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so is time travel possible?


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I love how he postulates that it couldn't "possibly be a radio cause its 1928 ...", I really hope this is a (stupid) joke.




Though to answer your question, is time travel possible ? Do we count Time Dilation ?


Edit: Also we know for a fact from the terminator movies that when time traveling into the past you can only bring organic matter. Unless of course you're a non-organic giant murderbot, that is encased in living tissue. Which does sort of beg the question as to why John Future Connor didn't just ram future-guns into some animal, or other fleshy pocket and send those back too. Though why didnt skynet just send another terminator back to the day before the first one got there and just kept trying over and over, since time wasn't an issue. Also why didn't ... awww fuck time travel.


your facts are wrong! Max Walker, Marty McFly, and Alexander Hartdegen have traveled back in time with organic materials, so what now Einstein? :)

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Diagram 1. Changing views of spacetime along the world line of a rapidly accelerating observer. In this animation, the vertical direction indicates time and the horizontal direction indicates distance, the dashed line is the spacetime trajectory ("world line") of the observer. The lower quarter of the diagram shows the events that are visible to the observer, and the upper quarter shows the light cone- those that will be able to see the observer. The small dots are arbitrary events in spacetime. The slope of the world line (deviation from being vertical) gives the relative velocity to the observer. Note how the view of spacetime changes when the observer accelerates.

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Obviously its future tech that doesn't require a tower, she is talking to people from the future (her own time).




Not that I believe that it's becessarily a cell phone she's holding, but, if it was and she's some sort of time traveler, then logic would suggest that - given she's using technology that allows her to travel through time - then she's also capable of getting her hands on technology that allows her to talk on a phone that isn't bound by the same parameters of our cellular phones.

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If they really were from the future, someone else from the future (after this branch of time line continuim plays out) should have already went back and said, "Hey dumbass, you are about to be on camera proving time travel so stay out of view"

After that happens, that one little change makes this thread never exist, since there is nothing to see on the Chaplin film.

CR - Proof that time travel doesn't exist

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If they really were from the future, someone else from the future (after this branch of time line continuim plays out) should have already went back and said, "Hey dumbass, you are about to be on camera proving time travel so stay out of view"

After that happens, that one little change makes this thread never exist, since there is nothing to see on the Chaplin film.

CR - Proof that time travel doesn't exist


unless they want us to know, so we put more resources into time travel technologies and speed up the process. thus by the time they come to be they have a more advanced way of time travel than they do now.

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did someone ask if it was available in VHS? Wow, talk about time travel.


older films will prove its not fake vs. DVD I would really like to see the original film it was shot with, and just a thought if time travel were possible, I'd be a multiple power ball winner :cool:

Edited by SinisterSS
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There's this guy I work with who told me aliens were helping the Germans in the 40s and 50s, and after that the aliens left. Thats why they were only smart for a short time. I'll bet he would love for you to take him back in time to see if this really happened.
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I asked God

Do one thing for me

Send me back in time ......




God said, "Time,

Time belongs to Me

Time's My secret weapon

My final advantage.

God turned away

From the edge of town.

I knew I was beaten

And that now was all I had.

God said "No."


from Dan Bern's God Said No


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