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Anyone know about the fafsa?


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So I think I can go to school for free? Here is whats going on:


I was a love child, so my mom cheated on her husband when I was born so her now ex husbands name is listed as the father on my birth certificate. But for the better part of my life he has raised me and I had his last name. Now my name has been changed to my biological fathers last name and its different. Since he is listed as the father on my birth certificate and is a disabled veteran and makes 0 money each year, can I use him on my fafsa since he is listed as the "father" on my birth certificate?

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if your full time you should be able to get a combo of grants and loans to pay for it. you'll have to pay the loans back eventually of course.... wherever you go should have a financial aid department they should be more than happy to help you out.


Thank you, I'm trying to avoid loans at all cost. I hate the idea of graduating with 20k in loans.

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Thank you, I'm trying to avoid loans at all cost. I hate the idea of graduating with 20k in loans.



dude im not even half done and im at 20k lol.


As someone else mentioned, see your financial advisor about it. Although their answer might be slightly biased against your intentions here, but its worth a shot.


Props to you if you can pull it off and skate through college without a nickel of debt. My parents dont pay a cent of my tuition, but i keep a positive outlook in the grand picture of things. Ill be making more at the age of 25 than my parents have in their entire life. (because they didnt go to college)

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God damn' date=' where did she go and for how long? I have roughly 20k also and thought it was a pretty big chunk. Luckily I've got enough saved up to pay half off when they start, but still.[/quote']


vet school

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Best bet is to get a job with tuition reimbursement. You'll make money and most of your courses will be paid for (as long as your major isnt interpretive dance or something).


I have an excellent resume, with IT certifications, operations manager experience, and so on but its hard to get a job like that without a degree. For example my friend graduated from miami with a bachelors in business management and Chase hired her to do Virtual desktop implementation and she doesn't know barely anything about that sort of stuff. I could do that shit with my eyes closed. But they hired her because of her degree.

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I'm 22 and I claim myself. No one else claims me. Took care of that with the IRS last year.


It doesnt matter who claims you. It matters that you are not 25. Everyone under age 25 must have their parents information and signature. If he is your "parent" you are all set.

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1. Fill out FAFSA

2. They tell you how much you are eligible for (i.e., loans, grants, etc...)

3. Go to school

4. Join NG with the SLRP option

5. ????

6. Profit


$20k would have been nice to finish with. I'll probably end up at $35k plus my wife's $20k

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