no front plate ticket not too long ago and went out of his way to make dangerous moves in traffic just to pull me over for it. He's given no front plate tickets to no less than 5 of my friends in the same spot between 71 and polaris. He's never pleasant about the transaction at all. Gave me some stuff about "You people in these Fancy cars think you don't need a front plate".


I completely avoid that area now at all cost. Changed my daily commute and everything to avoid him.


I couldn't agree more. About an hour after he wrote me the ticket I was heading back home (going west on Polaris Pkwy). I saw the flashing lights in the mirror again and he flies past everyone left of center in front of the Shell station going after another car. I had a buddy in the car and we were thinking WTF. Keep in mind this is around 630p, traffic was pretty heavy.


Only officer I have encountered that has been a total asshole and I have been pulled over more times than I like to think about.

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Like anything dealing with the public isn't exactly easy, but when you are a civil servant, a small amount of courtesy/respect should be presented. Some of the more "hardass" police officers might find themselves in a situation one day, where they might actually need the average civilian to help them. Off the topic, this is one reason I love winter and 4WD. Don't think the Crown Victoria is a strong candidate for 8"+ of snow on the ground :D
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SGT Gordon 614-645-4865, if you had any problems with him and hav an incident number. contact his superior<<<


just got off the phone with the internal affairs. there going to get with SGT gordon and talk to miller. i told them i would like the audio and video reviewed.

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Like anyone else, if a cop is rude to me, I am just as rude back. I actually had a judge reprimand an officer in court after I was wrongly given a ticket for speeding when I was actually pulled over for no front plate. The tape was ordered into court and clearly showed me being decent before the guy started being an ass.
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  Infidel said:
Like anything dealing with the public isn't exactly easy, but when you are a civil servant, a small amount of courtesy/respect should be presented. Some of the more "hardass" police officers might find themselves in a situation one day, where they might actually need the average civilian to help them. Off the topic, this is one reason I love winter and 4WD. Don't think the Crown Victoria is a strong candidate for 8"+ of snow on the ground :D



+1. I love getting like 15 inches of snow in a total mess and everyone is stuck. Driving down morse rd by easton and deciding you want to go the other way at about 35mph and just busting a perfect 180. Love the 4wd in the TB. A few years ago when we got that 20 inches my buddy and I spent 11 hrs just making our own traffic laws and pulling peple out of ditches and drifts. Tried helping a cop out too but he refused the help.

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