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Casper u took my fun!!!


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haha do u look at the tags in every thread?? i only placed it in a few of them????

Yeah I do check the tags in most threads. It's fun to see whats been written.

You had it in at least 20 different threads.

I see Ben has deleted all of them though..



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27 threads.... 27... that's not just a few.

haha blakes and over acheiver///

its not my fault... im just a guy with a mustache... i read the news.. thats what i do..:dunno:

haha i was acutally laughing out loud there. hamilton was like what so damn funny haha

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I enjoyed the tags, and was somewhat guilty of abuse, but I thought that was the point? having fun, not taking ourselves too seriously? I read them in every thread I read and cracked up most of the time.

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I enjoyed the tags, and was somewhat guilty of abuse, but I thought that was the point? having fun, not taking ourselves too seriously? I read them in every thread I read and cracked up most of the time.

:plus1: I use to laugh my ass off just when I was making some. I love entertaining myself with my own humor. :lol:

I'm guilty of making A LOT of them too.

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