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I am 100% a camper. Procamper if you will. 20/20 should = 0 in my book and I wish they had a game that would allow a time limit but would also 0 out your kills until your went positive. I cannot run and gun however I have never lost a one on one match either in mw2. I played against the #1 ranked us player(at the time) based on wcg site and beat him repeatedly. If I can, I will attempt to stay in one place throughout the entire match and minimize my deaths as much as possible. For those who ask why, I ask why play a game for 10 mins you dont put any effort into trying to win?


Anyone going 20/20 running and gunning is awful.

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only thing I hate about it so far is everything you earn/unlock you have to purchase in order to equip it, and in a few games i would die then respawn right in front of the other team and die as soon as I was tossed back into the game that was very frustrating. other then that the game is really good
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only thing I hate about it so far is everything you earn/unlock you have to purchase in order to equip it, and in a few games i would die then respawn right in front of the other team and die as soon as I was tossed back into the game that was very frustrating. other then that the game is really good


Yeah I'm not a fan of having to buy everything, and the spawn points aren't that great either. So far I'm not very impressed with the guns, the famas is pretty cool though. I love blowing people up with the RC-XD :lol:

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Yeah I'm not a fan of having to buy everything, and the spawn points aren't that great either. So far I'm not very impressed with the guns, the famas is pretty cool though. I love blowing people up with the RC-XD :lol:


death machine is wicked gun if you get a bunch of tards grouped up




Sniping is on my shit list, it takes about a full second to hold your breath before firing.

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My two gripes:


The graphics look "watercolor" as compared to MW2


The maps are pretty generic


Yeah, maps aren't diverse enough. It's really disappointing that COD STILL has no destructible environments, and the sound is still not anywhere near what it should be (look at BC2 or MoH). That and the lag and anti-lag is terrible. I paid $80 and I still have to "buy" damn perks and attachments! Wtf?


Zombies are awesome though.

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Originally Posted by SinisterSS

only thing I hate about it so far is everything you earn/unlock you have to purchase in order to equip it, and in a few games i would die then respawn right in front of the other team and die as soon as I was tossed back into the game that was very frustrating. other then that the game is really good

Yeah I'm not a fan of having to buy everything, and the spawn points aren't that great either. So far I'm not very impressed with the guns, the famas is pretty cool though. I love blowing people up with the RC-XD



hold on. you have to use real money to upgrade your guns once it's unlocked?

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2004 called looking for its' game.


This game is... not that good. Horrible graphics, you can't tell if you are hitting people like you can in MW2 (the thumping noise), animations are bad, maps are bland, textures are bland, guns are bland.


So they got rid of powerful kill streaks -- big whoop -- now people just get less-powerful ones way more often which is just as annoying.


Once I try out all the guns I will be back with MW2.

Edited by ForeverMaker
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2004 called looking for its' game.


This game is... not that good. Horrible graphics, you can't tell if you are hitting people like you can in MW2 (the thumping noise), animations are bad, maps are bland, textures are bland, guns are bland.


So they got rid of powerful kill streaks -- big whoop -- now people just get less-powerful ones way more often which is just as annoying.


Once I try out all the guns I will be back with MW2.


Yeah, that's how the treyarch COD games are. They need to take hit markers out of hardcore, and make the "killed by--" not there so you don't really know someone's dead until you see their body. Make it more hardcore. Awesome.


Are you guys getting knifed from 25 feet away MW2 style? I knifed 2 people yesterday the were 180* behind me.

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I'm not all that impressed either. As said before, it definitely suits a more run-n-gun style of play. I play in surround sound and the freaking little RC car has omnidirection sound. I can never tell where that damn thing is coming from. Grrrr


The China Lake and the Spas shotie with exploding shells are pretty sweet guns though!


I also had problems with the contracts. I have the steel knife contract and I killed at least three people last night with the knife and it never gave me the money. I killed all of them from behind since the contract says to knife them in the back.


Again....I will play it because everyone will but I plan to start looking at another franchise for my FPS thrills.

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Yeah, that's how the treyarch COD games are. They need to take hit markers out of hardcore, and make the "killed by--" not there so you don't really know someone's dead until you see their body. Make it more hardcore. Awesome.


Are you guys getting knifed from 25 feet away MW2 style? I knifed 2 people yesterday the were 180* behind me.


knife kills are the same, I had a guy running at me, I pulled my gun up starting shooting him, hitting him several times and from what seemed like 25-30 feet away he comes sliding at me and knifed me :mad:

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I think the game is alright, don't forget this ISNT the same team that made MW2. This is the OTHER design studio. I don't know how you mess up a almost perfect formula but somehow people do.


Im picking up my reserved copy tonight, but I am hoping I like it more than the last Treyarch call of duty game.


Treyarch definitely isn't Infinity Ward, thats for sure.

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Im picking up my reserved copy tonight, but I am hoping I like it more than the last Treyarch call of duty game.


Treyarch definitely isn't Infinity Ward, thats for sure.


I wasnt a fan of World at War, it was ok and I think black ops is quite a bit better.

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