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Liars, let's discuss


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Where is their head at? People who lie all the time, from the smallest shit to just absolute underhanded asshole stuff. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Is it low self image? So they do shit and try to get away with it to try and feel accomplished or like they out smarted the situation? Is it the attention and the inevitable drama bound to come from it when the lies surface? How fucked up is their head for them to function this way?


If you lie, you are a theif too. You are stealing my trust.





Youre a liar too, everytime you say your car is stock :)

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lol its funny the lies or far fetched stories some people tell you and they act like you arent smart enough to know that its a lie and when you call them out they wont admit it and keep up the play.

im in the know.


Are you really in the know? Why don't you PM me. I think we have an interesting view to share from a few years ago. Maybe I'm wrong.

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I don't have a problem with people telling a story and embelishing the truth. Little to spice it up, its when thry flat out lie to u to make themselves out to be something they're not or when they do it just to do it.


A kid I went to school with was the worst about it. He'd lie out of habit."dude, I just had the best cheeseburger for lunch". Bullshit. I just ate lunch with u and you had pizza

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lol its funny the lies or far fetched stories some people tell you and they act like you arent smart enough to know that its a lie and when you call them out they wont admit it and keep up the play.

im in the know.


this. I used to work with a kid that went through like 6 cars in 2 months. Most were riced out, but he swore the were all TT or had nitrous, but would never prove it. Same kid now owns a riced out integra. Said this car had so many parts on it that it would do 0-60 in 6.0. He brought that car out to trails an ran damn near 18's at just a hair over 70 mph.

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Joe, girl or guy?


No homo.


Both in general. Had a guy at my work last week telling me about his "several friends with 900+hp RX7's all with 13B's in them". In Ohio. Get the fuck outta here.


Girl, well shit, where I do I even begin. You can tell her I just saw your get out of her car and she will insist she drove the space shuttle and tell you you're out of your mind.


At this point I do feel pretty bad for thes people. I would really like to know what it is that makes them like this. Do they need help? Would they get it if there was help for them?


Dumbass shit either way.


Let me know when you are working on the trans and I'll help as long as I'm in town. No Goose needed, but loved seeing the offer. lol

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There will be goose whether you want it or not, rockstar. I will be doing it Saturday, oct 10th. It was supposed to me by day at Nelson Ledges but until I ante up for a TKO transmission this will be my story. Breaking shit, installing shit.


Don't let the fakes knock you off your monopoly board.

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No homo.


Both in general. Had a guy at my work last week telling me about his "several friends with 900+hp RX7's all with 13B's in them". In Ohio. Get the fuck outta here.


Girl, well shit, where I do I even begin. You can tell her I just saw your get out of her car and she will insist she drove the space shuttle and tell you you're out of your mind.


At this point I do feel pretty bad for thes people. I would really like to know what it is that makes them like this. Do they need help? Would they get it if there was help for them?


Dumbass shit either way.


Let me know when you are working on the trans and I'll help as long as I'm in town. No Goose needed, but loved seeing the offer. lol


You, sir, need to meet me for an alcoholic beverage. That is all.

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I catch myself lying about little things to avoid conflict and to also get in the pants o women :)


i knew this was your plan..... :gtfo:


i lie to avoid conflict. but i see lots of lies that are merely for attention and it makes me sick when they get away with it, only because i'm not normally around to see the lie discovered.

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I catch myself lying about little things to avoid conflict and to also get in the pants o women :)


I don't see the point. If conflict was going to come about, then let it come. It was going to happen for a reason anyways so why avoid via an artificial reason?


Also lying to get into women's pants is lame.. if your game is too weak to get a chick on your own guthers, then you probably don't need to be aiming for that chick to begin with.


I'd much rather have the truth with a grain of bitterness than a lie with sugar coated bullshit.


Also I know how Mojoe feels. I used to do the small little lying thing too but I stopped it because there's no point in it. The truth surfaces regardless what you do (usually) and its not worth having to remember a lie in the first place. Also note my name.


I'm just getting super irritated people won't accept responsibility for things be it the words coming out of their mouths "Hey I lie because.. "STOP RIGHT THERE! No reason to lie - you can avoid having to let an ugly truth out there without having to open your damned mouth too. Sometimes NOT saying shit is also appropriate.

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There will be goose whether you want it or not, rockstar. I will be doing it Saturday, oct 10th. It was supposed to me by day at Nelson Ledges but until I ante up for a TKO transmission this will be my story. Breaking shit, installing shit.


Don't let the fakes knock you off your monopoly board.


If I wasn't on my monopoly board, I wouldn't have caught this.


should be fine for that date. Let's start as early as we can please, Not the drinking, the working. Then we can drink. lol


Ben, oppertunities are something I need to be less generious with. Not everyone deserves then. That sums it up.


Di, ..... well fuck, you're the same cool girl you have been.

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If I wasn't on my monopoly board, I wouldn't have caught this.


I concur. The car work will be banged out in no time. Then we can kick back a few. I'm hoping that my buddy Rick rs69 on here will let me use his lift out by my dads house. It will take no time if he does.

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Where is their head at? People who lie all the time, from the smallest shit to just absolute underhanded asshole stuff. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Is it low self image? So they do shit and try to get away with it to try and feel accomplished or like they out smarted the situation? Is it the attention and the inevitable drama bound to come from it when the lies surface? How fucked up is their head for them to function this way?


If you lie, you are a theif too. You are stealing my trust.




I work with a guy like this, he litereally lies about everything. Every little thing. After a while no one takes him seriously and you really cant trust anything that comes out of his mouth b/c he'll just deny it or lie again. People like that must lead a sad sad life to have to act like that all the time, i pity them.

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heck i was thinking about a kid i know when i first met him there was a crowd that got hit with a pickup truck, we talked to him after the incident. week later he told us how he jumped in the car and took after them and stop them and had to have the police pull him off of them, but he forgot he was with us the whole time....
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I lie to cause conflict then tell the truth soley to piss people off. I am an asshole.



I once told a lie to a person that I knew was lying so that when I told the lie they told me to someone else that my lie would make their lie more hurtful and when I told the truth it seemed like I was lying.

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