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Epic posts

V8 Beast

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Post past epicness. I'll start...


I've pooped in the shower before, on accident. It's a funny story.. I had just woken up, got in the shower, and sharted. I looked on the ground and saw a few little diarreah turds so I let the water hit my shoulder, aiming the water streaming down my arm running off my fingers at them to help break them free off the tub floor. Success, I merged them all into the middle drainward-bound stream and off they went like little mudboats. I bent over and spread my cheeks, letting the water hit my back and stream through my buttcrack to clean shop.


I obviously don't learn much from my mistakes because I tried farting again.. while bent over. An anal explosion of half digested sam adams and chipotle spattered all over the wall, faucet, and girlfriend's loofa. I probably should have told her, but I thought it would be funnier if I didn't. It was.

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Pilgrims killed Native Americans


Really pretty much everything you and Brian say. If it means I'm homoish so be it!


No I even said to her I'm waiting for the catch, and asked if she had herpes or something.


She said no and I didn't have red bumps on my tongue this morning so yeah. Guess there's no catch and I'm just.. good? That would be a first.

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The above youtube link in the post doesn't work. But the one below does. Enjoy!




You posted a link here, to your previously posted link to a YouTube video that somebody else created. That is not epic.

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Search for "Douche Canoe" turned up 2 pages worth of threads.... Why does that not surprise me.





You are annoying as hell and we cant seem to get rid of you...


With that being said I have officially changed your username to Herpes.


Oh the good ol days of the kitchen,


I just laughed so loud! That douche canoe video was epicly epic!

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