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Anyone been through their kid having to wear a patch?


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I had to wear one as a kid. I can't remember for how long, but seemed like a year or so.


Sucked, but could have been worse. It was between kindergarden and 1st grade IIRC.


I can still cross my eye on purpose if I want to, but it doesn't do so on its own.

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My 3 year old went back to the eye doc today and has to wear a patch over his good eye for at least a month to strengthen his bad one. Tough to explain to a 3 year old. :(


Yep, first thing I tried to do.


I was informed, in a very 3-year old manor - that ONLY he was allowed to wear one.


Is he in school?


That would suck -- unless he pulls an Adam Sandler move and kids think it is awesome.


in July?


He's 3


No, he's not in school.

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.. I cant believe i am admitting this, but i was that kid.


I had to wear the patch over summers, but in the long run, be glad its summer and he's 3.


he doesnt totally understand the humiliation and if it fixes the amblioplia or at least makes it better then its totally worth it.


Just for side note, no one even knows i have it now. (I am 30)

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Get one for Mom and Dad too?




Exactly, my nephew had to wear one for a bit before he finally went to glasses. He was around 5 so at that age their very impressionable from older, "cool" males like uncles and dad etc... So it was easy i just told him i wish i had green eye glasses when i was a kid then we played COD for 4 hours.

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my year old nephew is going through this right now. he refuses to wear the patch, so they made his strong eye dilate so he would have to use his weak eye more, no patch, but it looks freaky as hell.
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Well, after we put a Thomas the Tank Engine drawing on it, he won't take it off.


The little one thinks he needs one now as well.


With his pirate patch yesterday, exposed eye still dilated:



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Well, after we put a Thomas the Tank Engine drawing on it, he won't take it off.


The little one thinks he needs one now as well.


With his pirate patch yesterday, exposed eye still dilated:







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Be careful on patching the little one.. dotn want to mess with his vision. :p


Awesome for him taking to it well with the characterization.


i would imagine a reward system of some sort might be good to make this a poisitive experience, maybe each day he doesnt complain about wearing it, he gets a star or something, and at the end of the time perioud he has to wear it (4-5-6 weeks or whatever) for ever star he gets $.50 towards a toy or something (pick a $ amount you are comfy with and divide it by days to get an amount) Doesn't even have to be something he's aware of, maybe in the end, showing him something to prove that sometimes life can be hard, but if you push thru it, good things can happen. Just an idea if it starts to become an issue.. I know to this day i can still remember the pain of taking it off at night and the feel of the air hitting my eyeball .. it was an odd sensation.


(im just offering up this idea, feel free to ignore it ;) )

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