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Why does everyone hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid?


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and that's bad because there would be the faint chance he becomes a radical?.........that is very ignorant of you if you find this at all relevant to the discussion at hand

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Where do I start with this one:

1.) Pelosi and the majority of the "Liberal Left" is chalked full of the most un-educated bunch of 2nd Amendment haters in the world. Their agendas for banning firearms has been the biggest witch hunt this country has seen.


2.) The election of Obama was a joke and then some. A good majority of those that voted for him, did so because of who he is, not for his policies or what he stood for.


3.) Historically, the left has ruined many things. Especially in time of conflict, their horrible policies of letting politics dictate conflict has shown to fail. Example: Vietnam and soon to be here in Afghanistan.


4.) Punishing those that work, so the less fortunate can be taken care of.


5.) Combined, they have made no change in the least bit.


6.) They have no concept of Capitalism or economics.


7.) The Military despises the left for their budget cutting ways and failure to swing for raises. Soon enough, the Military will start having big cuts all around, thus weakening the force. Not so good in today's world structure.


8.) The pacifist train of thought on everything. The left makes the United States look like on giant pussy, that won't step up to the plate when threatened or attacked.


You'll never sell me on any of their bullshit, ever. Atleast the "Right" tends to lean towards the values this country was set up upon. The "left" likes to pick and choose what part of the Constitution they like, and disreguard the rest. Either way, 2012 is right around the corner, and the DNC will fall harder than Nancy Kerrigan at the Olympics.

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Why I feeled compelled to waste more time on this I'll never know...


1) The major driver in the whole "economic meltdown" & "Lending crisis" revolved around subprime mortages - read Fannie May & Freddie Mac - primarily controlled by Democratic appointees - have you seen any investigation or reform of this group? The sub prime mortgages were there to help people who "couldn't afford" mortgages get them - when the ecomy slowed they just walked away. This should have been the first house to be reformed and cleaned out - still waiting.....


2) If you are hugely in debt, would you say the best thing you could do is spend even more even faster??? That was the Obama administration's plan with the "stimulus". Oh yea, and a bunch still hasn't been spent, it's waiting around as a "slush fund" for the Democrats to dole out around election time.....


3) How about the gulf oil spill. Read Bobby Jindall's book about how Obama and his staff made it a media event - and told him more or less that Obama's response was more geared toward looking good in the polls rather than anything else.


4) Obama has never had a "real" job, never ran a city or state government, was only in the Senate a short time and voted "present" on a large percentage of his votes - what experience does he have???


5) N Korea attacks S Korea - president is aware at 4:00 am, decides to call a press conference at 9:00 pm, cancels less than an hour before and decides to call S. Korean president. Not a clue what to do or how to make a decision.


6) I guess how some in other countries see us now pretty much sums it up. The quote below is from a Czech Republic publication:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.."



As to Nancy Pelosi - just look up the articles on her "need" for a bigger plane to fly her old ass around the country, along with all her friends, family and contributors - and the associated expenses. She is a public servant - not the princess of the United States.


And as Infidel mentions, none of what I have written gets into any of the assaults on the Constitution this group has perpetrated....

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Where do I start with this one:

1.) Pelosi and the majority of the "Liberal Left" is chalked full of the most un-educated bunch of 2nd Amendment haters in the world. Their agendas for banning firearms has been the biggest witch hunt this country has seen.


Are you seriously trying to say that that they are uneducated?


After graduating high school from Punahou School in Hawaii, Barack Obama attended Occidental College for two years, then got his B.A. from Columbia University. He later got his law degree from Harvard Law School (where he became the Harvard Law Review's first African American president), graduating magna cum laude. Obama was also a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Then he ran for president in 2008. After the election in November 4, 2008 he was elected President of the United States.



Democrat Nancy Pelosi became the Speaker of the House of Representatives on 4 January 2007. She is the first woman ever to hold the post. Pelosi graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. in 1962, then married businessman Paul Pelosi and moved to his native San Francisco. She worked her way up through the state Democratic party before entering Congress after a special election in California's 8th District in 1987. The 8th District, which includes much of San Francisco, is considered one of the more liberal districts in the United States, and thus Pelosi has often been accused of extreme liberalism by her political opponents. She was named Minority Leader in November of 2002, becoming the first woman to lead a political party in the history of the U.S. Congress. After Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in the national elections of November 2006, she was elected Speaker of the House for the session beginning in 2007.



Before his election to the Senate, Reid was a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Nevada's 1st congressional district from 1983 to 1987. A native of Searchlight and graduate of Utah State University and George Washington University Law School, he previously served as city attorney of Henderson (1964–1966), a member of the Nevada Assembly (1969–1970), Lieutenant Governor of Nevada (1970–1974), and chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission (1977–1981)


NRA Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, recently celebrated Senator Reid as “a true champion of the Second Amendment.”


Now I will admit that I don't quite follow Pelosi or Obama on gun control. I think the decisions Obama made in Chicago regarding handgun bans are a bit much and no reason to limit gun purchases to 1 per month.



2.) The election of Obama was a joke and then some. A good majority of those that voted for him, did so because of who he is, not for his policies or what he stood for.


Isn't this why the majority of Americans pick a president anyway? I was asking all kinds of people in November about who they were voting for and why that person. 1 in 5 had any ideas. Not that Columbus, Oh extrapolates out to the entire country but I would say it's pretty close. I voted for him because I want to see DADT repealed, Healthcare reformed, Education more consistently funded and while I have not seen all of these things just yet, he is only 2 years into his Presidency. In addition I voted no for McCain more than I voted yes for Obama. But why hate someone because of the people that voted for him?


3.) Historically, the left has ruined many things. Especially in time of conflict, their horrible policies of letting politics dictate conflict has shown to fail. Example: Vietnam and soon to be here in Afghanistan.


What does this even mean? Historically the left has ruined many things, haha. Letting politics dictate combat? When the nation is at war and the people that make the rules (congress) are elected by the people of the nation, shouldn't they have a say in who, why, or what we are blowing up?


4.) Punishing those that work, so the less fortunate can be taken care of.


Another way of putting this would be the more fortunate helping the less fortunate. Isn't this what Jesus taught? We seem to have a very short memory of where we in fact did come from. It used to be that we helped each other out but since Capitalism has taken over its all about my money and screw you. Some do very well with this system, others do not. I have no problem with a portion of my money going to help those that are less fortunate. I do not believe that people should not have to work and leech off the system.


5.) Combined, they have made no change in the least bit.


If this is true than why are people so mad? The right seemed pretty content under Bush so no problem then, right?


6.) They have no concept of Capitalism or economics.


I would like to know where you got this information. I would assume that the President of the US has a team of economists working for him.


7.) The Military despises the left for their budget cutting ways and failure to swing for raises. Soon enough, the Military will start having big cuts all around, thus weakening the force. Not so good in today's world structure.


Our military spending is by far larger than any other country. Maybe if we were not always invading other countries and blowing shit up all the time we wouldn't need to be paying all these highschool drop outs so much. I am not saying that all of the military or maybe even most of the military is not valuable, uneducated, etc just that MANY people with no better options join the military. I pay for this as well as everybody else here.


8.) The pacifist train of thought on everything. The left makes the United States look like on giant pussy, that won't step up to the plate when threatened or attacked.

We have been fighting people for 10 years now. Obama ordered additional troops so I don't understand how you could say he is a pacifist. I would want to avoid war wherever possible as it ruins lives and nations. What do we have to show for all the people that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan?



You'll never sell me on any of their bullshit, ever. Atleast the "Right" tends to lean towards the values this country was set up upon. The "left" likes to pick and choose what part of the Constitution they like, and disreguard the rest. Either way, 2012 is right around the corner, and the DNC will fall harder than Nancy Kerrigan at the Olympics.


This is the definition of stubborn. The values that started this nation was hardly what the right is looking for. The right wants a christian theocracy and that is exactly what the founders were against. Not to mention the recent cries from the right to CHANGE the 1st, 14th, and 17th amendments. I will agree however that democrats in general are too into using policy to change behaviors when it should be education.

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No thanks on re-hashing the what could have been crowd. Let's stay on point....Obama's plan sucks.


Obama can only chose from what is presented to him. He does not control what is in the bill. If the conservatives would have offered up reasonable ideas AND voted for them than the bill may have been different.




what got us into this mess was NAFTA signed into law by Bill Clinton which opened the door for all American Companies to leave this Country. Remember back a few posts when I said read up. Enjoy. Thank the Democrats. The housing market and economy began to collapse when Government ruled by Democrats allowed uncontrolled growth of housing and corrupt businesses gave loans to people who could not possibly repay them. But hey, even the lower income folks "deserved" the right to fair housing and to live with those that could afford their homes and make informed decisions.


So you agree that this is not a reason to dislike Obama? I do not agree with giving loans to people that can't make the payments. This is common sense but who is to blame for this? The people trying to get the loan I would think.



The main problem is that it doesn't raise the bar. Those down below get more off the backs of those up top. That's not good. That's exactly why our socialistic systems in place now don't work. Why would the impoverished get off medicaid and food stamps or get a job when there are programs out there to fund people and allow you to enjoy the impoverished lives they lead and always have.


Many people assume Socialism raises the rich to the levels of the poor. I simply do not find this to be the case. Doctors in Canada do just fine. They do not make as much money as a DR in the US but this can also be argued because their overhead is significantly less. If the only thing that encourages people to do anything is money, is that really the best system we can come up with? People did exceptional things well before it was financially rewarding to do so. I like to believe in humanity instead of the dollar. Many people on government programs are there because they CANNOT work. I am not saying that the system is not abused, it certainly is but there are many legitimate people that have been injured or have a condition where they are unable to work. A lack of understanding of Socialism is not a reason to hate Obama but a reason to despise the US media and the connotation it has attached to Socialism.



Flip side, why the hell would I want to work harder to make more only to be forced to support the above? Fuck that.


The flip side of this is why would you not want to help those less fortunate? You use the term "force" but I would rather use the word "expected". It is the right thing to do and it is sad that the government has to "force" people to help the less fortunate.



I'm not against all taxes. Here in Dublin we have great schools and my tax dollars pay for them. However, if I lived in the Cbus district, I'd never vote for a levy as I would just pay to send my kids to a private school. Let those that send their kids to the public schools pay for them. Road wise, again, I do pay taxes and in Dublin, we have mighty nice roads and grass medians....and guess what....we in Dublin pay for them. Let others do the same.


Are you or are you not against taxes? You can't have it both ways. Your argument for the nice things you have because of taxes is my argument as well. You choose to pay higher taxes for nicer things. I completely agree with this. In this society if we all stop contributing, things break down. I would like to see tax money used more efficiently and for the greater good.


In terms of city taxes, I'm against Coleman's taxes as the money is being mismanaged and I won't get into that whole debate. He's another dumb fuck and no surprise which party he's in. Unlike your view I'm Not a Social-democrat or one that generally favors higher levels of taxation to fund public provisions such as universal health care or education, or welfare benefits.



I don't see classes in society or corporate profits as wrong. Personally, not everyone on this earth is equal outside human rights. I'm no millionaire but the wife and I do quite well yet I don't expect the Millionaires of this world to lift me up a notch. Nor do I expect those making less than my family to force me to support them. Sorry, but life isn't fair and the US never promised everyone would be equal outside the Constitution. That part is up to each individual. Work hard play hard and pay the performers.


You do not see this as a problem because as you have stated it does not affect you. You are doing fine in this system so why care? It is a terrible thing when a company would rather make more profit than be concerned with your safety or the healthiness of the products it produces. I would recommend seeing the movie "Food Inc" if you have not. This is but one example of how Capitalism causes companies to make huge profits while literally shitting on everyone else. This is not what the US was founded on.


Bottom line is social programs are a dis-incentive to work hard and act responsibly. If someone else picks up the tab whenever something goes wrong, why would anyone worry about details like financial responsibility, their own work ethic or productivity in society or any obligation for that matter? If you're in the middle class do not believe for a second that the government will take from the rich on your behalf. You will pay through income taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, inflation etc. Obama is out to save the poor by redistributing wealth and he's too blind to see that it doesn't work.


Again, redistribution of wealth is taxation and something needed for our current society structure. I am not for "giving away the farm" or having people live off off welfare that don't need it, but these programs are in place for those that do. I concede that people take advantage of these programs and it would be a good thing to make them more efficient but that also costs money. To say that people will not be innovative unless there is money in it for them is negative thing to say but possible a true thing of current American society. The human race has had many accomplishments that did not have financial gain as a carrot.


We could live on less too and in reality we do. We choose to save more than we spend and that's been working out for us. We invest more than our outgoing budget each month. Others on our block choose to buy vacation homes and big cars. Not us. When we retire in our fifties, we don't plan on needing socialist plans to get us by. IMO more people should pay themselves first and aspire to being able to do so. Obama isn't helping anyone under us do that. He's encouraging sponging off the masses. Bullshit. I'll never teach my kids that it's appropriate to live off the hard work of others by taking their money because they are "entitled to it". There is no entitlement except what you make for yourself.


This is great and what everyone should do. I don't see that Obama has ever said or has the intention to have "poor people sponge off of the masses". It would seem to me that he is trying to bridge the gap between the haves and the have nots which grows larger every year. This is the road to a revolution.

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Are you seriously trying to say that that they are uneducated?


Now I will admit that I don't quite follow Pelosi or Obama on gun control. I think the decisions Obama made in Chicago regarding handgun bans are a bit much and no reason to limit gun purchases to 1 per month.

Uneducated upon firearms in general. I care less about their educational background, they're absolute idiots when it comes to trying to ban something they have no right to. A little bit of background info might help their horrid cause. Since you seem to be a bleeding heart lefty, you obviously could care less. You probably forget the United States was won by a bunch of volunteers with rifles. Think about that.





Isn't this why the majority of Americans pick a president anyway? I was asking all kinds of people in November about who they were voting for and why that person. 1 in 5 had any ideas. Not that Columbus, Oh extrapolates out to the entire country but I would say it's pretty close. I voted for him because I want to see DADT repealed, Healthcare reformed, Education more consistently funded and while I have not seen all of these things just yet, he is only 2 years into his Presidency. In addition I voted no for McCain more than I voted yes for Obama. But why hate someone because of the people that voted for him?

No, he was put in office not only for the simple fact he was as far away from Bush as possible, but also for the fact of his skin color. If you want to play the ignore game, that makes you just as ignorant as those that voted for him for that reason.





What does this even mean? Historically the left has ruined many things, haha. Letting politics dictate combat? When the nation is at war and the people that make the rules (congress) are elected by the people of the nation, shouldn't they have a say in who, why, or what we are blowing up?

You don't understand history or the way of warfare, so I won't go into this one with you. Congress in general is responsible for declaring WAR, but that doesn't mean decisions on the ground during the conflict/war should be dictated by Congress. That's why the Chiefs of Staff exists. Politics has no part in conflict when lives are on the line. I won't dig any further because I don't believe you can grasp this concept.



Another way of putting this would be the more fortunate helping the less fortunate. Isn't this what Jesus taught? We seem to have a very short memory of where we in fact did come from. It used to be that we helped each other out but since Capitalism has taken over its all about my money and screw you. Some do very well with this system, others do not. I have no problem with a portion of my money going to help those that are less fortunate. I do not believe that people should not have to work and leech off the system.

The system is way too flawed to touch this subject. Get a job, and if you still need it, let it be there.



If this is true than why are people so mad? The right seemed pretty content under Bush so no problem then, right?

Typical response from most Democrats/Lefties, kicking the dead horse. Bush did more than what's in place now, do some reading.




I would like to know where you got this information. I would assume that the President of the US has a team of economists working for him.

Obviously there's some proof in the economy right now. Open your eyes and you can see what's going on.




Our military spending is by far larger than any other country. Maybe if we were not always invading other countries and blowing shit up all the time we wouldn't need to be paying all these highschool drop outs so much. I am not saying that all of the military or maybe even most of the military is not valuable, uneducated, etc just that MANY people with no better options join the military. I pay for this as well as everybody else here.

Highschool drop outs huh? Well, sorry to say we're not all high school drop outs you worthless sack of shit. Some actually had a pair of nuts to do something bigger than themselves. Those high school drop outs are the ones keeping the country safe, so by all means, I'd invite you to come join. You're statements again show your lack of intelligence on any matter.



We have been fighting people for 10 years now. Obama ordered additional troops so I don't understand how you could say he is a pacifist. I would want to avoid war wherever possible as it ruins lives and nations. What do we have to show for all the people that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Craig basically answered this one above. Read a book, I've been both places and care not to explain anymore.





This is the definition of stubborn. The values that started this nation was hardly what the right is looking for. The right wants a christian theocracy and that is exactly what the founders were against.


If you want to believe it or not, the country was based these values. Most of the Founding Fathers were Deists, and not Christian. The Constitution is void of pointing out specific religion aswell. Look back to the colonies that formed this country, and the way it was run once upon a time.

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Typical lefties on gun control:


Here's for your Reid comment, "According to Chris Cox, Director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, Reid could not be forgiven his support of Supreme Court nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both strongly

opposed by the gun lobby for failing to commit themselves to its absolutist vision of Second Amendment rights."

Did he have a decent track record, yes. Either way he still stands elbow to elbow with the rest of the idiots. Guilt by association.

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Maybe if we were not always invading other countries and blowing shit up all the time we wouldn't need to be paying all these highschool drop outs so much.


This was an absolute BITCH thing to say. All these "high school drop outs" are the reason you can sit here and play on the internet spewing all this shit out of your mouth. You preach about what this country was founded on but negate the fact these people you spit on are what founded and made this country what it is (was). I don't care if you don't mean all of them or just one of them. It is absolutely disrespectful and disgusting. I am proud we have these people you look down on serving rather then people like yourself. Given what they sacrifice, they are well under paid.


- Signed one of those supposed "high school drop outs"



Highschool drop outs huh? Well, sorry to say we're not all high school drop outs you worthless sack of shit. Some actually had a pair of nuts to do something bigger than themselves. Those high school drop outs are the ones keeping the country safe, so by all means, I'd invite you to come join. You're statements again show your lack of intelligence on any matter.



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Broad statements, blanket accusations, and assumptions from people trying to make themselves sound smart... typical political thread :nono: Watching over this has been nothing short of painful. Back to my position behind the scenes hoping the eye bleeding stops soon.
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Where do I start with this one:


2.) The election of Obama was a joke and then some. A good majority of those that voted for him, did so because of who he is, not for his policies or what he stood for.


ring ring, sarah palins calling, she wants her political fame back. All elections nowadays are popularity contest, unless you think the general population is educated enough to make an informed decision. This thread proves that many are not.


also: ronald reagan.

Edited by unfunnyryan
i fucked that sentence up good
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ring ring, sarah palins calling, she wants her political fame back. All elections nowadays are popularity contest, unless you think the general population is educated enough to make an informed decision. This thread proves that many are not.


also: ronald reagan.


Unfortunately, Sarah, though quite hot for her age, is doing more harm than good. Politics is like Religion, everyone has their beliefs, and everyone thinks they're the right one. As long as I can live in a FREE country, own many firearms, drive vehicles that polute the air, smoke cigarettes, drink like a fish, see half naked women in public, eat fast food, complain about the weather, and celebrate holidays, I'm happy.

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I like how people complain about "our kids will have to pay this debt" etc...there are always going to be taxes...its not like if anything changes, our kids will not have taxes


But here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_by_U.S._presidential_terms


This shows that since 45, the only republican presidential terms that have ended with a lower debt than what they started the term with, were DDE and nixons first term...every democrat has ended with a LOWER debt to GDP than they started with...hell, GWB started with 56.4% and ended with 83.4%...


So in comparrison, dems lowered it anywhere from 3.3% to 24.4% and aside from the 2 i listed that lowered it, republicans raised it from anywhere from .2% to 20.0%


so, does no one want to respond to this?

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Highschool drop outs huh? Well, sorry to say we're not all high school drop outs you worthless sack of shit. Some actually had a pair of nuts to do something bigger than themselves. Those high school drop outs are the ones keeping the country safe, so by all means, I'd invite you to come join. You're statements again show your lack of intelligence on any matter.


Isn't there a policy of not allowing people in unless they have a high school diploma/GED? Which, of course, makes what he said even more of an insult to every single person serving.

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Isn't there a policy of not allowing people in unless they have a high school diploma/GED? Which, of course, makes what he said even more of an insult to every single person serving.


Yup, either you have to get one on your own or they give you the support to get it.


Edit: The Army may have stopped their program to assist people get ged's. 94.6% of the people that enlisted last year already had diplomas.

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