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Obama's Second Term?


Obama's Second Term?  

167 members have voted

  1. 1. Obama's Second Term?

    • Yes! Things are getting better and his next term in office will be great!
    • I'm holding on to see what happens over the next year...
    • No way. Not going to happen at this point.

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I think some of you are a little naive as to how bad the job market really is out there. It all depends on what field you are in and what your experience you have. My wife was laid off for 10 months and was continually told she was unqualified for engineering jobs because she didn't have the exact experience they were looking for, or told she was over-qualified because she had too much experience/education. (and I mean things like, "I'm sorry, but we're looking for someone with 12 years of door handle experience.") She eventually got a job doing the exact same thing she used to, but for a different company. There are people from her old job that are still laid off too.


I know how bad it is here. I have plenty of friends that are out of work. It wasn't easy for me to land either. I still keep my options open as the market is that scary.


What's happened to your wife is that employers are being extra selective and using any reason out there to either hire to a T what they want or using the overqualified reason to bring in the younger and more cost effective employees. I just talked to a good friend who is a staffing agent trying to help me fill a $32-$48k position and he said there are tons of employers trying to hire on the cheap because they can.


The problem I have with the extension of benefits is there are a lot people that are working the system. Especially dual income folks who don't "need" a job to make ends meet. Some are my friends too. I mean, if my buddy mike doesn't find exactly what he wants at what he wants to make, he's going to continue sucking down the max amount unemployment pays and just live off his wifes income while he enjoys a summer vacation hunting for work. My neighbor has been doing it since November of 08 :rolleyes:


Right now we have a temp at my work who has been laid off for 2 years and can't find a job. He's at the point where he just needs ANY job so he can support his family, but multiple people have told him that he's over-qualified.


I give him credit for taking a temp job though. AT least he getting some further experience and connections in place.

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What ever happened to the "transparency" Obama promised he was going to have with his administration and us as citizens? For everyone that voted Obama as "change" for this country I say BULL$&%^t!!! :lol:

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Bush had his faults, but this whole crisis is not all on him. There were warnings given and every ranking Dem blew them off. Even McCain, who is not a personal favorite, saw the writing on the wall.


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While I am no fanboy for Obama I think he is doing ok. I would readily vote for someone else if the candidate was right but many people seem to miss the point that the majority of people that are anti Obama, should really be anti congress as they are the ones who determine spending, program cuts etc. EVERY president campaigns to get elected and doesn't fulfill all of his promises but I haven't seen a president in my time who has come out and tried to change things for the better as much as Obama has. I am not saying that all of Obama's ideas are good and whats best for the country but I am saying that he at least is putting out there that some things need to change. I selected wait and see.
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While I am no fanboy for Obama I think he is doing ok. I would readily vote for someone else if the candidate was right but many people seem to miss the point that the majority of people that are anti Obama, should really be anti congress as they are the ones who determine spending, program cuts etc. EVERY president campaigns to get elected and doesn't fulfill all of his promises but I haven't seen a president in my time who has come out and tried to change things for the better as much as Obama has. I am not saying that all of Obama's ideas are good and whats best for the country but I am saying that he at least is putting out there that some things need to change. I selected wait and see.


just wait till interest rates start to creep up when we are servicing this debt load. Talk to me about how he "tried to make it better"

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I think you may want to take some economics classes before you start predicting the consequences of having a large national debt. I don't like the idea of having a large debt but in the short term and in reality it is hardly our most pressing concern.
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I think you may want to take some economics classes before you start predicting the consequences of having a large national debt. I don't like the idea of having a large debt but in the short term and in reality it is hardly our most pressing concern.


You have a pretty bad habit of talking down to people already. It amuses me.


So if interest rates on our 13 TRILLION dollar debt go up, how does that not have a negative impact on us? Please, help a simple minded man out.


We have a large debt in the, short term and long term, sir. People like you choose to look the other way.

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I do not nearly have an economics degree so I would not dare make prophesies about what will happen as a result of the debt we have but everyone I have talked to that does know a thing or two about economics has come to the general idea that it is part of a cycle. We have had quite a bit of spending to help with economy (the exact benefits are arguable) and once the economy starts picking up again as it has showed signs of getting better already, spending and tax revenue will increase and the debt will be payed down. I did not say that our debt is not important, just that it is not a pressing matter right now. We are spending tons of money on war, making tons of money imprisoning people, and eating food that is killing us. I know people affected by the national unemployment rate, I do not know anyone affected by the national debt.
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I do not nearly have an economics degree so I would not dare make prophesies about what will happen as a result of the debt we have but everyone I have talked to that does know a thing or two about economics has come to the general idea that it is part of a cycle. We have had quite a bit of spending to help with economy (the exact benefits are arguable) and once the economy starts picking up again as it has showed signs of getting better already, spending and tax revenue will increase and the debt will be payed down. I did not say that our debt is not important, just that it is not a pressing matter right now. We are spending tons of money on war, making tons of money imprisoning people, and eating food that is killing us. I know people affected by the national unemployment rate, I do not know anyone affected by the national debt.


when has the national debt ever been paid down? We simply service it or add to it. Deficits have been eliminated. Debt has not.


Right now the effects are nominal because interest rates are so low on treasuries. Once they go up, watch out. More and more of the govt revenue stream will have to go toward servicing the debt. This leave less and less for the general budget. Since we know spending is never cut, this only leaves 2 options. More debt or higher taxes. Do you really think China is going to keep buying our junk t bills and bonds when they know we are not paying it back in a timely manner? The next option is to raise taxes. Yeah, that will really stimulate growth. I guess the third option would just be to print more unbacked dollars and cause inflation to sky rocket.




Maybe businesses are not hiring because they know their taxes are going up because of this unsustainable spending and debt?


We keep hearing "once the economy picks up" When do your educated friends think that might happen? Why would it? What positive, pro business step has this administration adopted in the past 18 months? 1 trillion in "stimulus" and almost 10 percent unemployment? That doesnt even count the ones that have given up the search. Seems like spending (debt) has not done much to help the unemployed in your life.


Its a big deal.

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when has the national debt ever been paid down? We simply service it or add to it. Deficits have been eliminated. Debt has not.


True with the exception of January 8, 1835 but we are arguing semantics here.

Right now the effects are nominal because interest rates are so low on treasuries. Once they go up, watch out. More and more of the govt revenue stream will have to go toward servicing the debt. This leave less and less for the general budget. Since we know spending is never cut, this only leaves 2 options. More debt or higher taxes. Do you really think China is going to keep buying our junk t bills and bonds when they know we are not paying it back in a timely manner? The next option is to raise taxes. Yeah, that will really stimulate growth. I guess the third option would just be to print more unbacked dollars and cause inflation to sky rocket.



Maybe businesses are not hiring because they know their taxes are going up because of this unsustainable spending and debt?


We keep hearing "once the economy picks up" When do your educated friends think that might happen? Why would it? What positive, pro business step has this administration adopted in the past 18 months? 1 trillion in "stimulus" and almost 10 percent unemployment? That doesnt even count the ones that have given up the search. Seems like spending (debt) has not done much to help the unemployed in your life.


Its a big deal.

He is the President of the US, not a wizard, come on.

The economy has already started to show signs of getting better. It is not going to happen over night but we will get there. Without the stimulus it is equally possible that the unemployment rate could be even higher than it is now. I want to make sure I am clear here though because I do not completely agree with the way the stimulus was implemented. Maybe this article will help you with economics and the Obama administrations business policies


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