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Need help finding a topic for a final paper


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My final paper for my comp class is due on the 3rd, rough draft is due Monday. I have writers block like all get out and need to come up with a topic. Heres the details


Has to be an argumentative paper

Has to have 3 arguments for or against

Has to have 1 counter argument for the 3 previous


I was going to write about "Why is Porn legal, but prostitution isn't" however that topic kind of bores me honestly. I was thinking about writing something to do with cars i.e Monica Durban Law or Cali Smog Laws. I figure if I am going to write about a car related topic, what better place to come then a car forum.


I am open to other ideas, so toss them out. Things I do not want to write about include:





Legalizing Marijuana


Other then that I am willing to research topics you come up with.

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Since you already ruled out most of the fun categories a few that could be interesting:


Privitization of US prison system and why it could be a conflict of interest.


The industrial agricultural system of the US and why it should change.


Somewhat related to the above but a seperate topic of humans in relation to animals in general.


The possibility/probability of the Technological Singularity.

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TSA body scanners/gate rape


This could easily be spun into how technology is not nearly as good as human interaction, hence why the questioning done in other countries even though considered "profiling" is an option that holds merit.


or for that matter, how technology runs our lives and how it should or should not effect society so much.

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While sitting in English Comp my Prof. used a sample essay against smoking which obviously high-lighted the negative effects. It discussed second hand smoke, health effects, and the other usual "STOP SMOKING!" jargon. The class was all agreeing and talking about how bad it is for non-smokers in the proximity of a smoker, children, the environment (the things emitted and butts as litter), etc.


I did an arguementative essay and had to present via PowerPoint entitled "Please Keep Smoking". It discussed the effects of the vehicles those same class mates had and their emissions, the problem with childhood obesity and how it harms more children in America than second-hand smoke, the litter produced via tossed Starbucks cups, McDonalds bags and other random "vehicle" trash, and the effect on the economy if all major tobacco industries went under and the loss our economy would experience due to the taxes they pay, jobs they provide and more.


I originally did it just to prove that too many people jump on the band wagon of anything that "sounds good" or that they've been told all their lives. The research opened my eyes more than I expected and there was more than enough information readily available to complete the assignment in a fairly short amount of time.


Got an 'A' and it's now being used by the Prof. as a student sample.

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you could write to persuade the buyer to purchase a rwd, awd, or fwd vehicle. seems as if that'd be an easy paper




Enjoy the read and good luck on the paper. Back in 2005 I did Bondurant where we drove GXP's, CTS-V's and ZO6's. It was a blast. In terms of cornering, it was definitely and eye opener on how it's all about knowing how to drive vs just relying on the car.

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argument topic: assignments in which students choose topic are inherently unfair in a class which is focused on composition



-professor may not only grade composition of argument, but also the argument itself

-too much differentiation in quality of topics of students to accurately assess who can compose well

-too much time and effort wasted on thinking of topic instead of focusing on well-written arguments (case study: you)



-allows students greater ability to compose a topic that fits their strengths instead of showing favoritism towards students who may excell in a professor-assigned topic

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I've been following a number of articles in the news lately about the for profit colleges (DeVry and ITT to name a couple). Issues like how much of the government grant money their students soak up to be paid to a business. Also interesting is how low the graduation rates are, and the quality of the education. Should students be able to get government grant money for them?


Ooops, just saw you already picked a topic. Good luck.

Edited by Richard Cranium
Opened my eyes
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