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Blizzard of '08 pics


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found these on my hard drive this morning. pretty cool to look back on. enjoy. mt first car btw (red neon)







15" ruler and a bicycle lol


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  Jones said:
Blizzard in Columbus, ----> Average day up north.


QFT. During the last storm we got a little over a foot in my area and was absolutely amazed they closed school two days in a row. I complain about the snow, but living in a lake effect snow area makes for some awesome winter driving.


Also, it's really nice living in an area where people actually know how to DRIVE in the snow. Columbus drivers are better at keeping it above the speed limit in the summer, but I feel like I'm at Cedar Point riding the damn bumper cars once snow hits down there.

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  Nitrousbird said:
We haven't had a blizzard here since the 70's.


I remember driving back from Florida in that shit...took a couple extra hours with the shitty roads, but I've driven in worse.


If you are 31, you were not even born yet, so march 08 was a blizzard to you. I can still remember tunneling out of my grandparents house in Bowling Green Ohio the next day and the National Guard visiting. I was young but I remember it, it was very cool to me. That was the worst winter storm to ever hit Ohio, so comparing that to a Blizzard is kinda silly. The 20+ inches we had in March was significant, my STi got around but it shut OSU/CSCC down, and the government buildings, and that is pretty hard to do.

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  Nitrousbird said:
We haven't had a blizzard here since the 70's....


So very true. As a number of people have posted, it's all relative--a couple of hours of freezing rain shuts down Atlanta for two days, whereas two feet of snow in Syracuse doesn't close the schools.


If you live long enough and/or travel wide enough, you'll get to experience some wonderful weather and prolly also end up with some great stories of weather you didn't think you'd survive. I'm jaded enough that it's funny to me to hear our local media (and a few CR members) squawking like Henny Penny everytime there's a long range forecast suggesting a winter storm.


I'm hoping you guys who plow snow and fling salt for an income get the weather you need. And if the snow comes, I hope that people who believe that their AWD cars and SUV's can defy the laws of physics will show some restraint so they aren't hurting innocent people and contributing to the high cost of insurance.


Re-post, for your viewing pleasure, of a century storm that some members here remember: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77147

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actually, the blizzard of 2008 was officially a blizzard. blizzard warnings were issued for the entire southwestern and central part of the state. blizzards are universal. an ohio blizzard is the same as a new york blizzard.



just sayin.

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  SpaceGhost said:
If you are 31, you were not even born yet, so march 08 was a blizzard to you.

No, I just simply have never lived through a blizzard. By that logic, anyone who has lived in Florida their whole life and sees 2" of snow, that must be a blizzard since it is the most snow they have ever seen.


I've heard my family talk about the Blizzard of '78 - that was no joke. People weren't off playing in their 4x4's during that storm, yet I was driving a FWD Economy car on the freeway in '08. Huge difference.

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  Nitrousbird said:
We haven't had a blizzard here since the 70's.


I remember driving back from Florida in that shit...took a couple extra hours with the shitty roads, but I've driven in worse.



really you mean the Blizzard of 78 which I vagley remember and going by your age you weren't even born yet? Do tell us what it was like from inside your mother womb.

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  Nitrousbird said:
No, I just simply have never lived through a blizzard. By that logic, anyone who has lived in Florida their whole life and sees 2" of snow, that must be a blizzard since it is the most snow they have ever seen.


I've heard my family talk about the Blizzard of '78 - that was no joke. People weren't off playing in their 4x4's during that storm, yet I was driving a FWD Economy car on the freeway in '08. Huge difference.


Again Jan 25-26 '78 was the worst storm on record in Ohio. Blizzard does not mean worst storm on record. I look at it as the difference between a thunderstorm and a severe thunderstorm. I consider a blizzard a very low pressure system that drops significant snow.

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^ blizzard conditions are classified as winds 25+ and visibility below a quarter of a mile for a period of at least 3 hours. doesnt take much to make a blizzard really. hell, iowa was issued blizzard warnings with only 4 inches of snow. its the blowing part that makes it a blizzard.


comparing travel during the '78 and '08 blizzards is retarded. thats like comparing email systems during those years. the area where my parents lived and still currently live has grown so much since 78. everything was still rural.

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  SpaceGhost said:
Again Jan 25-26 '78 was the worst storm on record in Ohio. Blizzard does not mean worst storm on record. I look at it as the difference between a thunderstorm and a severe thunderstorm. I consider a blizzard a very low pressure system that drops significant snow.


I remember the days well. My sister and I had a blast with school being canceled and all. I grew up just off Lake Erie in the snow belt too :cool:


We don't really get shit here any more. During the 08 blast, I drove from Madison WI through Chicago all the way home. Didn't hit any snow until we entered Ohio and crossed I70/I75. Then it was slow going. Litterally saw dozens of drivers wipe out. Surreal really. My boss and I were in a 4wd Chevy Trailblazer we rented in Chi-Town. I owned one of the originals and felt 110% confident in that thing. Made it just fine.

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