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F**K Deer


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So I Was driving home from work a little while ago and ran up on 3 doe. Saw them and slowed down since they were close to the road. Get up to speed about an 1/8 mile past and a buck (8pt. 18in spread) jumps up onto the road from the ditch, right in front of me. I barely got my foot on top of the brake when I slammed into him. Couldn't have hit him any more square. Broad side dead center. Needless to say I need a little more than my transmission rebuilt at this point. FML! I know for sure I messed up the: driver fender, hood, grill, all 3 sets of driver side lights, bumper, core support, ac condensor and I believe radiator. Any suggestions on shops? Any one have any oppinions on 3C as I have no clue as to where to go? Nationwide is the insurance provider.
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I hit a doe last week.......with a 125 grain broad head. :D I'll try to kill as many as I can just to keep them out of the roads. Seriously though, sorry to hear about your car. It's amazing the damage they can do to a car. Just be thankful it wasn't any worse really.
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can we get a banner on here that says "FOR FUCK'S SAKE DONT GO TO 3C" so we dont need to make these recommendations every time?


i Checked up on them awhile ago and found many of the same reviews online. Gettin towed to kevin cliffords as soon as capital shows up.

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Go to this guy for a quote. His work is awesome but super expensive and odds are it will result in your car being totaled.


Not really, they used to be. But when they right estimate they are right on par with any other shop.


Aaron, Ill be calling you in the morning to get some insurance info from you if you have it now.

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This morning I was about two buslengths behind a guy that nailed a deer. I didn't see any of it but someone came out of their house saying they heard it. The deer didn't make it very far, its guts and brain were all laying on the ground beside it.
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Cant wait til I get another older truck soon. Imma make a huge bumper gaurd that covers the whole front end so it looks like I drove off the set of mad max and just look for deer. they are all over the place out here in the country where I live. I see them dead on the road daily. srs
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It's Pre-Rut right now. Bucks are moving everywhere, chasing does. The next 2-3 weeks are the worst time of the year.


Yep yep, they are certainly moving.


Well if it makes you feel any better, nobody has to worry about this one running in front of their car. Shot it Friday. 15 points over an inch



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Yep yep, they are certainly moving.


Well if it makes you feel any better, nobody has to worry about this one running in front of their car. Shot it Friday. 15 points over an inch





Crossbow? :gtfo:

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Hope you eat the meat and dont just kill it for sport


When the Farm Bureau estimates that the ohio deer population should be at 250,000 instead of the elevated 650,000+ levels.... Does it really matter?


And if it does matter to you, you'd be real upset knowing many farmers get nuisance permits and kill every deer on site and just let the deer rott.


And yes, we get specialties made and I give the remaining meat to family.

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