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Moms neighbor...


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So she has three competition dogs. They are always in field behind their house throwing frisbees and they catch them with high leaps and flips and shit. They run endurance tracks and all that crap as well with them. The wife owner took them somewhere the other day in the car and got out and left them in there. All three died from heat.
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So she has three competition dogs. They are always in field behind their house throwing frisbees and they catch them with high leaps and flips and shit. They run endurance tracks and all that crap as well with them. The wife owner took them somewhere the other day in the car and got out and left them in there. All three died from heat.


Good joke, punchline is simple and to the point. :cool:


(i kid i kid)

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This shit makes me so mad. The ignorance and stupidity this woman must have is insane. Animal cruality looks like charges she should be seeing in the future. With all the studies done on how fast a car can heat up in just 10 min sitting in a parking lot I would say I am shocked this dumbass woman would do this but nothing shocks me anymore. I would fucking lock her ass in a car now for punishment and make her stay in there till she at least passes out or is dead... Edited by I Eat Rice
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wow way to go. how long were they in the car for??? Why in the hell would you not leave the windows cracked when it is 90 plus outside??


They still woulda died.


Sad and shitty

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shoulda threw them in a river


at least they would have some type of chance. In a car...none. I know even today without tint, the Ford is a HOT SOB to get in. Tint really makes a difference, but doubt it would save a life.





















all joking aside. that is sad.

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So she has three competition dogs. They are always in field behind their house throwing frisbees and they catch them with high leaps and flips and shit. They run endurance tracks and all that crap as well with them. The wife owner took them somewhere the other day in the car and got out and left them in there. All three died from heat.


Fuck this woman. Every time I read a story like this I loose faith in humanity.:mad:

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I have no idea. My mom was told from the neighbor next to her, that's good friends with them. They did everything with those dogs...I can't imagine her doing this intentionally. Had to be a long time to kill all three.
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Had to be a long time to kill all three.


Not necessarily.


Once a dog's body temperature gets over about 106 — normal temperature is around 101 — the result is "everything from nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, systemic organ failure, and it happens fast, within a matter of minutes," she says.


Temp study.


Study on how fast a car can get hot.


A car can easily reach 120 to 130 degrees F (50 degrees C) in just 10 minutes. It is amazing how fast a car heats up in the sun. It only takes a few minutes to create fatal temperatures.
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I have no idea. My mom was told from the neighbor next to her, that's good friends with them. They did everything with those dogs...I can't imagine her doing this intentionally. Had to be a long time to kill all three.


As sad as it is.....let's just be glad they didn't have children... :(





P.S....next time you see her.... :slap: ....the idiot lady!

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