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I'm riding the 2010 Pelotonia.. Asking CR members to support the cause!


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My personal Mission:

I have signed myself up for a 43 mile ride which will take me from Columbus to Amanda, OH and pledged an effort to raise a minimum of $1000 in donations. The reason I'm doing this is in recognition to the people in my life who have have been effected by Cancer in some way or another. I'm sure many people here can relate, so if you could take the time to make any donation, even if it's $5, I would be extremely greatful. And in case anyone was curious, I have already pledged $100 of my own money towards the cause by simply signing up to do this!


Please click here if you're willing to donate for my efforts, Thank you!






About the Pelotonia:

Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour with one goal: to end cancer. Pelotonia raises money for innovative and life saving cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. Driven by the passion of its cyclists and volunteers, and their family and friends, Pelotonia's annual cycling experience will be a place of hope, energy and determination. Pelotonia proudly directs 100% of every dollar raised to research. It is a community of people coming together to chase down cancer and defeat it.


Every dollar raised by Pelotonia and its riders goes directly to fund cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.


2009 Pelotonia Video:

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is there different distances of the ride? i almost considered doing it, but i think i'd have a hard time raising $1000. ive done some 60 mile rides, and i could probably go further depending on inclines/etc. i just started last year.
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is there different distances of the ride? i almost considered doing it, but i think i'd have a hard time raising $1000. ive done some 60 mile rides, and i could probably go further depending on inclines/etc. i just started last year.


Yeah, there are a range of distances you can ride, but with the longer distances, you also have to pledge more money in donations.

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hm. i may be down for a 40-60 mile ride. where does the rides and how much needs to be pledged? maybe ill check with work and see if they'll sponsor it. that gives me a month to keep riding and work up some more wind/muscle. hahah
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I suggest you have a little respect an take your problems elsewhere. This isn't the appropriate thread to post your complaints in.

Edited by Wagner
cleaned up for respect
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I got you started. Now it's time for CR to follow.


Sorry I couldn't contribute more...I've spent enough on Cancer in the last year.




Can't thank you enough, Andy. I'll keep you in mind when I make the trip!

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If you don't have anything useful to add to this thread stay the fuck out.


Farkas let me talk to the wife and see if I can kick anything your way.[/Quote]


Brian, thanks for cleaning this up.. Also, let me know what you and your wife work out, anything helps!


Oh, is it possible to get this temporarily stickied or something?

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Good luck man! I rode for Diabetes earlier in the yr and couldn't get any CR support. but looks like you are off to a good start. I'll try to throw a few bucks your way.



Edit, I take that back. Hua manned up!

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i tried to check with work, but they wont sponsor an individual, only match my donation dollar for dollar. unfortunately, i dont have that kind of cash.


hopefully you hit your goal. i was reading they take your CC info for the initial $100, and if you dont raise the full $1000, they charge it for the difference. not a chance i'd want to take. thats why i checked with work first.


i'll see if i can kick some $ your way when i get paid next fri.


can non registered riders ride too? i'd probably ride along with you if i can get in.

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hopefully you hit your goal. i was reading they take your CC info for the initial $100, and if you dont raise the full $1000, they charge it for the difference. not a chance i'd want to take. thats why i checked with work first.


i'll see if i can kick some $ your way when i get paid next fri.


can non registered riders ride too? i'd probably ride along with you if i can get in.


That's correct about not hitting my goal in donations, which is why I'm really trying to get everyone involved! A lot of people wish they could do it themselves and can't because of various reasons... I'm hoping a donation to a rider like myself would make them feel like they're still taking part in some way!


Any donation helps, guys!


I thought about not doing the ride, and just riding along as support for my friends, but I truely want to participate.

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That's correct about not hitting my goal in donations, which is why I'm really trying to get everyone involved! A lot of people wish they could do it themselves and can't because of whatever reason, so I'm hoping a donation to a rider like myself would still make them feel like their efforts are still going to a worthwhile cause!


Any donation helps, guys!


I thought about not doing the ride, and just riding along as support for my friends, but I truely want to participate.


i hear you man. if you want to get out and do some 30-60 mile rides, let me know. i try to keep saturday open for riding, and IIRC, you're in gahanna, (i think i saw you pulling into the apartments by kohls last week) right? last week we rode from my place at morse/sunbury, through easton, back roads into gahanna, up through neighborhoods along 62, up around the country club, and over to the giant eagle on the other side of 161 and back. i dont try to ride super fast, but the guy i rode with saturday was slow as fuck. i'd like to get a decent ride in soon where i can keep a good pace

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i hear you man. if you want to get out and do some 30-60 mile rides, let me know. i try to keep saturday open for riding, and IIRC, you're in gahanna, (i think i saw you pulling into the apartments by kohls last week) right? last week we rode from my place at morse/sunbury, through easton, back roads into gahanna, up through neighborhoods along 62, up around the country club, and over to the giant eagle on the other side of 161 and back. i dont try to ride super fast, but the guy i rode with saturday was slow as fuck. i'd like to get a decent ride in soon where i can keep a good pace


Yeah, I live in that area behind Kohls haha


Usually when I ride, I'll ride down morse to the bike path on Sunbury behind Dick's Sporting Goods and follow it out well past Polaris Pkwy and then then I'll double back.

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yeah, i take that trail up to my work when i ride...the park in the back of my neighborhood connects to the trail. i live in the neighborhood just to the left of the trail on the north side of morse, behind evans automotive, and i get off at schrock rd and my work is <1/4 mile east of the trail...


edit - instead of fighting traffic to go back behind dicks and start there, just go down morse, thru sunbury rd, and where the creek is, you can pick up the trail there.


that trail isnt bad though, just fairly flat. if you want to do a ~60 mile some day, we can hit the trail starting near the johnstown highschool and take it all the way out to hanover, oh. thats a bit of a ride. it doesnt seem to bad on the way out to hanover, but on the way back, with the headwinds, even if its a slight wind, you feel it.


if you want to go out saturday, shoot me a PM.

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Kinda depressing nobody else has stepped up to help out yet.


Come on CR, show a little suport. This disease is brutal. Do what you can to step up and help out even if it's a few bucks for the man.


Cancer takes perfectly healthy people and flips their whole world upside down. The below pictures of my wife were taken less than 3 months apart last year. Ended up costing me my Porsche and then some not to mention the years I took off my life due to stress and loss of sleep and I wasn't even the one going through the treatments.




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Wow, I had no idea Andy..


People like you and your wife are exactly why I want to do this. Many people are affected by it in some way in their life and it completely sucks in every way you look at it. I'm not doing this for myself at all, but instead, I want to do this for everyone else who has struggled. 43 miles and $1000 dollars is really nothing in the perspective of how big this cause is, but it's the best I can personally do in my own effort.


I've dealt with it as well.. My own mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and while she's doing well now, I could only imagine the worst. One of my best friend's mother passed away because of cancer and it has taken such a toll on his family and life.

Edited by Farkas
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Donated. Good Luck!


Audion19s - Andy, I hope all is improving for both of you. I told my wife (Radiologist specializing in Mammography) about your wife and she said to let her know if there is anything she can do to help. She remembers meeting both of you. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do either.

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