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Pregnant at age 16 and used a condom twice in two years


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The sad part is people continue watching shit like this, honestly the only thing shows like this do is tell 15 and 16 year old whores that its ok to get pregnant. Hey get prego and you'll have a chance of being on MTV




Also, OPs vid was a good example of why an abstinence only education in schools never works.

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Old people have been trying to oogie boogie young people into not having sex for centuries. Young people seem to keep winning since they seem to keep fucking somehow.


Yet the most logical solution is shunned because oogie boogie spirits don't like sex, even though they invented it, and its a source of free entertainment, and its arguably one of the most powerful driving forces in our common existences.


Keep it up America, our embarrassing teen pregnancy statistics will find surely find jesus tomorrow.


Now I give an introspective ... THATS WASSUP.

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The sad part is people continue watching shit like this, honestly the only thing shows like this do is tell 15 and 16 year old whores that its ok to get pregnant. Hey get prego and you'll have a chance of being on MTV


I think the opposite. Teenage prenancy is out of control, so I don't think it's encouraging anyone. Hopefully people are watching it and realizing how f-d up and trashy you life is destined to be when you have a child at that age.

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Old people have been trying to oogie boogie young people into not having sex for centuries. Young people seem to keep winning since they seem to keep fucking somehow.


Yet the most logical solution is shunned because oogie boogie spirits don't like sex, even though they invented it, and its a source of free entertainment, and its arguably one of the most powerful driving forces in our common existences.


Keep it up America, our embarrassing teen pregnancy statistics will find surely find jesus tomorrow.


Now I give an introspective ... THATS WASSUP.


Shut your Cunt mouth Robert.

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One of my gf's cousins just got pregnant and im pretty sure she just turned 15. The most fucked up part is that I guess both soon to be "grandparents" are accepting and excited about it?




But that's whassup.....


Sorry bout that, but she knew whassup

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Growing up in the innercity seeing people get preganat early was nobig shock. My male cousins all had kids in their mid teens and went on to have multiple kids with multiple women. It was surprising that noone seemed to think it was a big deal. While I watch every episode of that damn show, I would love to get me had on almost all the guys and beat some sense into them. Theres really a loss of shame these days.
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I teach at a school and there are at least 6 girls who are pregnant. The thing is, they love the attention. The trend also seems to be the lower your IQ the higher your fertility rate. What happened to marriage then kids?

I feel sorry for the babies, they will not have parents. Poor babies, but they will have my tax dollars!

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I teach at a school and there are at least 6 girls who are pregnant. The thing is, they love the attention. The trend also seems to be the lower your IQ the higher your fertility rate. What happened to marriage then kids?

I feel sorry for the babies, they will not have parents. Poor babies, but they will have my tax dollars!

Ever see the movie Idiocracy? I think it's going to come true.

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