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my honda goes vroom, weee ahhh BRAPPP


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i have had a couple people tell me at meets that they don't want to join because of the intro process. because I usually ask people at meets if you post on CR, i have got that response a couple times. i never really had a problem with it.
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i have had a couple people tell me at meets that they don't want to join because of the intro process. because I usually ask people at meets if you post on CR, i have got that response a couple times. i never really had a problem with it.


IF people can't grasp the concept on how to read a thing that says how to get into CR… then we are better off without them… I'm just saying.

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IF people can't grasp the concept on how to read a thing that says how to get into CR… then we are better off without them… I'm just saying.


+1, and do they really lack so much self esteem that they are worried about what people might to say to them? Over the internet???


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In the thread you were removed from they had a good intro yet here we are.

And yet the whole point of this thread was to make fun of said mad cool jdmness civic. Not that he did or didnt do a good intro :gtfo:

I hate your eyelids and carbon fiber hood. RICER!

Yup me 2 an that's why the cars for sale wanna buy it. Adult driven garage kept never been raced...

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Sort of like that night when we had to put that hood on Phil's car?




My car is black, my hood is black, it was dark. My other hood was fucked up by certain people. On cr and it looked better than my original one, dumbass. Way to make a non valid point. Please try harder to say my name fagget. I'm prolly gonna get removed for calling him a fagget now.






























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My car is black, my hood is black, it was dark. My other hood was fucked up by certain people. On cr and it looked better than my original one, dumbass. Way to make a non valid point. Please try harder to say my name fagget. I'm prolly gonna get removed for calling him a fagget now.































Dish it out but can't take it? Yes it was dark and that is always such a great time to put something on like a hood that needs to be straight.


You are right why do something right when it can be done half ass and ghetto...




wait for it...
















so i can be cool like phil....






















moar dramatic pause




































hey look at the kitty!









































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Dish it out but can't take it? Yes it was dark and that is always such a great time to put something on like a hood that needs to be straight.


You are right why do something right when it can be done half ass and ghetto...




wait for it...





so i can be cool like phil....







moar dramatic pause









hey look at the kitty!








i just lol'd, and your right we did half ass it but i was trying to go out one last time before the car got tore apart, and i didnt know you jerk offs vandalized my car. i mean its cool to put magnets on but people wrote shit on my car. destroyed the hood and it took me over 3 hrs to get the other shit off my car. half asses or not, i didnt go without a hood. you fail to relize what paul was getting at. you are so quick get on people about comprehending, why dont you just read his issue before you removed him from the thread. again you use to be cool, now your just a nuthugging mod with a little web power.


















still loading



































clearing throat


















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i just lol'd, and your right we did half ass it but i was trying to go out one last time before the car got tore apart, and i didnt know you jerk offs vandalized my car. i mean its cool to put magnets on but people wrote shit on my car. destroyed the hood and it took me over 3 hrs to get the other shit off my car. half asses or not, i didnt go without a hood. you fail to relize what paul was getting at. you are so quick get on people about comprehending, why dont you just read his issue before you removed him from the thread. again you use to be cool, now your just a nuthugging mod with a little web power.


The only nuts I swing on are my own, because if you swing on another man's nuts you are nothing but a dirty man kisser :)


If I were you I would have made the shop pay to get that hood fixed since the damage happend while the car was at said shop, but that is just me.

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Guest tbutera2112
yea i hated that about my car being at said shop... people were always fucking touching it and messing with it and no matter how much i told the owner to not let them, every time i went over i found something else etched into my BRAND NEW paint from people smearing shop dust and metal shavings into my paint with their fingers
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The only nuts I swing on are my own, because if you swing on another man's nuts you are nothing but a dirty man kisser :)


If I were you I would have made the shop pay to get that hood fixed since the damage happend while the car was at said shop, but that is just me.




the current shop has done more than enough for me in repairing the relationship, so thats old news. im just saying if you read what he said you wouldnt have brought me into it, seeing the situation was not even relevent. and nutswinging is cool wen your the only one on the nut. more than 1 swinger is just weird, always bumping into them

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yea i hated that about my car being at said shop... people were always fucking touching it and messing with it and no matter how much i told the owner to not let them, every time i went over i found something else etched into my BRAND NEW paint from people smearing shop dust and metal shavings into my paint with their fingers



i never wrote pedobear although that was a funny ass conversation with you yelling at me about it and i had no idea what was going on

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