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Should I go after this principal? heads up, all idiots will be banned.. except Greg

V8 Beast

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What started the other girl to text your niece in the first place to say she wanted to beat her ass? I doubt it was a random "oh hey, I'm going to kick your ass today because I feel like it".. Did your niece start something that she's not telling you?


Kind of what I was wondering...but then again when I first moved here in the 10th grade this kid that was bigger than me tried to get me to fight him for months and months and I had no idea why. He was just a dick. One day on the bus he sat across from me and threw a huge ice ball at my head and I moved ot the side and he missed by about and inch. I was sick of his crap and just decided I would fight him and get my butt kicked and hopefully it would end there, so I told him we could fight when we got off the bus. We got off, he still wanted to fight, so I went into it expecting to lose, and he never landed a hit, I got the best of him pretty easily, embarassed him in front of everyone, and I never had a problem from that point on. In fact, he was cool with me after that.


So I am not trying to crap on anyone's thread by telling my life story but this is just another example of people that just want to fight sometimes unprovoked. People are idiots...

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What started the other girl to text your niece in the first place to say she wanted to beat her ass? I doubt it was a random "oh hey, I'm going to kick your ass today because I feel like it".. Did your niece start something that she's not telling you?


Does it matter? She's already been suspended AND grounded for starting the fight. That part is done.


However, the other party or parties have no excuse for sending racist shit. They should be punished for that, period the end. I don't care who started what or why.

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pics of niece???







just kidding. i would NOT let this stand. i also wouldn't go completely nuts on the principal at first. i agree with others---feel him out, find out what was possibly going through his head to make her miss the bus, and then walk home over 2 miles through a traffic infested town that is hilliard (i lived there a few years ago, that area has tons of traffic). that is downright dangerous and inexcusable. also inexcusable are the racial texts. kids should not be allowed to have cell phones on at school---period. just make sure you're getting the whole story from her before you go postal and potentially make yourself look bad. regardless, i would not let the situation stand as it currently does. time to make contact with the principal---he might insist on meeting only with the child's guardian though. what have her parents said about the situation??

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I didn't read anything but the first post. If it was me I would of already verbally assaulted the principle in person before even posting here. Then I would drink a ice cold beer while saying "feels good man".
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Does it matter? She's already been suspended AND grounded for starting the fight. That part is done.


However, the other party or parties have no excuse for sending racist shit. They should be punished for that, period the end. I don't care who started what or why.


I see your point. I'm just wondering if the Niece started the whole thing to begin with none of this would have happened (her getting suspended, etc.).


I agree with the racist crap in the school. I'm just trying to figure out how it all started. Regardless if it matters or not.

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Greg, parents have to give permission to allow kids to walk waiving them of any responsibility in the event that something bad does occur. If they do not have a signature on file its their responsibility to assure she gets to at least her bus stop. By allowing her to walk alone without a waiver from the parents he could have potentially put himself in the middle of a bad situation.


It started over some lame highschool bs. Her best friend was the girls old best friend and feels ignored.

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Teach kids that anytime they get into any serious confrontation with an adult at school to contact you immediately before they discuss. My kids and the schools were fair warned that before discussing any disciplinary issues with my kids that they are to contact me first. I would file a complaint with the school superintendants office at which time state you are seeking a resolution to your issues, not merely making a complaint.
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so did the other girl approach her and attack her or did your niece go up and attack her? It might be posted somewhere in this thread but I only read the first page.


If your niece attacked her, you have to remember what we were taught in pre-school... "sticks and stones will break my bones..."


As a father of a 13 year old, I get anxious about her walking around town ever since some creepy guy threw a porn at her and her friend while walking down the street so I completely understand being very upset about making her walk 3 miles where she didn't know where she was going. The school has a liability to make sure that a child gets home and at the age of 15, she is still a child, so I would definately go speak with the principal and maybe the school board.

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Teach kids that anytime they get into any serious confrontation with an adult at school to contact you immediately before they discuss. My kids and the schools were fair warned that before discussing any disciplinary issues with my kids that they are to contact me first. I would file a complaint with the school superintendants office at which time state you are seeking a resolution to your issues, not merely making a complaint.

That's a good idea and I will make sure to tell my daughter the same thing... just like when police are involved I won't speak without my lawyer present.

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request to meet the principal, let him know what your problem with him is, see what he does when the ball is in his court. if he immediately gets aggressive with you, then its time to think about broadening the scope of this.


This is where I'm at, although in my house my wife would have already been in the school before I found out.

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Fuck public schools, for real


Be civil with the guy. Show him the texts that you mentioned, and in the next breath say that she will no longer have her cell phone at school. Say that this and her being grounded is you doing your part as a responsible guardian. Also say you will not tolerate her being attacked or harassed in any way and will take legal steps if it does not end. If this was a 15 year old boy I'd say give him a good wooping and forget about it, but things aren't the same when its between girls.


Also, record the conversation. If he steps out of line you will have something to hand to the school board, and it will keep you in control of yourself. And yes, it would be legal:


"Ohio's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Ohio law makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.52. Thus, if you operate in Ohio, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance."




Good luck. I hate the idea of having kids and having to go through this shit myself, but I know it will happen sooner or later.

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The possibility of expulsion has been removed and a formal complaint has been filed. He said he didnt tell her to walk home. He told her she was not allowed on school grounds until after her suspension or she would be arrested. Apparently she misunderstood him and left thinking she had to go before she got arrested (Not sure if I believe that story but its the best one for this situation). With the possibility of expulsion being taken away I'm fine with the outcome... Her mom is lifting it up to make sure he thinks twice before doing it again. Also to lift up the inconsistent practice surrounding the extent of her corrective action vs the other students.


Thanks guys.

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Not taking sides but being some one that was bounced around from school to school, people always try to test the new guy. Every time I changed school I got into at least one fight within the first couple weeks of being there. Perhaps this is the case in this situation?


I also remember when I was in 9th grade and got into a fight at the end of the school day which resulted in me missing the bus. Other kid ran while I stayed to avoid getting into even more trouble. After sitting in the principals office for a little while and receiving my lecture from him I wanted to go ahead and walk home but the principal clearly stated it was his responsibility that I make it home safely. It was only a couple miles but he wasn't about to let me walk. He called it a day and drove me home. This was a long time ago and was Northern local but I can't see why the policy would be any different there.

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Not taking sides but being some one that was bounced around from school to school, people always try to test the new guy. Every time I changed school I got into at least one fight within the first couple weeks of being there. Perhaps this is the case in this situation?


Thats what I think it is. New kid being picked on by the group that grew up together and the principle trying to make her a scapegoat.

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The possibility of expulsion has been removed and a formal complaint has been filed. He said he didnt tell her to walk home. He told her she was not allowed on school grounds until after her suspension or she would be arrested. Apparently she misunderstood him and left thinking she had to go before she got arrested (Not sure if I believe that story but its the best one for this situation). With the possibility of expulsion being taken away I'm fine with the outcome... Her mom is lifting it up to make sure he thinks twice before doing it again. Also to lift up the inconsistent practice surrounding the extent of her corrective action vs the other students.


Thanks guys.


Glad to hear the possibility of expulsion has been removed. Glad to hear you have filed a formal complaint. Schools today have a very heavy responsibility to respond to threats of violence in any form, especially racially motivated. She's not going to get a pass on the fighting, especially if she initiated the fight itself. But the other girl should get at least as harsh a punishment for the racial threats.


As for making an appointment to see the counselor. Make sure she knows that the next time something happens that she needs to tell them it is an emergency. Most of the time kids want to see the counselor over bullshit, so unless it is an emergency they will make an appointment. I know our student services staff would have gone and gotten the counselor immediately if they knew the situation.

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Oh, and as far as her getting 10 days out when most get 5 days out ... Some times kids don't know when to shut up. They get so emotional there is no rational thought. When she was in the Principal's office after she had a chance to cool off, how did she act? Was she calm, polite, respectful? Or was she rude, obnoxious, offensive and disrespectful? It makes all the difference in the world. I've seen more than one kid turn a minor issue into a major one by their actions after the fact.
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I have 3 kids in Hilliard School District right now.A Senior,a Freshman and a 4th garder.All 3 have went through Hilliard since day 1 and without a doubt you needed to go in calmly and talk.I have had issues as NO district is perfect and NO kids are perfect.My Wife and I go in and sit down and talk and things have always been resolved to our satisfaction.
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Oh, and as far as her getting 10 days out when most get 5 days out ... Some times kids don't know when to shut up. They get so emotional there is no rational thought. When she was in the Principal's office after she had a chance to cool off, how did she act? Was she calm, polite, respectful? Or was she rude, obnoxious, offensive and disrespectful? It makes all the difference in the world. I've seen more than one kid turn a minor issue into a major one by their actions after the fact.


Respectful all the way. Only thought I have is he may have thought she was blowing him off because she was worried about being late to get my kids. She knows she is responsible for them and he was stopping her from getting to them.

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I spent two years fighting with Hilliard schools. We live 2.2 miles from Darby HS, thier own transportation policy states that all students greater who live more than 2 miles from the high school get transportation provided. After much discussion, thier final answer was "your neighborhood has always been a walking neighborhood, so we're not going to change it now". After two years I gave up. Good luck with your issues. I hope you get better satisfaction than I ever did.
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