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EMan passed out first


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Take them to small claims court. Or lets just see how rich Igor really is since he claimed he's loafed. Make him come up with the money.



I also vote ban!


If he wants to salvage a relationship with any of them (his decision, I wouldn't), then do it on his own. If not, I completely agree.


Igor is a douche bag.

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If he wants to salvage a relationship with any of them (his decision, I wouldn't), then do it on his own. If not, I completely agree.


Igor is a douche bag.



He's not the one that should be trying to salvage a relationship. They should be trying to fix it not the other way around. Fuck igor

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Ok, I read the first page, and this page (This is CR, the rest of the pages are probably just worthless trolling anyways), and all I have to say is this...


If the extent of the story is that you were all at a party, and dude passed out first and his "punishment" was that somone moved his car to a sidewalk and got him impounded, then I hope that there is a special place in hell for whoevers idea that was. Also, don't EVER let me catch you sleeping at a party...jussayin.


Now, if theres more to it than that, then all bets are off.


As an aside, bros named "Igor" (I mean, seriously? "Fetch me a brain" Igor?) who talk shit about the money that they supposedly have are not good at making first impressions. Given only what I've read so far, that guy is "four popped collars" level douchebag.

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Also, don't EVER let me catch you sleeping at a party...


The only time you're allowed to sleep at a party is if you've just given a female the best 7 seconds of her life! Amirite?!?!?!? :cool:


As an aside, bros named "Igor" (I mean, seriously? "Fetch me a brain" Igor?)



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your right. I dont know much about rimjobs.


This made me lol



And on a serious note, Eman if you need anything give me a call. Igor, I hope you fucking die in a fire, you owe Eman every cent it takes for him to get his car and then some for all the trouble hes going through because of your fat ass.

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BTW it sucks to hear, i will definitly be breaking some knees if that happened to me. Also, there is nothing you can do in small claims court except to get your money back for the ticket the cop wrote for parking on the sidewalk/someones yard. The impound fees and Towing Fees you can not get back through small claims court. The car was impounded for failure to register, not for parking in someones yard.
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