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yeah I was watching something on the news about it that most of the oil has settled on the seafloor and has killed everything. They will never be able to clean it up.


impossible pour some oil in a glass of water and leave it sit for a little bit the oil always come to the top becuase its less dense than water

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impossible pour some oil in a glass of water and leave it sit for a little bit the oil always come to the top becuase its less dense than water


Did you just extrapolate an expierement in a 16oz glass of tap water with refined oil to a salt water ocean with unrefined oil? :confused:

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There are a ton of articles out there. These hardly cover it but I'm not gonna spend all morning finding them and doing the research for some of the lazy on here.


Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor




Oil's not the only problem.



Oh, and btw, the oil eating bacteria has only consumed the natural gasses, not the actual oil. They are doing some more research (a little after the fact) to see if they're adapting to eat the oil, too.


Let's not even get started on the dispersants they were dropping all over the place out there and the amount of problems, human sickness and animal deaths that they have caused all while they tried to hide it and cover it up.

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impossible pour some oil in a glass of water and leave it sit for a little bit the oil always come to the top becuase its less dense than water


this is true at sea level its a different ball game one mile below sea level.


In August, researchers at the University of South Florida reported finding oil on the seafloor in the form of oil particles sprinkled on top of the mud. These new findings strongly suggest that it 'didn't just drizzle oil, in some places it was a blizzard'. David Hollander, from USF, says the government's original attempt to figure out what happened to the oil failed to consider that it could end up on the seafloor, and only counted how much washed ashore, how much evaporated and how much might have stayed under the waves.


On September 10, Samantha Joye, a professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia on a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico announced her team's findings of a substantial layer of oily sediment stretching for dozens of miles in all directions suggesting that a lot of oil did not evaporate or dissipate but may have settled to the seafloor. She describes seeing layers of oily material covering the bottom of the seafloor, in some places more than 2 inches thick atop normal sediments containing dead shrimp and other organisms. She speculates that the source maybe organisms that have broken down the spilled oil and excreted an oily mucus that sinks, taking with it oil droplets that stick to the mucous. "We have to [chemically] fingerprint the oil and link it to the Deepwater Horizon," she says. "But the sheer coverage here is leading us all to come to the conclusion that it has to be sedimented oil from the oil spill, because it's all over the place."

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impossible pour some oil in a glass of water and leave it sit for a little bit the oil always come to the top becuase its less dense than water


You're right. Pour oil in a glass of water and it will never sink.


Now mix it into the gulf of Mexico where it attaches itsef to partticals such as mud, sand, plant life and it easily sinks to the bottom. The Mississippi flushes more mud and sand into the gulf that I do crap down a toilet after eating a Chipotle Burrito.


Crude oil will also sink as it ages and turns to tar. That process is called weathering.


Want further information, call my brother who works at Schlumberger/DCS out of Houston. He installs all the technical computer stuff on the rigs. Listening to his stories on what happened will fucking make you flip out and kill those bastards at BP and the management team of Halliburton in charge. Everyone in the know called that accident as a most certain outcome. He's on record for not even having been on that rig nor willing to work with the management team in charge.

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