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rude cop in polaris


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Guest tbutera2112

ive had a couple bad experiences with cops..it seems like the smaller the incident, the worse mood theyre in.... my biggest violation ever, i got pulled over and the cop was real cool with me and gave me a warning....the smallest ive had, the dude was a complete douche and wrote me like 3-4 violations - none of which really added up to anything


i dont hate on all police just because of having a bad experience with a couple of them...i respect them for getting up eveyday and doing what they do...we all have bad moods some times, shit happens

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Oh, so you got pulled over for doing something illegal to ?


Hard to believe, but yes. Back in 1999 I got busted at 80mph in a 65mph zone as I was completely in auto pilot mode :o


You weren't just randomly selected because he was a dick ?


No, I was just another likely victim of a cop who likely always acts like a dick. I mean seriously, did he really think I was going to just pull over before he came up on my and lit me up? Then when he did I remember hitting the flashers slowing way down as I clearly headed to the area of the road that was not on a curve and has a berm.

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PR is HUGE part of their job. I do expect them to treat me like I am paying their salary until I give them a reason not to. With that being said every encounter I have had (knock on wood) has been good minus one dickhead at QS&L...


How about your friends in Dublin that one time ?

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How about your friends in Dublin that one time ?


I wasnt part of that interaction. That was my brother after he left my place. But now that I think if it there was two bad interactions. The first I was 16 and doing some dumb shit that resulted in 10 squad cars and about 12 cops pointing guns at me... good times...

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PR is HUGE part of their job. I do expect them to treat me like I am paying their salary until I give them a reason not to. With that being said every encounter I have had (knock on wood) has been good minus one dickhead at QS&L...


The wisdom is strong in this post.

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he came up and asked me about it, i said it wasnt safe to immediately pull over. hazards were on and everything, slowed to 25 there. idk he was in a pissy mood or somin. He asked what i was doing taking so long then interupted me and said stop talking. i was like wtf? really? i wish we could write complaints and have the voice recording heard by there cheif or somin. he was a complete dick towards my gf and me.
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he came up and asked me about it, i said it wasnt safe to immediately pull over. hazards were on and everything, slowed to 25 there. idk he was in a pissy mood or somin. He asked what i was doing taking so long then interupted me and said stop talking. i was like wtf? really? i wish we could write complaints and have the voice recording heard by there cheif or somin. he was a complete dick towards my gf and me.


Lift it up. I talked to the commanding officer of the guy at QS&L for about 10 minutes. I'm not sure if anything was accomplished but the next time we were kicked out it was by a nice cop :D

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he came up and asked me about it, i said it wasnt safe to immediately pull over. hazards were on and everything, slowed to 25 there. idk he was in a pissy mood or somin. He asked what i was doing taking so long then interupted me and said stop talking. i was like wtf? really? i wish we could write complaints and have the voice recording heard by there cheif or somin. he was a complete dick towards my gf and me.


What you just said is the exact same thing that happened to me about 6 months ago. I was turning onto Polaris Pkwy during rush hour and the officer pulled up behind me with his lights on. We were at a red light. I put my turn signal on and moved over to the left lane. Then put the harards on and made a left turn to get off the main road. He said the same shit to me, came up yelling and threatening to tow my car and take me to jail. This was all over my car having tinted windows.


He told me if I didn't remove the tint right then the car was getting towed. I told him I will have it removed but I'm not taking it off right there. The guy was just being a prick. He asked me if I knew the two things that bothered him most, I said no. His response was tinted windows and no front license plate, LOL. My guess would have been guns and drugs but I guess that wouldn't make sense. Guess thats why they stick him on freeway patrol.

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What you just said is the exact same thing that happened to me about 6 months ago. I was turning onto Polaris Pkwy during rush hour and the officer pulled up behind me with his lights on. We were at a red light. I put my turn signal on and moved over to the left lane. Then put the harards on and made a left turn to get off the main road. He said the same shit to me, came up yelling and threatening to tow my car and take me to jail. This was all over my car having tinted windows.


He told me if I didn't remove the tint right then the car was getting towed. I told him I will have it removed but I'm not taking it off right there. The guy was just being a prick. He asked me if I knew the two things that bothered him most, I said no. His response was tinted windows and no front license plate, LOL. My guess would have been guns and drugs but I guess that wouldn't make sense. Guess thats why they stick him on freeway patrol.



was his name S.A. Miller #421?

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He asked me if I knew the two things that bothered him most.


that's when you tell him that you really don't wish to talk with him any further and ask him if he needs anything else besides your license, and insurance card. fuck freeway patrol. I vote to save money we ditch their entire force and pay for mobile cameras. see if they like the unemployment line.

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I got pulled over in dublin once for looking like I was going fast. Seriously, looking like I was going fast was his direct statement. I received no ticket. I have had several instances of things like that happening where I wasn't in the wrong but just happen to be in Dublin or Newark to get harassed then let go.
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What you just said is the exact same thing that happened to me about 6 months ago. I was turning onto Polaris Pkwy during rush hour and the officer pulled up behind me with his lights on. We were at a red light. I put my turn signal on and moved over to the left lane. Then put the harards on and made a left turn to get off the main road. He said the same shit to me, came up yelling and threatening to tow my car and take me to jail. This was all over my car having tinted windows.


He told me if I didn't remove the tint right then the car was getting towed. I told him I will have it removed but I'm not taking it off right there. The guy was just being a prick. He asked me if I knew the two things that bothered him most, I said no. His response was tinted windows and no front license plate, LOL. My guess would have been guns and drugs but I guess that wouldn't make sense. Guess thats why they stick him on freeway patrol.


LOL! you should've said "ummm i dont know, guns and drugs sir?" which would've made his answer a bit trivial.... "well those are numbers 3 and 4 but my first two are tint and no front plate!"


Oh and there is a way of making a formal complaint about an officer and/or situation with an officer. If he was CPD im sure you can call their non-emergency number and ask to make a formal complaint, 614-645-4545 . One complaint probably wont do anything but chances are the same cop is- being a jerk to other people too which could give him a reprimand? Better than doing nothing i suppose.

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I thought it was allowable by law to place your hazards on and drive to a safer location. I am not even 75% sure of this, but thought I read/heard it somewhere.


Fuck that, if I do something worthy of them flipping on their lights, I will go as far right as immediately possible and just stop. If I'm in the middle of a busy road with no berm, its their problem to ask me to move somewhere else.

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I find this situation interesting. Its bizarre that we have police on our forces that admittedly are harsher on some law violators than others; that seems as though its profiling, doesn't it?


Also what bothers me is that this kind of attitude is accepted only one place; in our police forces. In any other situation in life when someone treats me like that there are going to be consequences. Although I've met some extremely professional and polite officers, I've met just as many who were simply furious to be bothered by the fact that they must deal with citizens, and can't seem to see the middle ground between their lives and those of the criminals they deal with.

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was his name S.A. Miller #421?


I knew it was that guy just from reading this thread. He's gave me a no front plate ticket not too long ago and went out of his way to make dangerous moves in traffic just to pull me over for it. He's given no front plate tickets to no less than 5 of my friends in the same spot between 71 and polaris. He's never pleasant about the transaction at all. Gave me some stuff about "You people in these Fancy cars think you don't need a front plate".


I completely avoid that area now at all cost. Changed my daily commute and everything to avoid him.

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Thanks for posting that cop info. That's shit I like to read and look for. The tickets the ticket. But sometimes there's a way to phrase things to someone and let them know how much of an asshole they are without coming out and saying it to get in more trouble. Most of the time they don't realize it until they get back in their car, and then they are pissed at themselves. That's satisfaction for me.


In a totally unrelated story, 2 weeks ago I was pulled over on a country road doing 75 in a 55. He ran my info and let me go. I understand the balance of things. When I do get a ticket, it is deserved. I told him I was in a hurry and wrong. He was quick about running my info and on his way. Very rare indeed, but I'll take it and it's very appreciated.

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