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Anyone have bones fused?


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Suppose to have surgery on thursday but having second thoughts. They want to remove all the hardware that went in after my foot was crushed and then fuse the bones together. I can bend my foot now, walk and even run. Somedays 10mins of walking hurts somedays its 2-3 games of basketball. I dont know if I want to go through with it if I no longer at least get somedays to do these things. If fusing the bones means that the movements to do these activities, no longer exists, I hardly see where the benefit is. I was told my life would be forever changed and I have accepted this, I know that walking or being active means that I may not be able to walk the next day but I can still do them and just suffer the consequences. Anyone had bones fused together? How is your movement at the joint?
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pm sent. the bones in the midfoot, actually don't have a ton of movement. you may not even be aware that there's any decreased movement. if the current foot pain causes a limp, that may lead to abnormal wear in other joints of the foot/ankle/or even the knee. surgery is a difficult decision to make, but is one that will reliably decrease your pain.
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mom had part of her spine fused. she does ok with it. she cant bend over to pick stuff off the floor as easy, and lost some reach but its worked out for her.


im no dr. kirk, but im gonna guess she had a herniated or degenerated disc and they removed the disc and fused her vertabrae together?

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