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Iphone4 or droid phone


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It's kind of like asking if Pepsi or Coke is better.

It boils down to personal preference. Try both out and see which OS you prefer navigating.

I have had 4 iPhones and stick with them for two reason.

1) I'm used to the layout, including the keyboard. I can text without looking and on a virtual keyboard that's not too easy.

2) resale. I buy the newest iPhone for 200, use it for a year, then upgrade to the next one for 200 and eBay my old one for atleast 300. Rinse and repeat.

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Droid hands down is a better product. Before any apple fan boys step in, I own 2ipod touches, 3 nanos and I'm posting on an iPad so I know apples products too well... I just know. Which is a superior phone which is android.
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It all depends on what you want out of a phone...


If you want an easy to use not going to customize it too much phone, go iPhone.


If you want something you can customize the crap out of, are not stuck with propriority software/hardware...go Android.


My kids all have ipods and they love them..I personally hate itunes and LOVE the ease of just mounting my phone to my computer looking for the new drive and dragging songs over to it. Takes two seconds...then im done. I had an ipod for a while, but when I got my Droid phone, I sold it as it was no longer necessary. I have very good friends with iphones and all of them are amazed by the android phones, but are diehard apple peeps and will try and argue till they are blue in the face, but in the end, they admit that Android is a great alternative that will only help out both companies (read: competition). Heck, I have even had one of them jump the apple ship to android....and last I talked to him..never been happier...just depends on personal preference.


I also like that android phones have removable batteries, and your choice of hardware (not stuck to one phone choice). That being said, I really like the screen and dual camera's of the iphone, but there are android phones out there that surpass the iphone in both of those, just not sure there is one that does both like the iphone does.


There are more apps in the itunes library, but to be honest, there are only a few that are really missing from Androids. One being Netflix....there are ways around it, but there is not a native netflix app. The other I think is cool is the Chase app, but again, that is supposed to be out for android within the next month (so they say). Then again, Google Navigation....android all the way there......


There are diehard apple peeps that will never purchase anything that isnt apple, no matter how good or bad it is and others the other way around. I have tried both and prefer Android hands down...there is just so much more you can do....I am not stuck to one phone...or forced to use partiticular software...removable battery, removable storage, etc..


The choice was very easy for me, but might not be so easy for everyone....I like to tinker with my electronics, stock is never good enough and with Android, it is just much easier for me to do that....


Bottom line..go to the store, check them all out and get the one that you like best. What I like better you may not like better and vice versa....

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Depends on what you're looking to use the device for. I appreciate both, but prefer the iPhone. There's not much if anything I need missing, including the ability to watch porn as it does just fine :o


If you like to spend time fucking around with things, customizing your phone, etc. and that shit is important to you then go Droid. I chose the iPhone as iTunes and the OS just plain works and there was no learning curve at all. Just pick up the phone and go. Sync's with my work place servers with ease and again, has given me zero issues. I run a 3Gs with the new iOS4.x and it's fast and feature rich. I use it as a wireless USB storage device, Turn by Turn Navi unit, phone, daytimer, and more. It integrates into my Sync System perfectly too.


Different strokes really. Depends on what you want to do with your device and how often you want to have to change it up.

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I looked at them both about a month ago and had a iphone 3g. I ended up with the iphone 4 mainly because I thought the video recording quality was better and the retinal display was real slick. I also use the netflix app to stream movies and the droid did not have that ability
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I like the Android OS more than the IOS mostly due to having many form factors available instead of just one phone option. Android is more customizable as well. You really can't go wrong with either and you will enjoy them both. You also have more wireless carrier options with Android as well. If you are looking at VZW I would recommend the Fascinate or Droid2 if you like a physical keyboard.
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