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It should be punishable by death not to vote.


Fortunately I live in a country where my forefathers died so I could have the right to choose not to vote instead of having an M4 at my head telling me I have to.

Edited by RC K9
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Fortunately I live in a county where my forefathers died so I could have the right to choose not to vote instead of having an M4 at my head telling me I have to.


This. My stance was always, "My grandfather fought in Vietnam and my buddies and fam are in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here I have the freedom to choose because of people like them."


I usually vote now though...meh.

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Fortunately I live in a country where my forefathers died so I could have the right to choose not to vote instead of having an M4 at my head telling me I have to.


Your forefathers died so you had the right to vote. There is a moral obligation to help ensure this country carries on so their deaths arent in vain. I think if your were to ask them why they died your more than likely to hear my answer vs. your own dont you think?

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Funny NRA and Buckeye Firearms endorse Ted Strickland(Democrat). :o


That is BS though, its only because once back in like the early 90s Kasich voted a way the NRA did not like once. This election is so much larger than state government and the 2nd amendment. Its going to come down to governors to stand up to the pieces of shit in washington right now.

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Your forefathers died so you had the right to vote. There is a moral obligation to help ensure this country carries on so their deaths arent in vain. I think if your were to ask them why they died your more than likely to hear my answer vs. your own dont you think?


I think they'll say they died for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If not voting makes him happy then they didn't die in vain. They died so that he (we) may have the freedom to choose. The freedom from tyranny. The freedom from a government (i.e. Englands) which would tell us who will lead us and how they will lead us rather than letting us make our own decisions.


I think that's what they would say they died for.

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Your forefathers died so you had the right to vote. There is a moral obligation to help ensure this country carries on so their deaths arent in vain. I think if your were to ask them why they died your more than likely to hear my answer vs. your own dont you think?


I think in the end it doesn't matter because they are dead and the point is I live in a country where if my options are douchebag 1 and douchebag 2 I can choose to say they are both peices of crap and I'm not going to vote for any of them.


Some peoples response to that is write someone in or vote for joe schmo and my response to that is, it is completely pointless to vote for someone who has no chance of winning because...THEY WON'T WIN. Therefore, that would be a waste of my time and effort I could better spend doing something I feel is less of a waste of time and effort.


If people want to vote and it makes them feel better about themselves, go right ahead. I just don't understand why the same people feel the need to chastise me, who feels fine sitting back and enjoying the ride.

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Look at what Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln said about banks and look at our current banking/monetary system. Obviously we kind of went off course from what they actually did say so who cares what these guys a few hundred years ago "may" say when we don't really care about what they actually did say?


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. " -TJ


"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace, and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies, all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes.”


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