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IPS 2010 Black Friday Sale


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SO, got a "free" fuel pump- it did not charge me for shipping.



Do I have to call and make pick up/shipping arrangements?


Not so fast, my man. What time did you get your order in? I found that thing not even 5min into it. It just took a f'n year to finally actually checkout. Only one of us gets it. ;) I'll race you to IPS for it. BTW, I live in Delaware. :D GO!

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Not so fast, my man. What time did you get your order in? I found that thing not even 5min into it. It just took a f'n year to finally actually checkout. Only one of us gets it. ;) I'll race you to IPS for it. BTW, I live in Delaware. :D GO!


Shit-according to several people I know, they also got "free" fuel pumps-checked out and everything, but no word on shipping and pick up yet.

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Nice IF you ever get them!! :o


What is your order # ?

I can tell you if you were even in the "Top 100" to see if you are in contention or not :)


EDIT: Nevermind, you were wayyyyy too slow (Kinda ironic huh?)


Edited by Turbotrio
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My card was charged, but I didn't receive an invoice?


The site only pre-authorizes your card -- it doesn't actually charge you anything. Once we establish the chronological order of the "Free Stuff" we will contact each person on what they want (Assuming they ordered more than one thing) and go like that til everything is gone.


We already sent out emails to everyone in the last 2-300 saying you were wayyyy too slow lol. I am not sure how many total items we have to give away but I *Think* it is in the 50-100 range. Some items like the Walbro pump we only have 10 of and others like the spark plugs and and clutch lines and brake pads we have A LOT of.


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My order # is 3851, can you check my order? :D


I know you were in the top 100 for sure but we haven't established a pecking order just yet. Every year the stack of orders gets bigger and it just takes DAYS to even enter them all -- let alone go back and establish a chronological order and contact everyone.


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I got a corvette mouse. I have no idea how in the hell I got beat by that many people on fuel pumps hardly anyone seemed to know about. :bangbang:

But whatever. I have a feeling this corvette mouse is not going to work as well as my current fuel pump. ;)

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I, nor my friends who have confirmed orders- have received a call to ship any parts.


The last 200 or so were emailed (To the address provided) the following Monday-Tuesday of last week. Brandon has been calling all the winners the last few days on getting shipping info and processing the "Free" orders. Shoot me order #s and I can tell you in 5 seconds if they are even on the fence or not,


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I got a corvette mouse. I have no idea how in the hell I got beat by that many people on fuel pumps hardly anyone seemed to know about. :bangbang:


All the 3/S guys did :)

Every single "Free" order had a pump on it in the first 20 so they went FAST lol.


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Its even weirder how your claiming all these pumps went out, but magically no one posting in this thread received one.


This site is a very small fish in a very large pond :) I am not going to link every single forum the sale was one but here is a quick one since I had it up already:




EDIT: Since you can see the order #s winning I am sure you can compare them to yours (3914 and 3933) and see why you didn't win. If not, I will make up a "177th Place" certificate for you and mail that out so you don't get your feelings hurt and get a complex for being slower than the faster kids :)


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And, I see neither of the 2 people who have "won" free parts saying they received anything either. Must be a REALLY big pond!


Just hit "Refresh" then in a week. I can't make somebody post up saying they got something but I can promise you that they will if they don't :)



EDIT: And there 3 winners in that thread (Matt and his brother Mike are two different people).

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