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$187,000 To park in a driveway.


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sometimes its a good thing.


Somebody I know lives in a neiborhood where the homes range from 400k-750k and there were a house full mexicans living in one of the homes. They were parking there bright yellow burrito selling school bus in there drive way. It was junked out and a very big eye sore to the community! HOA took care of it!



hell with HOA Columbus city code doesn't allow that.

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Sorry hoss mine sits in front of my house, not sitting a stinky trash can in my hot garage.


Keeping a trash can from stinking isn't hard. Bag your shit, and if it leaks, little bleach, hose and done. Zero issues. Personally, I don't get why anyone would put a trash can in front of their house. Not exactly curb appeal.


My shed is on the side of the house and is full of gardening equipment. I use my garage everyday. I'm not putting in the back yard and walking through mud to bring it around on trash day.


Mud in your yard? Again, another issue I would say as a homeowner you should address. There's an app for that. Scotts.


I don't really care what you or neighbors "have to look at" seriously, it "hurts" you to see a trashcan? So at least once a week you are in pain? You are exactly why HOAs fucking suck. You sound retarded. Go re-read what you wrote. Who are you to tell me where to store my trashcan?


That's the problem. No one seems to care what their own house looks like. That's why when I drive down my street, I see a slew of lazy peoples cars that turn the suburban subdivision into what looks like a fucking west-side neighborhood. Laziness is all it is. Park your cars in the driveway. So far as storing your trash can....who I am is someone who doesn't want to live in a Condo like subdivision where I have to look at the trash cans of everyone who has their garage packed with shit they should just toss out and think it's okay to decorate their front flower beds with a trash can. Maybe they allow that in Little Turtle, but thankfully The City of Dublin says move the can or pay $100 fine. Hopefully the street parking is next.

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hell with HOA Columbus city code doesn't allow that.


yeah, but they dont give a shit. one of my neighbors parks 2 of his work vans at the house, every day. one in the driveway, one in the street. mind you, its not a very wide street, and with both his daughters cars also on the street, it makes it a huge PITA to drive by my house. usually if a car is coming the other way, one of you has to get all the way over to the curb at someones driveway, and let the other pass


my other neighbor just told me she called the 311 number 3x and on the 3rd time was told she has to call the non-emergency police number (why did they wait til the 3rd call to tell her this?)...she called the police and even had the city code number for them, and they havent done shit


maybe if they get more calls something will get done.

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yeah, but they dont give a shit. one of my neighbors parks 2 of his work vans at the house, every day. one in the driveway, one in the street. mind you, its not a very wide street, and with both his daughters cars also on the street, it makes it a huge PITA to drive by my house. usually if a car is coming the other way, one of you has to get all the way over to the curb at someones driveway, and let the other pass


my other neighbor just told me she called the 311 number 3x and on the 3rd time was told she has to call the non-emergency police number (why did they wait til the 3rd call to tell her this?)...she called the police and even had the city code number for them, and they havent done shit


maybe if they get more calls something will get done.



call the city they will give them a 30 day notice if its not addressed they get fined.


My neighbor had it happen to them they kept a boat in the drive way and someone complained city told them to move it or a take the fines.

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what pisses me off is that certain people get away with certain shit and others dont....theres a house here that has a shed and an in ground pool...were not allowed to have either, we have a fenced in yard and proposed getting a shed and putting it in the corner with siding that matched the house and got a no...yet those bastards in the back with the privacy wall, pool, and shed dont get any trouble


hell they sent us a letter for our trash can sitting outside when i had the mustang here (2 cars in my garage meant no space for anything else)....yet the guy down the street from me keeps a massive boat (takes up from the garage, down to the sidewalk) in his driveway all the time, along with an RV that is so big it sticks from the garage down to the road (yes, blocking the sidewalk)....that or he will park the RV on the street and the boat in the driveway and park his SUV sideways on the sidewalk to block it


fuck that shit...i hate having a HoA, but i hate even more that they dont enforce shit equally....i wonder how much those chodelicks had to "donate" to the HoA to get off the hook for their shit


Start sending them pictures of your dick in peoples mailboxes.


Further ask if they have any policies about dicks being put in mailboxes.

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best of both worlds here. i live in a neighborhood with 10 houses--about 2-3 miles from the city. no HOA here, everyone has about 2 acres of property, snowmobiles, 4wheelers, fire pits, boats, trailers---i'm seriously behind in the toy department compared to my neighbors. at least 5 houses have detached extra garages---mine is the biggest though.
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HOA gets in a pissing contest, now everyone is covered in piss.


Wow, he could've bought a Cougar for that!


I do wish our area had a no overnight parking rule for everyone that decides to put their shit in the street vs driveway. I don't care if you have 2-3 cars, put them in your fucking driveway not in the street. This is the burbs not campus.


They did enforce the trashcan rule though. Thankfully I don't have to look at everyone's can sitting in front of their garage. Again, put that shit inside or behind a simple barrier on the side of your house. How fucking hard is it to put up a some lattice work with ivy on it or to simply clear out a corner in your garage.


He is a housing nazi. When I went to his house, I moved everything I saw over about an inch when he wasn't looking. :D

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if you dont want to see my garbage can in front of my garage, then dont look at my house. problem solved.


Does it cross anyone's mind that it makes your house/neighborhood look like shit?


(If you live in a shitty house/neighborhood then disregard) ;)

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HOA are biased but that is usually because of who is on the board. Can you get voted on the board? People just like to stick their noses in other people's business.


I live in Dublin, the ghetto of it behind Meijer and there is no HOA here. There are plenty of people that have $200k houses and crab grass yards. It does not bother me at all.

When I drive up through Muirfield does it look nice? Sure does. Does everyone have a tan house with fake bricks on the front? Sure do. Does everyone have sprinklers, sod and a perfect brick driveway? Sure do. Any of those homes have personality? Sure don't.


To each their own. You want a nice looking area and spend your time picking crab grass, get a nice place with a HOA.

You want to do what you want to your home? Live somewhere else but you might get that car with no wheels sitting in the driveway. I know my car has sat in my driveway with no wheel for a day or two.

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