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EMan passed out first


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I suggest anyone on this forum that sees him in public especially at a CR event or a CR gathering, he is TOLD to leave. Whether or not people have the stones to do so is up to the group. Also if you see him post just quote it and tell him what you think of him. I know as a mod and what I know of the guy, I'm not going to delete anything directed at him regardless of topic. He deserves all he can get. I don't feel we can ban him but I can chose not to Moderate the hatred towards him.
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I suggest anyone on this forum that sees him in public especially at a CR event or a CR gathering, he is TOLD to leave. Whether or not people have the stones to do so is up to the group. Also if you see him post just quote it and tell him what you think of him. I know as a mod and what I know of the guy, I'm not going to delete anything directed at him regardless of topic. He deserves all he can get. I don't feel we can ban him but I can chose not to Moderate the hatred towards him.


If hes not tolerated at meets and we should tell him to leave why not just ban him?

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Just to make him feel worse. It would be too easy to just ban and forget him.


...he asked me to try and make it so he doesn't get banned...


If this is what he wants to avoid I say it's exactly what happens.




He essentially stole from a member. Is that not a punishable offense?

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I would have no problem if Anthony made him a "miserable user" permanently, if he re-registers, those accounts can be banned. The problem with banning him is if he has friends that have accounts, they will let him use their account. Ask Anthony if this happens? :)
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My thoughts:


grand total 375 at impound plus 85 at bmv and 24 to cover the penis spray painted on my car..... plus a day of taping,wet sanding, and painting
Wtf and they spray painted a dick. Dude I'd be in jail if that fat fuck did that shit to my car.


We can't ban someone for something they did away from CR! WTF is wrong with you people? If you don't want him here, add him to the ignore field in your control panel and when nobody responds to his posts he will quit posting. He pretty much already has anyway.
You most certainly can. Think of all the "worthless" people who were deleted just a month or so ago. I'd definitely say this guy falls under that category.


I banned a guy on Ohio Riders for a year for pushing over his (ex?)girlfriend's bike at an OR shindig, and he was a friend of mine.

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Yeah, this is a public forum, but it doesn't have any kind of hard and fast legislation. The mods and admins can ban whoever the fuck they want for whatever reason they want, and the only person they have to actually justify it to is Ant. Every year or so, folks on CR forget that they live in a dictatorship, with the Admins being regional governors, and the mods the local magistrates. The only mandates handed down are done so at the whim of the ownership.


The good news for those who are offended by the way things are is that they can leave whenever they like.


Edit: I agree with Casper. If someone sprays a dick on MY car, and I know who it is, there are going to be SERIOUS problems.

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Yeah, this is a public forum, but it doesn't have any kind of hard and fast legislation. The mods and admins can ban whoever the fuck they want for whatever reason they want, and the only person they have to actually justify it to is Ant. Every year or so, folks on CR forget that they live in a dictatorship, with the Admins being regional governors, and the mods the local magistrates. The only mandates handed down are done so at the whim of the ownership.


The good news for those who are offended by the way things are is that they can leave whenever they like.


Edit: I agree with Casper. If someone sprays a dick on MY car, and I know who it is, there are going to be SERIOUS problems.


I have a case of Tannerite. Ever seen what that does to a car?


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Taking a pic sitting on Busa that IS NOT YOURS and taking a pic is GAY AS FUCK. BTW, Isn't that Dover's Busa??? With Eric in the background.



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