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firefox issues?


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ok for the last few months ive been having issues with my firefox.. every time i click a link or any thing itll load that page an then i cant click on anything else unless i minimize the page and bring it back up. this is annoying as hell. i have uninstalled it an reinstalled it an it doesnt fix the issue.. any one else have this issue and or know how to fix it? im so sick of it im about to go back to IE
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:finger: how do you figure? i simply pressed the back button and every single time would bring up a new tab? what the gay?pass it would appear as if i didnt have the up to date firefox downloaded it and so far so good.
Your inability to performing common computer tasks is frightening. :lol:
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Searched for "Chrome back button new tab" and got nothing like your issue. No idea what you were doing, but you seem to be the only one doing it. Chrome works 100% for me.


hmm i cant show you i tried print screen but i cant figure out how to save the photo ahh i fail, buttttt when i click the back button in the top left it will open a new tab with the previous page i was viewing(at the top of the screen) every time. ive tryed different web sites an still does it

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hmm i cant show you i tried print screen but i cant figure out how to save the photo ahh i fail, buttttt when i click the back button in the top left it will open a new tab with the previous page i was viewing(at the top of the screen) every time. ive tryed different web sites an still does it


to save the image...open up paint and paste and save :)

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this image shows the back button is what im pressing





an this photo shows what happens which i click the back button... it doesnt go back on this page... it will go back but it opens it in a NEW TAB











and after further review firefox is still having the issue where i have to click on another window to be able to click on anything on a page wtf only happens with firefox

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