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School me on Wii Systems


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Never had an interest in a gaming system but the wife feels the kids would really like a Wii.


Are they old school and about to be replaced?

Can the games be "backed-up" :whistle:

Where's the best place to buy?

Can the games be rented?


Thoughts on the Wii appreciated.



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The wii's wont be replaced anytime soon. There is still tons of fun to be had with them.


Right now at microcenter we have refurbished systems for $125. These include just the basics, no games. The plain white wii (NIB) is $185, includes wii sports. Both include a standard controller.


The better deals to start off with are the $200 NIB consoles. The black system combo includes console, wii sports, wii sports resort, controller, and the wii motion plus addon required for some games.


The Red console is limited edition, includes wii sports, the new super mario bros (revamp of a classic) and a controller with wii motion plus built in, so it can still be used with attachments. I usually recommend this system the most because the sports games get boring.


Back up games? Not likely. However we sell used games at microcenter, as well as refurbished controllers for pretty cheap if your looking to expand.

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The wii's wont be replaced anytime soon. There is still tons of fun to be had with them.


Right now at microcenter we have refurbished systems for $125. These include just the basics, no games. The plain white wii (NIB) is $185, includes wii sports. Both include a standard controller.


The better deals to start off with are the $200 NIB consoles. The black system combo includes console, wii sports, wii sports resort, controller, and the wii motion plus addon required for some games.


The Red console is limited edition, includes wii sports, the new super mario bros (revamp of a classic) and a controller with wii motion plus built in, so it can still be used with attachments. I usually recommend this system the most because the sports games get boring.


Back up games? Not likely. However we sell used games at microcenter, as well as refurbished controllers for pretty cheap if your looking to expand.


Great info! I take it you work at MicroCenter? PM Details, I'll ask for you.


For adults, the novelty doesn't last long. For kids, not sure. My opinion: I would say get a PS3 + Move. That way you can get Gran Turismo 5 (and other adult games) and play when the kids aren't around. :)


I'd like to get the PS3 simply because it will do NetFlix and BluRay and I can thus replace my BluRay player at the same time. However I think the wife and kids really like the whole Wii interface / interaction. I like that it seems more stable and seems to have a longer life in terms of game systems.


You can back up as many games as you want with a portable hard drive and internet connection. :D


Do tell more......any links to information or how to do this?

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Great info! I take it you work at MicroCenter? PM Details, I'll ask for you.




I'd like to get the PS3 simply because it will do NetFlix and BluRay and I can thus replace my BluRay player at the same time. However I think the wife and kids really like the whole Wii interface / interaction. I like that it seems more stable and seems to have a longer life in terms of game systems.




Do tell more......any links to information or how to do this?


just an FYI, you can do Netflix on the Wii now. (no bluray/nor dvd player)


I think, for kids its a great system. We keep ours bagged as a Party Game now, and take it with us to partys.


I love mario. I dont see the wii going away anytime soon, even with Xbox's new kinect system.


You will want an alternate gaming system as your main one. Get a refurb'd for the kids and buy yourself the PS3 or 360, imho.

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my buddy got that kinect thing the night it came out...ive watched him play it, and he looks like a jackass playing it, but one of the games he had, some fighter game, looks like it would beat the shit out of me in about 10 minutes. he was winded as hell after 1 round of "fights"
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However I think the wife and kids really like the whole Wii interface / interaction.


If by wii interface and interaction you simply mean that you swing around the controller, and it senses your movements, that's exactly what Playstation Move is (and Xbox kinect). Reviews say that the Playstation's is a lot more accurate than both the Wii and the Xbox. Also, I remember reading something that Nintendo is already working on something that will replace the wii, so it's on it's way out.


I would go the PS3 way, that way you get basically a better wii, plays blurays/dvd, is a mediaserver, netflix, browser, etc.



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Back up games? Not likely.

LOL, you have to be kidding, right? The Wii is probably the easiest system ever to play backed up games on. Mine has a mod-chip, which you can now get for about $40. From there, just download the .iso for whatever game you want from a variety of torrent sites, burn to a DVD (Wii doesn't like cheap-o blank DVD's, so go with a good name brand), and play as usual.


At this point you can also do a soft-mod as well. Wasn't a good option at the time I modded mine, and probably is a bit more work to deal with, but is a free way to play backed up games.


I have a ton of burned games for mine, though we never use it. I have the Wii Fit, and got it. $90 for the Wii Fit and game (got it before the expanded game came out), then just burned the game and sold the already opened/played game that came with the Fit for $55 on E-bay. :)

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Wii's novalty gets old quickly. Its ok and fun once in awhile maybe when you go to a friends or in my case my Parents haha, but roughly 95% of Wii games are more "party" games or they Have Mario, Link, or some other historical character in them. Not that thats a bad thing but like I said it gets old quickly in the way that I've been playing as mario in games for 10-15 years at least (some of you longer than that I'm sure).


My vote get a 360 or a PS3, I am definitly a 360 fan too I have both and have put like 10 hours in to the PS3 (my GF plays it), but have way to many logged on the 360. Xbox live is just better IMO, and I like its exclusives more often than PS3's.


If your really worried about the fun family aspect of the motion controls and such The Kinect has a lot of potential, and the move is essintially identical to the Wii but you have a list of hardcore games besides the party games.


My vote Xbox 360 > or = PS3 > > > > > > > > > > > > > Wii

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would you like to hack mine to play dvds?


Never tried that. Reason I did mine was to not over use the laser. My kids play it all the time and putting games on HD makes it a lot less probable for the laser drive to go out this way.

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  • 1 month later...
we got the kids the red wii package for christmas.... we already had a ps3, but the games for the wii seemed a little more basic and kid friendly. I can't hardly get them to do anything else but play the thing now.


My wife is all over my butt about this too. I don't know, when I was a kid, I was allowed to immerse myself in things like this on Christmas weekend, etc....I'm mean, they are kids, it's the weekend and they are having fun doing kid stuff.


I keep telling her that I agree balance is important, but even adults binge.

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