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Tailgating Asshole with payback


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So I'm cruising home from work last night and a dick in a black Mazda Millenium is behind me riding my ass at 75-80mph. I play once or twice, but he has no interest and knows he can't keep up. Instead he just wants to ride my ass and perhaps get in front of me. No issues, I scoot over as there's no where to go, traffic was a little thick but moving smooth.


Later in the drive traffic begins to slow up, he's in the fast lane, me in the center and need to move left to allow merging and exiting on my right. I go to move, signaling, etc....he closes the door. WTF? So I wait, try it again, he closes the door. Ok...no more fucking around. I slide over without just a blip of a signal and flip him off.


He flashes me, etc....yeah, yeah, cry me a river dick, just let me over and quit being a bitch. The priceless payback comes when he finds out a little MS3 can slow down instantly when traffic goes from 70-75mph to 35-40mph.


Why priceless? As I brake hard and look up at my rear view to see if he is, he jams on his brakes and I proceed to see a large to-go style cup evidently slide off the seat or out of a cup holder into the dashboard and eject it's contents upwards onto his dash, splashing his windshield :lol:


I've never seen that happen before but I was laughing my ass off as he turned red cussing and what not :bangbang:


Long story, but had to share.

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Very nice. People in traffic around here just seem to be dumb as fuck. And in general, no one gives a damn about anyone else on the road or how it's a SHARED way to travel. I would love to be able to shoot peoples car with bright orange paint balls, so other drivers would know that guy drives like an asshole. It's payback, and a warning to others. It would be like a civic duty. Right? What's wrong with that?
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nicely done tim. there was some dude on 270 that flipped me off in a black nissan maxima 2 nights ago. went to get off at the westerville road exit, i look over to my left and theres a dude flippin me off :lol: then it looked like he was going to come after me as i was getting off but just slammed on his brakes instead. i wonder what his beef was.
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Had some doofus on Hard Rd blocking traffic in the left lane the other night. He would speed up to the speed limit, then slow down to about 28 or so. I'd get over into the right lane, he'd speed back up to 35. It was some older guy (40's probably) that was just yacking with what looked like his son. Dude was driving an early model Integra with faux carbon fiber altezza tail lights, and the usual ratty ass fart cannon. When I had an opening I dropped it a gear or two and got around him. I couldn't tell if he was about to have a Paul Walker sized orgasm or he thought I was stupid, but he looked like he was having a seizure of some sort.


I also like to do what I call clutch-checking. I had some idiot riding my ass on 315 one day and the usual slowing down, getting over, speeding up regimen wasn't cutting it. So I put my car in third and let the clutch out really quickly, causing the rear end to buck up, and me to slow down, but without break lights. Needless to say after the fucker when full lock on their ABS at 70mph they backed off.

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i usually just floor it when people brake check. i guess they decide they dont want a 8500 lb truck up there ass after all.


I didn't brake-check him, I legitimately slowed for traffic. No different than he would have had to do even if I hadn't moved over. My beef was that he was driving like an ass and not letting a signaliing vehicle room to move over. He didn't "have to" let me in period, but when I signal and make two attempts and someone closes the door on me, I will end being nice and make a move and so long as I don't clip that person, the rest is on them.


I have no problem with being rear ended. My wife is a lawyer and I have plenty of insurance. I can use the bump in my income that will come my way.

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Also going to delete the rear wiper and use a plug with a hole in it so I can keep the sprayer


lol... I put some sweet blue light windshield wiper fluid things on my Corolla when I was in HS and they just turned freely and it was during the 2004 election and there were Bush people on one corner of 256 and Refugee Rd. (big intersection) in Pickerington and Kerry on the other. I went into a McDonald's parking lot right there, aimed my sprayers to the side then went back out to the Bush corner and sprayed them. Good times.


Also, a couple years ago I caused these 2 teenage girls in a white Sebring convertible to drive off the road because they were about to fly up on me. I was going about 30 in a 25 and I saw them blow through a stop sign behind me so I slow to 25 and they come up on me going at least 45 and just go to pass me in a double-yellow without even looking, car coming right at them, they swerve off the road. I lol'd.

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getting on 270 from sawmill all these cock fucks speed up in the right lane that merges over so i get in the middle and drive all slow, that makes my day enjoyable.


+1 to this.


Towing a 30' trailer behind you makes your day all the merrier.

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Also going to delete the rear wiper and use a plug with a hole in it so I can keep the sprayer


96 Cherokee has a great setup from the factory. Hose runs out of a little nubbin that points directly to the rear and runs up the wiper arm. When that hose accidentally popped off and I found out I left it like that for the duration of the time I had it.


C5 tailgated me once. I maintained speed via cruise, made no lane changes, and he was honking and flashes lights. No clue who he was, never seen him before. Blue washer fluid looked great on his white hood though. He cut me off and hit his front washer fluid for revenge. I lol'd and then...


I like to blow kisses at them...



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96 Cherokee has a great setup from the factory. Hose runs out of a little nubbin that points directly to the rear and runs up the wiper arm. When that hose accidentally popped off and I found out I left it like that for the duration of the time I had it.


LOL I think about every Cherokee owner has done that at some point. LOL

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I didn't brake-check him, I legitimately slowed for traffic. No different than he would have had to do even if I hadn't moved over. My beef was that he was driving like an ass and not letting a signaliing vehicle room to move over. He didn't "have to" let me in period, but when I signal and make two attempts and someone closes the door on me, I will end being nice and make a move and so long as I don't clip that person, the rest is on them.


I have no problem with being rear ended. My wife is a lawyer and I have plenty of insurance. I can use the bump in my income that will come my way.


Alright, I've read enough. The guy was obviously in a "hurry" and riding your ass. That is stupid when there isn't anywhere you can really go in traffic. However, just because your signal is on doesn't mean that he has to let you over or that you should get over on top of him. The whole "my wife is a lawyer" comment really makes you sound like a douche. Either way, this happens on the highways around town everyday and now I realize the mentality of the people who think "My signal is on so I am going to get over". Thanks for clearing that up :) The outcome was rather entertaining though.

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...just because your signal is on doesn't mean that he has to let you over...


Nor does it entitle him to be a complete douche and not let him over by intentionally accelerating to a speed faster than he was traveling before seeing the signal with the sole purpose of blocking him from entering the lane thus keeping him pinned in his current lane and blocking/obstructing merging traffic.


CLIFFS: Doesn't entitle him to be a tool either.

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