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Question on HD title


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Who here has an HD? I'm lookiing at one on WV and the model on the title shows HD RS

WTF, I've never heard of an RS, they usually start with an f then some other letters

Its a nighttrain, so I'd appreciate it if someone could look at their title can clear this this up



Edited by Mace
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Let's see if I can translate...


Who here has an Hard Drive? I'm looking at one on West Virginia and the model on the title shows High Definition Rally Sport

What The Fuchsia, I've never heard of an Rally Sport, they usually start with an "F" then some other letters

Its a night train, so I'd appreciate it if someone could look at their title can clear this this up



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Thank you for the help

I spoke to HD and they said the title should contain the model (f....)

The problem with the vin is it could be a harley frame and motor but the "rs" is what bothers me.

The HD guy said he'd stay away from it

Maybe Justin could chime in



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