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FREE fireworks.

Trouble Maker

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I've got a fucking sack bigger than Jesus's scrotum full of GRADE C fireworks. For you non-Christian pagan's that's about the size of a kroger's plastic bag. You need big nuts to die for others sins.


You will probably blow your hand off so I'm not charging you for them. These things are the real deal. They are about an inch long and 1/8" around attached to little sticks. You light them and they go up and go pop.


There are hundereds of them, you could probably go start a war with Cuba with this arsenal if you were so inclined.


Come pick these up before I start shooting them at my neighbors cars when they are too fucking lazy to walk to the next parking lot and park in non-parking spaces. :bangbang:

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I want the paper clip too


Whoa... the paper clip is too much... P.s. my offer still stands with the collection of rubber bands I have.


The other day I stole some AIDS medication off of a homeless person in downtown. I took all of it and started hallucinating shortly after that. I blacked out for 2 days. The only thing I remembered when I came to was something about a post on CR and a paperclip. I searched and there was no post, so it must have been in a dream. Are you two Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt?



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All, Jason was the first to ask for them and I've already told he could have them. He's also paying me for a different item which doesn't hurt. It's just one Jesus scrotum sized Krogers bag full of bottle rockets that I got for free anyways. I'm giving them all to Jason, or whoever ends up with them.


If that falls through for whatever reason I will let the next person who asked for them know.

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