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i just dont get it


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ok minus the career people, that i get...



but for the rest of the people who claim they cant find a job i dont get it. i have a job, i like the company, but i want somthing that doesnt include sales at all. i am less than 6 months from graduating but i still want a decent job seeing as im not going to find a job right out of school. i have 4 interviews this week and i started looking sunday night. 2 are for major companies, and the other 2 are smaller companies that have some good stuff going on. but i just dont get how some of you on here have no jobs or had no jobs and say you cant find a job, the economics are so bad, blah blah blah. please help me understand. im no better than anyone here and im having 0 issues. ive put out maybe 20 apps, and have heard back from around 15 of the places. one place i want to hear from is cintas. i would love to dive in there for a while until i graduate. idk why i want to do a lil hard work, just feel like it would be a good fit for now. some of you either need to get off your high horse thinking a job isnt good enough for you while your bills fall to the wayside and take one of these jobs.

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BS i call BS on all accountants. Dont wanna get into it but im sure you havent got 15 interviews out of 20 apps...again BULLSHIT


ive heard back from 15 of them, i have 4 interviews you asshole. please read, no wonder it took you forever to get a job

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If I can ask...what field are you applying in and what field is your degree in? Also, bachelors or associates? Congrats...I graduate in December and am starting the job hunt as well.



right now im open to customer service/ education/ pretty much anything/ insurance


i double majored in physical education and sports business with a minor in econmics . im not super picky right now just cause i want somthing while i do my T.A. i dont get paid for that so i am just looking for anything not sales related. congrats on the degree long time coming, and im getting a bachelors

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while i agree to a point, some people have a set amount of bills they have to pay, and taking X job isn't worth it...


if i become unemployed at the end of this month (which may happen), id get $375/wk from unemployment if i wait til after 10/3 to file. thats $1500/mo pretax. my monthly bills i HAVE to cover (without extra spending money) is about $1100...


if i took a shitty job making $9/hr, id make less working than i would on unemployment...unless i find something making what i am now, it wouldnt benefit me to take a $12/hr job making ~$480/wk...thats an extra $100, and i'd rather give that up and spend 40 hours/wk looking for a job that a) i want and b) pays me what i want


its a shitty thing to think of, but ive been paying into the system for 11 years...if i have to take back out of it, im going to use it until i find exactly what i want...if god forbid i get to the point where i can no longer get it, then i'll consider a shittier job.

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while i agree to a point, some people have a set amount of bills they have to pay, and taking X job isn't worth it...


if i become unemployed at the end of this month (which may happen), id get $375/wk from unemployment if i wait til after 10/3 to file. thats $1500/mo pretax. my monthly bills i HAVE to cover (without extra spending money) is about $1100...


if i took a shitty job making $9/hr, id make less working than i would on unemployment...unless i find something making what i am now, it wouldnt benefit me to take a $12/hr job making ~$480/wk...thats an extra $100, and i'd rather give that up and spend 40 hours/wk looking for a job that a) i want and b) pays me what i want


its a shitty thing to think of, but ive been paying into the system for 11 years...if i have to take back out of it, im going to use it until i find exactly what i want...if god forbid i get to the point where i can no longer get it, then i'll consider a shittier job.




thats what i was wondering. that makes 100% sense. i wasnt trying to bash but i didnt get why people wont work if they dont have a job and the jobs they had were less than they had. thanks for that

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ive heard back from 15 of them, i have 4 interviews you asshole. please read, no wonder it took you forever to get a job


Eat a fucking dick! You act like your sooooo much better than everyone else who had hit a rough patch. Im quit frankly tired of hearing your bullshit you spit. Yeah you got a good job(not) if its sooo good and you like it why leave? all you did was brag about noh i do blah blah bah i come in blah blah blah. SO honestly why leave if you felt so "set"



BTW Im kinda drunk

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Eat a fucking dick! You act like your sooooo much better than everyone else who had hit a rough patch. Im quit frankly tired of hearing your bullshit you spit. Yeah you got a good job(not) if its sooo good and you like it why leave? all you did was brag about noh i do blah blah bah i come in blah blah blah. SO honestly why leave if you felt so "set"




cause i dont wanna do sales. point blank. i can stay there, but with my T.A coming up i need somthing consistent. and i dont act like im better than anyone there big guy. its just annoying to see people complain about not having a job and sit on here and post non stop when they could be using there time better. or going to the bars when they have no money. i understand its rough, but get off your ass and do somthing about it. its so much easier to feel bad for yourself than it is to get on the grind. i dont have it hard, and i never said i did, i just couldnt see why people bitch about there not being jobs out there when all you have to do is market yourself correctly and not be a total dumbass.

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cause i dont wanna do sales. point blank. i can stay there, but with my T.A coming up i need somthing consistent. and i dont act like im better than anyone there big guy. its just annoying to see people complain about not having a job and sit on here and post non stop when they could be using there time better. or going to the bars when they have no money. i understand its rough, but get off your ass and do somthing about it. its so much easier to feel bad for yourself than it is to get on the grind. i dont have it hard, and i never said i did, i just couldnt see why people bitch about there not being jobs out there when all you have to do is market yourself correctly and not be a total dumbass.


I can understand that but you should def direct it to people not doing anything. Just cause i was online alot doesnt mean my ass wasnt out there doing what i need to do. I did eveything possible but i wasnt settling for a job that i wouldnt get anything from...i waited and now look..you wanna work where i do becuase of my flexible sched and decent pay. I just feel that you post most of these post aiming at myself...and you know damn well i did what i needed to do. And yes i went out to the bar to not dwell on how i wasnt working. YOu need that once in awhile

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I can understand that but you should def direct it to people not doing anything. Just cause i was online alot doesnt mean my ass wasnt out there doing what i need to do. I did eveything possible but i wasnt settling for a job that i wouldnt get anything from...i waited and now look..you wanna work where i do becuase of my flexible sched and decent pay. I just feel that you post most of these post aiming at myself...and you know damn well i did what i needed to do. And yes i went out to the bar to not dwell on how i wasnt working. YOu need that once in awhile




did i ever say anyones name? no, i was actually pissed off from one of my friends off cr that brought this up. granted a few people here crossed my mind while it all came across, but i wasnt point anyone out directly. sorry if you took direct offense to it but it was more an informational post than a bash. i just dont understand how people bitch about somthing this serious and dont just get a job and keep looking while they are pulling some income in. if i were to lose my job, theres no way im waiting for somthing else. im getting anything i can and still hunting so im not going without at all. thats just me but evan made a valid point, that i agreed with.

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doing collections, i try to explain to people all day long, if you're unemployed (which most arent, theyre just idiots who dont pay their bills), your full time job is looking for a job...if i cant reach you until after 6pm because you're out all day looking for a job, ill probably help you out a good bit more than i will someone who i am able to get ahold of on a home phone number at noon every time i call.
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Your resume gets you an interview. The interview gets you a job. You have to stand out in both. If you can't do that you have no chance at getting a job.


OR you can just know the right person in the company and skip all this BS. Brown nosing goes a long way to some people.

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It's cool phil i just remeber you saying comments so this post made me think about what you said to me being a ass.


And trowa is right i sent him my resume and he helped me with it and after i got pleanty of calls about jon offers granted some were 100% commision and others were just dumb but i found what i want and im still getting job offers as we speak

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ok minus the career people, that i get...



but for the rest of the people who claim they cant find a job i dont get it. i have a job, i like the company, but i want somthing that doesnt include sales at all. i am less than 6 months from graduating but i still want a decent job seeing as im not going to find a job right out of school. i have 4 interviews this week and i started looking sunday night. 2 are for major companies, and the other 2 are smaller companies that have some good stuff going on. but i just dont get how some of you on here have no jobs or had no jobs and say you cant find a job, the economics are so bad, blah blah blah. please help me understand. im no better than anyone here and im having 0 issues. ive put out maybe 20 apps, and have heard back from around 15 of the places. one place i want to hear from is cintas. i would love to dive in there for a while until i graduate. idk why i want to do a lil hard work, just feel like it would be a good fit for now. some of you either need to get off your high horse thinking a job isnt good enough for you while your bills fall to the wayside and take one of these jobs.




cause i dont wanna do sales. point blank. i can stay there, but with my T.A coming up i need somthing consistent. and i dont act like im better than anyone there big guy. its just annoying to see people complain about not having a job and sit on here and post non stop when they could be using there time better. or going to the bars when they have no money. i understand its rough, but get off your ass and do somthing about it. its so much easier to feel bad for yourself than it is to get on the grind. i dont have it hard, and i never said i did, i just couldnt see why people bitch about there not being jobs out there when all you have to do is market yourself correctly and not be a total dumbass.





I can understand that but you should def direct it to people not doing anything. Just cause i was online alot doesnt mean my ass wasnt out there doing what i need to do. I did eveything possible but i wasnt settling for a job that i wouldnt get anything from...i waited and now look..you wanna work where i do becuase of my flexible sched and decent pay. I just feel that you post most of these post aiming at myself...and you know damn well i did what i needed to do. And yes i went out to the bar to not dwell on how i wasnt working. YOu need that once in awhile




did i ever say anyones name? no, i was actually pissed off from one of my friends off cr that brought this up. granted a few people here crossed my mind while it all came across, but i wasnt point anyone out directly. sorry if you took direct offense to it but it was more an informational post than a bash. i just dont understand how people bitch about somthing this serious and dont just get a job and keep looking while they are pulling some income in. if i were to lose my job, theres no way im waiting for somthing else. im getting anything i can and still hunting so im not going without at all. thats just me but evan made a valid point, that i agreed with.





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It isn't what you know, it is who you know. That applies to all fields.




All these fucks sitting on their asses collecting from the Govt..:o


Fucking bullshit, Hopefully thats never me Ive never collected unemployment.


Id rather stay on the grind. Hope one day the govt isnt so fuct.


Every president has done wrong. It all keeps adding up and one day were gonna be so far in debt we will fall.

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A lot of times it is who you know. Somtimes it isn't. I think once your in to make friends with the right people with the right pull and that takes you a long way in the job. And sorry gabe, I'm not super anal on how I spell stuff on a car forum. I don't get graded here.
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