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Why does everyone hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid?


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Take a look at Canada's life expectancy rates.....80 years vs 78 n the US. Japan even one ups that at 82 years and guess what? Universal healthcare there too. If you would only look at the facts you may begin to see a different story. As I stated before you are basically equating Obama to Socialism and then saying why Socialism is bad. This is misleading X2


You have zero credibility based on your last line alone. The ONLY reason the US has a lower L/E is because in the US infant mortality is ACTUALLY tracked. It isn't in Japan, Canada or anywhere else in the world. Check it out for yourself. African nations have a lower I/M than the US... really? Uh-huh.


Ergo, your argument that a longer L/E is connected to socialized medicine is BLASTED, kaput and done.


Socialism in and of its self is not bad. Just like a flat head V8 is not "bad". If you want power however, there are MUCH better designs. Likewise, if you want liberty there are MUCH better ways than socialism (in any of it's guises).


Obama not a socialist? You have your head in the sand. What do you think wealth re-distribution is? yikes.


This country was founded on the idea of self work for self reward and the liberty so to do and GOD BLESS IT so to be!

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I certainly can understand their concern if they BELIEVE these things however these are not facts as you and they report them to be.


Ok, so I'll tell all three MD's they don't understand the facts and concede to you being right. Not that they haven't already attended several CE Classes on the matter and built their entire lives and practices around their professions or studied up on the upcoming changes. I guess I'm wrong too as working for an insurance company in the medical field where my team of six reps and me interface with Doctors daily, I wouldn't have any insight on the matter either. :rolleyes:


Dude, Congress and the HCC are going to regulate plans and force companies to offer specific types of coverages that they set up that the people will get to "choose" (aka forced to pick from a pre-negotiated and planned group - yeah, that's free choice) their plan. How is that NOT BULLSHIT? So yes, your benefits ARE going to be decided for you. Same with procedures for medical care. As it stands now, Docs have to argue with Insurance Co's daily on getting proceedures approved just to help people. Under Obama's plan your care will be weighted against costs and what's fair for the greater good of all. So in essence, if you're sick, prepare to wait for the cheapest doctor around and if you die, oh well....there's a plan for that too.


On the matters involving the military and defense, I suppose you're right there and others here who actually served and many who are still serving are wrong too. Again, what would they know vs you. :rolleyes:


In terms of Socialism and universal health care, my nearly three years of first hand experience living in Mississauga, ON and working with the Canadians there likely hasn't provided me with any real insight on the subject either. Especially not when compared to your knowledge. :gtfo:


Honestly, I'd love to continue this thread and debate with you, but dude, you're whack. :nono: Doing so is pointless wasting of my time so with that I must bid you farewell.


My parting insight, before you type another word, is that you need to visit some doctors in practice. One in a small private setting, say family medicine and then the other in a larger setting with a specialty like Oncology and have some coffee with them over the subject.


Next move onto spending some quality time with workers in Toronto. Talk with them about a day in the life of a Canadian vs you as a US Citizen.


Lastly, go spend some time at the OSU ROTC center and chat it up with some guys there. I'm sure you'll draw quite a crowed.


After all that if you still don't see the light, then I would suggest you either move to Canada or not vote here in the US ever again.


Thanks for playing. You win.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Post count in the twenties and most if not all in this thread. Im thinking we've found the epic troll.


Or just another 17yr old that has a lot of learning and earning to do.


We have ourselves a classroom scholar with internet search capability. I have yet to see one shred of real world knowledge. He's the exact reason why me nor anyone I've reported to in executive mgt. put much credibility in kids coming out of school with all the degrees in the world but no real world experience. I would much rather higher a guy/gal with a simple BS Degree, several years in the military and a few years humping their way up the food chain.


Here on CR we call this shit Magazine racing. Hey look, my M3 can beat your 5.0l by .2 out on the track. Whahoo! I'm king!!!

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Ok, so I'll tell all three MD's they don't understand the facts and concede to you being right. Not that they haven't already attended several CE Classes on the matter and built their entire lives and practices around their professions or studied up on the upcoming changes. I guess I'm wrong too as working for an insurance company in the medical field where my team of six reps and me interface with Doctors daily, I wouldn't have any insight on the matter either. :rolleyes:


On the matters involving the military and defense, I suppose you're right there and others here who actually served and many who are still serving are wrong too. Again, what would they know vs you. :rolleyes:


In terms of Socialism and universal health care, my nearly three years of first hand experience living in Mississauga, ON and working with the Canadians there likely hasn't provided me with any real insight on the subject either. Especially not when compared to your knowledge. :gtfo:


Honestly, I'd love to continue this thread and debate with you, but dude, you're whack. :nono: Doing so is pointless wasting of my time so with that I must bid you farewell.


My parting insight, before you type another word, is that you need to visit some doctors in practice. One in a small private setting, say family medicine and then the other in a larger setting with a specialty like Oncology and have some coffee with them over the subject.


Next move onto spending some quality time with workers in Toronto. Talk with them about a day in the life of a Canadian vs you as a US Citizen.


Lastly, go spend some time at the OSU ROTC center and chat it up with some guys there. I'm sure you'll draw quite a crowed.


After all that if you still don't see the light, then I would suggest you either move to Canada or not vote here in the US ever again.


Thanks for playing. You win.


Tim, didn't you know that internet reading experiences trump real life experiences? Come on now....read the internet already. :rolleyes:


He is just another person that wants to try and defend everything the left wing gives out for free because "he deserves it." He is in support of all this redistribution because he wants no self accountability and wants things handed to him. He is the definition of today's self-entitled feeling American.


Slowbalt I did some internet searching too. I think this thread I just found can summarize your "character" pretty well.




You truly are a no moral piece of trash. For me to say that means alot, I usually don't get into the keyboard warrior crap.


So, keep on spewing your BS about how you deserve this and that for nothing, keep on trying to find ways to not earn your place in society, keep being the low life you so clearly are. In the mean time the rest of us will be out there trying to better ourselves on our own and in turn, better the country.

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You have zero credibility based on your last line alone. The ONLY reason the US has a lower L/E is because in the US infant mortality is ACTUALLY tracked. It isn't in Japan, Canada or anywhere else in the world. Check it out for yourself. African nations have a lower I/M than the US... really? Uh-huh.



Where you people get your info I have no idea but here are the infant mortality rates by country and why you are saying that African nations are lower than than US is just plain zainy.




In case you needed some further help on HOW life expectancy is calculated, I would refer you here:



Ergo, your argument that a longer L/E is connected to socialized medicine is BLASTED, kaput and done.


No, not really.


Socialism in and of its self is not bad. Just like a flat head V8 is not "bad". If you want power however, there are MUCH better designs. Likewise, if you want liberty there are MUCH better ways than socialism (in any of it's guises).


I would say a combination of both is probably the best design we have come up with. I would like to see a little more Socialism sprinked through our Capitalism, not the removal of Capitalism and replacement of Socialism.



Obama not a socialist? You have your head in the sand. What do you think wealth re-distribution is? yikes.



This country was founded on the idea of self work for self reward and the liberty so to do and GOD BLESS IT so to be!


I agree with this except for the idea of American Exceptialism.



@ Tim


I have provided CITED sources for my views and all you have provided is "real world knowledge" of mis informed people. I am not saying that your family is uneducated or anything like that, I am saying that the boogymen that concern them are largely fictious as has been reported and confirmed. I have been to other countries, quite a few in fact and I have seen how bad it is in other places. I am by no means saying the US sucks, I am saying we can make it better. We were founded on the ideas that the best ideas should be put into practice. Just because we live in the US does not itself make it better or more right than anywhere else. If you are going to argue, please do everyone a favor anfd argue with substance not' "some people say...."

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Tim, didn't you know that internet reading experiences trump real life experiences? Come on now....read the internet already. :rolleyes:


He is just another person that wants to try and defend everything the left wing gives out for free because "he deserves it." He is in support of all this redistribution because he wants no self accountability and wants things handed to him. He is the definition of today's self-entitled feeling American.

I am sorry that you have a problem determining my views about, life, law, and morality from the information I have provided. I have been employed since 14 and I have never had a gap in employment. Everything I own, I have worked to acheive so if you want to attack my character, at least get it right.


Slowbalt I did some internet searching too. I think this thread I just found can summarize your "character" pretty well.




You truly are a no moral piece of trash. For me to say that means alot, I usually don't get into the keyboard warrior crap.


You will find in this conversation much of the same hatred towards me as this room. Upon examination of this thread you will also notice that I was simply posting a way of resolving the issue of the OP while saving them money.



So, keep on spewing your BS about how you deserve this and that for nothing, keep on trying to find ways to not earn your place in society, keep being the low life you so clearly are. In the mean time the rest of us will be out there trying to better ourselves on our own and in turn, better the country.



I have never said that I deserve this and that. I deserve what I earn, just like everyone else. I am by no means hurting for a handout. There are however those that could use the help and sadly they do not have any power (that thjey realize) to champion thier cause.

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I am sorry that you have a problem determining my views about, life, law, and morality from the information I have provided. I have been employed since 14 and I have never had a gap in employment. Everything I own, I have worked to acheive so if you want to attack my character, at least get it right.


Oh, I have no problem determining what you are about. It is quite clear to anyone that can read your posts. Maybe you are not understanding what you are about. Maybe try finding online something that tells you how to figure yourself out. We all know, unless its online, you will not believe it.


You will find in this conversation much of the same hatred towards me as this room. Upon examination of this thread you will also notice that I was simply posting a way of resolving the issue of the OP while saving them money.


VERY MUCH JUSTIFIED HATRED. You were telling him to commit a crime. Something I wish Dover would have banned you over. What you don't understand is what you were telling him to do is stealing from the store. You tried to say that the store would be reimbursed. If for some reason at the store they don't verify the S/N's you can sure bet the manufacturer will and will not reimburse the store. If you think your actions are so justified, call CPD and ask what their take on it is. Since you so clearly can not distinguish right from wrong.


But no, like I said, you feel you are justified in getting back at the man. Once again playing into your feeling of entitlement.


In the end, I believe this is something you probably have do or would do, making you moral-less trash in my, and most peoples, book.


I have never said that I deserve this and that. I deserve what I earn, just like everyone else. I am by no means hurting for a handout. There are however those that could use the help and sadly they do not have any power (that thjey realize) to champion thier cause.


Most of those that are needing help, can get help. There are so many programs out there to help. It is the people taking advantage and abusing the system that are hurting the needy people. Taking more from those that make more to further feed the helping system is not the answer. Obama needs to fix the system without taking more from us. If he could do that, I would have much more respect for him.


Maybe you should start preaching from your soap box about welfare reform?

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I know I know...I'm guilty too. Can we just consider this a political thread and lock it up or delete it and use the space for something better?


The only thing you are guilty of is getting sucked in. He didnt want to use the search button and is now the most ignored/blocked/hated person on CR. Between this and his his posts in the xbox thread I'm going to let him go until there is no one left to respond to.

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@ Tim I have provided CITED sources for my views and all you have provided is "real world knowledge" of mis informed people. I am not saying that your family is uneducated or anything like that, I am saying that the boogymen that concern them are largely fictious as has been reported and confirmed.


You can CITE from the internet and links all day long. They walked me through the 3" thick binders of information provided to them through CE Courses they were required to attend by year end. They are hardly mis informed. Thus why I suggested you step away from your computer and the internet and go visit with some live doctors in their office. I've visited with three already today and am enjoying my lunch before I head off to Riverside Hospital. How many have you met with today? How famliar are you with Electronic Medical Records and the impact of all the changes in health care coming down the pike? I have 15+ years in this business working with Hospitals & Doctors. What's your experience in the real world as it relates to these matters? I work for a large insurance company that owns an EMR Company, laboratories, medical clinics and also has a division that sells medical devices. Sure, what do I know about the impacts of the new health care plan. :rolleyes:


I have been to other countries, quite a few in fact and I have seen how bad it is in other places. I am by no means saying the US sucks, I am saying we can make it better. We were founded on the ideas that the best ideas should be put into practice. Just because we live in the US does not itself make it better or more right than anywhere else. If you are going to argue, please do everyone a favor anfd argue with substance not' "some people say...."


Have you ever lived and worked in a socialist country? Have you experienced their health care system first hand? Have you been to Japan? Have you worked in Taiwan? I have and can provide first hand experiences in all of them. I'm going to Grand Caymen (British Owned) for the 7th time, only on business this time, to meet with a medical practice that I work with on Jan. 4th. Any 'facts' you'd like me to bring back regarding their health care system? Ironically the primary owners both now reside in Wisconsin. I had a blast at the Buckeye/Badgers game with them even though we lost.


Substance, links and quotes from the net will never replace what people in the real world say. I connect live with them every day and put what they experience ahead of what you read and look up. Please stop questioning my credibility in this space. How badly I'd love to school you first hand by putting you in front of my customers is killing me....but I can't. That would be total ownage.

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This isn't Obama but again, people HAVE TRIED attacking us within OUR borders and it wasn't the military that stopped them......../point





Again, since you haven't the slightest idea of the reality or spectrum of things, we, being the US Military (Means me not you scum bag), have kept the flood of fresh Muslims from coming to the States. You wonder why that is? We are currently occupying 2 Muslim countries, and have their undivided attention. Back in 06', my platoon caught 6 Sudanese insurgents. Given the opportunity, I bet all 6 of them would have no problem in killing you and your family in a second. With the United States in the Middle East, we provide them a hard target, and they've shown their willingness to die. Trust me, they bleed and drop like anyone else with a sucking chest wound. :lol:

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Here's a little something to prove the Military is more than actively involved in Homeland Security.


PS- These ain't no amateurs on those birds BTW.


Post 9/11 Posse Comitatus has had a few restrictions lifted from it. The green eyed men with black rifles can strike when ordered by the Commander in Chief. ;)

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My cousin jim bob has been abducted by aliens, and he told me they are capitalists so it must be true. I would ask that people stop attacking me ( you don't know me) and attack my arguments which are still undisputed. I find it strange I would need to explain this but I will try:

Some people that live in the real world own computers. Some of these people talk back and forth on what we like to call the internet. When people talk and debate and decide on a topic, this information is readily availabe to others to be discussed and checked. When information goes through these checks and passes it is generally thought of as being fact. I have cited this information. What has anyone else cited? Rhetoric.

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My cousin jim bob has been abducted by aliens, and he told me they are capitalists so it must be true. I would ask that people stop attacking me ( you don't know me) and attack my arguments which are still undisputed. I find it strange I would need to explain this but I will try:

Some people that live in the real world own computers. Some of these people talk back and forth on what we like to call the internet. When people talk and debate and decide on a topic, this information is readily availabe to others to be discussed and checked. When information goes through these checks and passes it is generally thought of as being fact. I have cited this information. What has anyone else cited? Rhetoric.


Same story, different words. "It's on the internets!!!!11!! It must be true!!111!!"



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My cousin jim bob has been abducted by aliens, and he told me they are capitalists so it must be true. I would ask that people stop attacking me ( you don't know me) and attack my arguments which are still undisputed. I find it strange I would need to explain this but I will try:

Some people that live in the real world own computers. Some of these people talk back and forth on what we like to call the internet. When people talk and debate and decide on a topic, this information is readily availabe to others to be discussed and checked. When information goes through these checks and passes it is generally thought of as being fact. I have cited this information. What has anyone else cited? Rhetoric.


Right there

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Welcome to CR.




So true, haha. I guess I am just thankful the the majority of the educated world still have value in debate. Here on Conservative Racing it's my way or the butt of my rifle regardless of anything and everything in the known universe.

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