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Anyone a lawyer? lolz


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So there's a knock on my door about 8:20 or so tonight. My son answers the door. He comes downstairs and said "It's Stevens dad". umm. ok.


So I go out on the porch and talk with his dad (his son is friends with my son). He said my son threatened his son over Xbox live stating he wanted to kick his ass and called him a little bitch. (my son will be 17 on Thursday and his kid is 15.. they hung out all summer and so on).


Then the dad says that he can record the xbox messages on a USB stick and send them to Gahanna PD and they could put my son in Detention hall for harassment. lol wtf is this?


10 minutes before he knocked on the door my son came down and gave me the low down. According to my son, this kid (steven) said some nasty words about my sons girlfriend. Calling her names and such. I guess they used to go to school together in Worthington. On top of that he was just a jackass to my son and a few of his friends.


So fast forward to the conversation with Dad. I said "wait.. so.. who started all this.. and then pointed to his son.". If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened. You were the one calling the girl names and pissing my son off. He did a few other things but it's just pointless and this point :).. just stupid kiddy shit. Being a teenager I guess. Dad kinda back tracked a little and steered off that subject. I guess he didn't realize his son started all the shit and was backing him up not knowing his kid started it all to begin with.


A few other words were said between me and the Dad. Basically. Delete him off your friends list, quit talking to him, hanging out, etc.


Then the best part came. We were chatting and he said "yeah, when Gahanna PD pulls me over, I have this card that says I don't need to talk to anyone except a Sergent at the PD. Really?


It was my humor for the night. Now that I think of it I should have said more but at the time I was like "WTF". and just went with it.


Fucking kids. ugh.

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... So a grown man knocked on your door at 8:00 (ish) at night to confront you over shit talking that your 17 year old did over a video game... :wtf::confused: I would have told him to get the fuck of the porch and shut the door. I'd love to see him go to the police over that bullshit.
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... So a grown man knocked on your door at 8:00 (ish) at night to confront you over shit talking that your 17 year old did over a video game... :wtf::confused: I would have told him to get the fuck of the porch and shut the door. I'd love to see him go to the police over that bullshit.

Agreed. That or just let your son work him over real good and the punk 15 yr old will keep his mouth shut. There is really nothing they can do to your son anyways it just online trash talk. Gahanna pd does have alot of time on their hands though and are some of the worst cops about being in your business when they have no reason to be. I don't have much respect for Gahanna pd except for the few cool cops that I have meet from there which is few and far between...

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