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Liars, let's discuss


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Where is their head at? People who lie all the time, from the smallest shit to just absolute underhanded asshole stuff. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Is it low self image? So they do shit and try to get away with it to try and feel accomplished or like they out smarted the situation? Is it the attention and the inevitable drama bound to come from it when the lies surface? How fucked up is their head for them to function this way?


If you lie, you are a theif too. You are stealing my trust.



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Where is their head at? People who lie all the time, from the smallest shit to just absolute underhanded asshole stuff. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Is it low self image? So they do shit and try to get away with it to try and feel accomplished or like they out smarted the situation? Is it the attention and the inevitable drama bound to come from it when the lies surface? How fucked up is their head for them to function this way?


If you lie, you are a theif too. You are stealing my trust.




Are you on your period or something? j/k :p



People lie for different reason.



Personal Gains



hell even kindness (depending on your lie)


I just tend to avoid the drama filled idiots who speak just to hear their voice.

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Want to cuddle over a beer?


LOL. I'd be up for a beverage this evening.


As for the lies, I'm not talking the "No, your ass doesn't look fat in that dress". I'm talking the deliberate fuck you from behind and not even have to decency for a reach around.

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I'm not lying.


Am I lying or telling the truth in that statement?


Srsly though, I think it depends on the situation. The majority lie to avoid conflict and possibly to avoid responsibility.




I catch myself lying about little things to avoid conflict and to also get in the pants o women :)

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LOL. I'd be up for a beverage this evening.


As for the lies, I'm not talking the "No, your ass doesn't look fat in that dress". I'm talking the deliberate fuck you from behind and not even have to decency for a reach around.


I doubt I can this evening. I tell you what though. Help me install a tranny next week and I'll get you a bottle of goose.

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Everyone lies, has lied, and will lie again. Its a perfectly natural response that you develop incredibly early, usually by "fake" crying to get your mothers attention as a baby. One must also remember everytime we tell a story with a slight embellishment, or flair, we have in essence lied. Even convenient, and relatively harmless white lies (I was late cause of traffic) still qualify.


Habitual, or pathological liars are a little different than just "people who lie" (or "everyone" as I prefer to say) and that can be an interesting, and scary research topic. I have found that as a young child you learn what you can successfully, and what you cannot successfully lie about through simple trial and error. Healthy skepticism is also built from a childhood of hearing others lie to you and having your bullshit sensor trigger or not.


The above is a lie.

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Yo man, I ever tell you about the time I had lunch with Laetitia Casta? That shit was awesome! My buddy and I were working at VSC (the Catalog warehouse, at easton) on second shift, and we went to lunch (which was at like 8 pm or something) and this young cutie in a sweatshirt and some jeans and a ballcap asked if she could sit with us. We were like, "yeah, sure". She had kind of a weird accent though, couldn't place it. Then my dude was like, "wait a sec, take off your ballcap", and she was like, "No". Finally, she lifted it up a bit, and my bro was like, "Dude, you are Laetitia Casta!" She was all embarassed and stuff, and asked us not to tell anyone. We spent the rest of lunch clowning her for thinking that disguise was gonna work. I mean, really, like she's mutherfucking Clark Kent or something...


...Also, her teeth were FUCKED UP!



(But I'd still hit it)

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