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Why eating 'gluten free' is so frustrating!


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Agreed. Just another pill will come out so the Pharmaceutical companies can rape you.


You start eating healthy and you feel better...holy shit!


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Gluten free has nothing to do with 'eating healthy.' And 'feeling better' is a gross understatement of the effects someone with the allergy feels.


Gluten is in things like wheat, barley, and rye. So, for instance, anything made with white flour (wheat) can make someone with a gluten allergy/celiac disease violently ill almost immediately after eating. Long term effects are that the lining of the intestine is damaged, causing malnurishment, lactose intolerance, and intestinal/digestion problems. If they continue to eat gluten, they carry a much higher risk of cancer, infertility, and miscarrage's. It's hereditary, and it's effects are apparent through blood tests, stool samples, and a biopsy of the intestine (if you've eaten it long enough to cause the damage).


It's not a made up disorder, and it has nothing to do with fad diets.

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Some of you people in this thread need to get your heads out of your butts and look at the bigger picture. Your body chemistry can make you allergic to anything. If people can be allergic to water then why can't they be allergic to gluten... The doctors could be over diagnosing but its definitely real.
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Some of you people in this thread need to get your heads out of your butts and look at the bigger picture. Your body chemistry can make you allergic to anything. If people can be allergic to water then why can't they be allergic to gluten... The doctors could be over diagnosing but its definitely real.


Body is made out of something like 80% water bruh

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Some of you people in this thread need to get your heads out of your butts and look at the bigger picture. Your body chemistry can make you allergic to anything. If people can be allergic to water then why can't they be allergic to gluten... The doctors could be over diagnosing but its definitely real.


True. People have been/are allergic to water. And you may be made up of water, but it's how your body processes it that makes you allergic.


My GF's cousin has celiacs disease and a close friend of mine also has it. He was telling me that if he ingests something with wheat in it he gets bloated like a balloon and feels miserable for a day or two until its out of his body. If you do have celiac and ingest too much wheat/gluten you're putting yourself at high risk for gastrointestinal cancer and/or lymphoma.


My girlfriend also becomes bloated and uncomfortable after eating products that contain wheat/gluten and has gone through a barrage of tests including a biopsy of her stomach to see if she does have celiac. While on the gluten free diet she did get the sick feeling she got when eating something with gluten and I didn't know that it had to contain less than 2%, it now seems possible that some of her foods could have been "contaminated".


Please let me know if you come up with any good gf recipes that aren't real time consuming or consist of foods that are hard to come by/stupid expensive, we've not found anything that she really likes yet.

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gmann - your cousin and g/f's stories are very similar to my wife's. If she eats something with gluten, her stomach will bloat up within ~15 minutes to the point where she looks 4-5 months pregnant! We had a really hard time at first, but it's getting better now that we've found a lot of substitutes for her favorite foods.


Eating out is almost impossible. Part of the problem is the waiters and kitchen staff are like some of the people in this thread; they think eating gluten free is a fad diet and they don't understand that it could really make someone very sick. That leads to cross-contamination, or just a lack of caring about your needs. Ex. They bring a salad with croutons on it, but to 'fix' it they just take the croutons off instead of making a new one. We've found that PF Chang's and UNO's are about the only "safe" places for us to eat. Some Mongo BBQ's have a special skillet for allergies and they'll let you bring your own GF soy sauce, but that seems to vary by location. Go for lunch, and go early or else there can be a lot of cross-contamination between food bins.


Feel free to PM me your g/f's favorite foods that she misses, or what you're having trouble finding. I'll be happy to share anything I've learned.

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I'll PM you later with my compiled list ;) Right now because of the tests shes going through she has to maintain a normal diet (now that celiac has been officially ruled out the likelyhood of increased cancer risk and lymphoma are lowered) which is craptastic for her because she feels like a ton of bricks after she eats even though her appetite has decreased drastically since she started showing symptoms a few months ago.


Does your wife have an allergy to gluten or is it actually Coeliac? My great and had an allergy to some weird food item (weird like wheat is) and went to a doctor that put her on a special diet that had her build up a tolerance to the food so that eventually she could eat it normally. We're waiting on finding out what my GF has before we contact this doctor, though.

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I have several family members that have Celiac and its not a joke or fake. I watched my mom suffer with it for YEARS before the doctors figured it out. They even misdiagnosed her with IBS and had her on all sorts of meds to try and help with that. They finally figured out it was Celiac put her on a gluten free diet and it turned her life around. She doesn't look like shes pregnant (bloating) anymore and shes acting a LOT more active and overall seems happier.


If you wish to go out somewhere nice then check out any of the Cameron Mitchel restaurants and ask for a gluten free menu they will happily have one. They treated all of my family members with diet related problems perfectly when we went out to eat around my wedding time.

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I'll PM you later with my compiled list ;) Right now because of the tests shes going through she has to maintain a normal diet (now that celiac has been officially ruled out the likelyhood of increased cancer risk and lymphoma are lowered) which is craptastic for her because she feels like a ton of bricks after she eats even though her appetite has decreased drastically since she started showing symptoms a few months ago.


Does your wife have an allergy to gluten or is it actually Coeliac? My great and had an allergy to some weird food item (weird like wheat is) and went to a doctor that put her on a special diet that had her build up a tolerance to the food so that eventually she could eat it normally. We're waiting on finding out what my GF has before we contact this doctor, though.

As far as we know, my wife does not have celiac, although she never got a biopsy. Because of her symptoms (and the fact that her grandfather had it) the doctor told her to try a gluten free diet. All her complications went away, and if she has ANY BIT of gluten she immediately feels the effects. The doctor said, "We could run you thorough a ton of tests, but the bottom line is, this made you better. I don't think you really want to go through all that unless you're still having complications." Seeing as how the biopsy involved putting her under anesthesia, putting a device down her throat, through her stomach, and into her intestine in order to get a tissue sample, we decided against it.


Plus, while you wait for the test you have to continue eating gluten for quite some time and purposely making yourself ill so that the results are accurate.


There is a lot of research right now indicating a large number of people that do not test positive for celiac, but have similar reactions to gluten. Read up on 'gluten sensitivity' because if your g/f tests negative for celiac it may still be gluten that's the problem. I'll be interested to hear what the doc's say.

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So what do you eat on an average day? That sounds like my whole diet, except for the whole tree/grass/animals with dander etc part...lol

Haha my g/f's the same way, kinda sucks. When I cook at home i'll usually make potato soup (I got my own way of making it) I make a lot of roast, chili, beef stew. When I go out to eat I'll usually stick to potatos/beef stuff and I like rice. Shit I forgot to mention im also allergic to chicken. I drink a lot of orange juice, apple juice and water when im home, and soda at work. Since i cant drink milk, i'll buy the vit C oj and I eat 4 tums a day and take vit's. This has caused me to stunt my growth and shit, I took shots everyday for it and had a feeding tube when I was little cause I just threw everything up. Sucked but now I try new things in small amounts, im pretty good at knowing what I can and can't tolerate.

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Some of you people in this thread need to get your heads out of your butts and look at the bigger picture. Your body chemistry can make you allergic to anything. If people can be allergic to water then why can't they be allergic to gluten... The doctors could be over diagnosing but its definitely real.


Over Diagnosing, yes....just like Autism

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I've heard that most animals are allergic to dairy as adults and that humans are the exception because we have conditioned ourselves to consume dairy after childhood.

And even then, mostly only those with a European background can handle it. Many hispanics and Asians dont' handle it well. I'm one of the lucky ones.


I'm really gonna have to try this. For some time now, whenever I eat some pancakes (just two, I"m not stuffing myself) I get very bloated and shitty feeling for like half the day. I love some damn pancakes, too. I actually get this way with many things I eat. Terrible bloating that can last for hours. It's really cut into what I can eat and how much I can eat. I've been managing it better and have decided recently to cut more wheat, etc out of my diet. I truly believe if I stop eating like a pussy cow and more like a manly caveman, I'd feel better.

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As I said before, the Bisquick can be expensive, hard to find, and you only get two cups in a box. I haven't tried Bisquick pancakes yet, but Pamela's Mix is pretty good. I don't have to eat gluten free and i like eating it too.



click Baking Mixes, Baking and Pancake Mix. You can usually find it at most major grocery stores.

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lol I can't believe someone gave me negative rep for my posts in this thread. Hmm, I wonder if it was smokinHawk... He told me to be a man and eat food but didn't leave his name as the commenter. Well guess what, I believe you're a pussy woman 'gatherer' who can eat all the wheat and corn you can pick with your lips. I'll cut the crap outta my diet and stick to animal meats. ;)
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lol I can't believe someone gave me negative rep for my posts in this thread. Hmm, I wonder if it was smokinHawk... He told me to be a man and eat food but didn't leave his name as the commenter. Well guess what, I believe you're a pussy woman 'gatherer' who can eat all the wheat and corn you can pick with your lips. I'll cut the crap outta my diet and stick to animal meats. ;)


Yeah I got


"lol you sensitive emo. go cry."

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